How to use "structure" in a sentence


The bone structure of that face was delicate, clearly defined, quintessentially feminine

An eighteen-piece orchestra performed at the rear of the gaily-striped canvas structure

But even as Tina looked from Elliot to the fire, before all of the shingles had fallen back to earth, a second explosion slammed through the house, and a billowing cloud of flame roared from one end of the structure to the other, bursting those few windows that had miraculously survived the first blast.

But wherever there's a great deal of personal freedom, there's also an element that takes more than fair advantage of the liberal legal structure

They hadn't seen a house or other structure for two miles

"I expected an enormous structure, a gigantic complex."

The first floor was at the bottom of the structure, the deepest underground.

"The current analysis says the new growth is consistent with the structure of normal brain tissue