How to use "stream" in a sentence


No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

Finding the stream, she bent forward and began to till her bucket

She began watching an ultranet story-stream

Just a story-stream

She'd been about to do some studying, but watching a love story-stream was a much better idea

With the story-stream still playing, her eyes slowly began to shut.

But this long stream of words wouldn't stop flowing

The path ran down into a little valley, by the side of a stream.

There was no sound except for the noise of a little stream and the quiet rain on the leaves

After the relative quiet of Christmas week, an uninterrupted stream of guests was pouring through the front doors

He thought of her slightly crooked smile, her eyes as quick and deep and cool and blue as a pure mountain stream

The main road was a boiling stream of people, a river of human beings rushing to the north

In another moment they were caught and swept forwards with the stream of vehicles

But as soon as they were in the stream of vehicles, there was little they could do