How to use "strong" in a sentence


I feel strong enough to survive the fear of death, but not my body's need for water

All I can do is stay strong for another night and hope for rescue.

Be strong, Aron

Farragut, the captain of the ship, was a strong and brave man

At that moment, I felt a strong hand knock the telescope away from my eye.

The Nautilus was too strong for it, but it was a very frightening creature!

He wasn't very tall, but he was very strong

None of them won because I was too strong, but plenty of people wanted to try their luck.

I watched you grow up big and strong and good

'You are a big, strong man, aren't you?' he said

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

But he knew about the strong anti-semitic feelings in the area.

The strong heat from the fire had melted part of a kettle

He was in his late forties, of medium height, broad-shouldered and strong

'It takes more than a small town prison to hold a man as strong as that,' they all agreed.

He was a strong supporter of the Catholic church and the aristocracy, and he took away the freedoms that Napoleon had given the ordinary citizens

There was a tall, grey-haired man whom nobody knew, but whose strong, brave face had impressed everybody

Enjolras and the few surviving rebels fought bravely, but the soldiers were too strong

The opening was closed with a strong iron gate, held firm by a huge, rusty lock

Yes, I know her! And the thought is so strong that I smile despite the pain in the back of my head.

Sure enough, the dolphins set off, their smooth, strong bodies sliding through the ocean

It wasn't really fair to give you such a tough decision to make, but I knew you'd be strong enough."

During the Oil Wars, they had to train us how to keep our minds strong, in case we were caught by people who wanted to change the way we thought."

We were given exercises to practice, so that if we were caught, we could stay strong." She looked at Sala's face.

Your heart isn't strong

But the wind was too strong - it blew the paper away

The name Rebecca stood out black and strong

As I rubbed it between my hands, the scent was sweet and strong.

She was too strong for me.

The sea was too strong for her in the end.'

I wanted to take the boat a good way out, but the wind was too strong for me.

'It was a strong little boat

And then I heard Maxim's voice, clear and strong.

If audience reaction was as strong and as positive as Tina hoped, her financial future was assured, for her contract gave her two and one-half percent of the gross receipts, minus liquor sales, after the first five million

The choreography was complex, and the two lead singers had strong, clear voices.

A loose windowpane in the living room rattled slightly whenever a strong gust of wind struck it

Her original intention had been to accuse him of ripping apart Danny's room; she had been prepared to come on strong, so that even if he didn't want her to know he'd done it, he might be rattled enough to reveal his guilt

She said, "I didn't make up that story about someone breaking into the house just so you could play the strong, reliable man to my weak, frightened female

No one in his right mind would take boys as young as twelve into the deepest parts of the Sierras, no matter how well prepared, supplied, and trained they were, no matter how strong, no matter how many big brothers were there to look out for them."

"It's such a strong feeling," she said

And I have a strong feeling we'll find it in Reno."

Eventually Harry realized that the extreme left and the extreme right shared the same two basic goals: They wanted to make society more orderly than it naturally was, and they wanted to centralize control of the population in a strong government

We don't have any choice but to maintain a strong defense

At four-thirty, they obtained a strong, positive identification from a maid at Harrah's.

I need you fresh and strong tomorrow, my poor love.

'Nonsense! What we need is strong Christianity

Miss Marple is as strong as any Chief Constable

'Ah! But you're strong,' said Griselda.

But murder! For murder - one would need a very strong reason.'

Inspector Slack's orders, when I spoke to him on the telephone, were short and strong

They were described as, 'great machines like spiders, nearly thirty metres high, as fast as an express train, and able to shoot out a beam of strong heat.'

At that time there was a strong feeling on the streets that the government should be blamed because they had not destroyed the Martians already.

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

And if I'm not mistaken, you'll show how strong you are too

You begin to see? And we'll get some people together - strong, clean-minded men

We want strong, good women too - mothers and teachers

It is our home and would be ours even if the Martians were ten times as strong as they are.

The smell of cheese is too strong

It was evening and a strong wind started blowing

First I noticed that she was dark, then that she was young, and finally (to my great surprise) that she was rather ugly! She had a large, strong masculine jaw

It was about how strong the suffragettes were.

Nancy was very strong, and she always said what she thought

He is a big, strong man.

"What! You want to marry me and you don't want to visit me! Is this your idea of love? I want to marry a strong, romantic man

You are young and rich, but you are not strong or romantic! Do you have a heart?" says Lolita

"Don Diego has books about love, passion, adventure, horses and heroes! But he isn't strong and is so lifeless !"