How to use "strike" in a sentence


She slept badly in a chair until 3.30, when she heard the clock strike, and was awake until nearly five o'clock

It's not that you strike me as a dangerous person or anything

He was briefly immobilized, dazed by his own ability to strike so fast and so violently

I also feel he's going to help us get into the place, and I don't see any reason why I should strike out on that one."

"Doesn't that strike you as coincidental?"

I heard a church strike midnight, and then I saw Maybury Hill, with its tree-tops and roofs black and sharp against the red sky.

They could move quickly and strike with such power that even the biggest guns could not stand against them

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins