How to use "suffering" in a sentence


You have been the veterans of creative suffering

Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive

After all her pain and suffering she had, for the first time in her life, found kindness in another human being

'If they had had another neighbour,' he thought, 'one who had noticed their suffering, perhaps they could have been rescued by now.'

Or she would suddenly tell them all one of her memories: of growing up with Eston or their suffering during the Oil Wars.

She had good reason to be suffering from anxiety attacks

Your father is only suffering an identity crisis

Later, after Danny was dead, she'd repressed her feelings because she'd known that Michael had been truly suffering from the loss of his child, and she hadn't wanted to add to his misery

I'll play up the mother-suffering-distress angle, and the court ought to be sympathetic."

An expression of pain settled over Billy's face, as if he were suffering genuine physical discomfort because of Elliot's belief in ghosts

'Anne Catherick spoke to me of an aristocrat from Hampshire who'd caused her suffering

It was Miss Halcombe, her face sadly changed by suffering and sadness

Her face was pale and thin, and her long suffering in the asylum had affected her mind, so that her expression was vague and her memory confused

I thought of those famous words from the Bible: 'The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children.' The fatal similarity between two daughters of one father had caused all this suffering.