How to use "sounded" in a sentence


The music sounded like a plane that was taking off! But the students loved it.

I love it." But his voice sounded strange..

"Are you?" Gran sounded surprised

"Pod Life is the future, Sala." Niki sounded very confident

it was you in there, wasn't it? Your voice sounded a bit different, but apart from that..."

"You don't plan to sign up?" The way Leti said it, it sounded like an accusation.

"So, you were right." Wena sounded disappointed, and Sala risked a quick look at her

"Wow, Sala, I don't know where to start!" He sounded happy and enthusiastic

"I know." Cham sounded surprised.

Her." Cham's voice suddenly sounded urgent

"You will?" Cham sounded pleased

The hall seemed very big, and my footsteps sounded very loud on the stone floor.

The drum sounded

You won't do that," Elliot said, wishing that he felt as confident as he sounded

Always sounded like the worst sort of bunkum to me."

A particularly fierce blast of wind drove snow into the windscreen with such force that, to Kurt Hensen, it sounded like shotgun pellets.

I will not allow it." It sounded as though the lady wanted to tell Mrs Protheroe something, and he didn't want her to