How to use "surprised" in a sentence


The doctor looks surprised

He surprised all of us, and we didn't say a word.

Captain Nemo surprised me

The Captain was safe and I was so surprised that I couldn't move.

I was surprised he spoke English

Everybody was surprised to see that I could catch the ball

He looked surprised

Then he said to me, 'You are surprised that Mr Meltham's story affects me so strongly

He was surprised that his niece had gone

He was very surprised to see me.

That's why you also gave me small amounts of poison.' Mr Slinkton was surprised by Beckwith's behaviour

'So this man isn't a thief? 'The sergeant looked as surprised as Valjean.

Most people pretended not to be surprised

Again, most people pretended not to be surprised

I'm surprised you didn't.'

Marius turned and was surprised to see her smiling.

He was even more surprised when, instead of chasing him out of the room, Marius ran towards him and pressed several thousand-franc notes into his hand.

And I remember that after I eat, I wait for her in the car park until she finishes work, and she is surprised to see me there

"You can't be serious? A bank robbery?" And for a moment he looks surprised, but then he laughs

"I was just surprised."

Sala had been so surprised she'd almost screamed

"Are you?" Gran sounded surprised

"Who from?" Sala was surprised.

well, she surprised me

"I know." Cham sounded surprised.

Gran looked very surprised

How is everything? Your mom and gran? Is Apat behaving himself?" Sala was surprised

She was too surprised

Beatrice looked at my surprised face and laughed.

I told her about Mrs Van Hopper and how surprised she had been.

I was surprised by Beatrice's question.

She did not seem surprised

I have never seen anyone more surprised.

I was surprised to see that the room was completely furnished

For a moment, the Coroner was too surprised to speak

I was very surprised.

Dr Baker looked surprised

He had seen Tina's work in some lounges around town, and he had surprised her when he'd offered her the chance to co-produce Magyck! At first, she hadn't been sure if she should take the job

And when all of a sudden someone does hit it big, especially on a slot machine where it can happen in a flash, they're so surprised they pass out

"Sure." He mistook her astonishment for surprised delight

He would turn toward her, surprised, and she would finally know who he was.

Elliot Stryker halted on the threshold, surprised by her scream, and for an instant, she was relieved to see him.

They appeared to be genuinely surprised by this news, and Elliot was pretty sure they weren't the people who had been trying to scare Tina

Her fury surprised and pleased Elliot

After a second of surprised relief, everyone in the diner applauded the old fellow.

Willis Bruckster was so sure he appeared dull and ordinary that he wouldn't have been surprised if a guard had looked at him and yawned.

Evans's surprised expression turned to shock

Harry had been surprised to discover that not all of the people in the espionage business shared his ultraconservative political views

But he hugged her very hard, and again she was surprised by how much strength he could still summon from his devastated body

I would not be surprised to learn that one of the network-approved writers is in prison for crimes of a particularly perverse nature committed against small woodland animals - and I know that at least a couple of them are no longer in the business

'Well, I'm not surprised my mother left him

However, I was not surprised when after dinner he suggested we went to my study.

I'm surprised the first Mrs Protheroe didn't kill him

Lawrence seemed surprised

'This afternoon I was asked to go to a dying man, but when I got there everyone was very surprised

We thought that Inspector Slack would come and ask me what it was I had wanted to tell him, so we were surprised when Mary told us that he had gone

'Sorry?' Miss Marple looked surprised

And I was surprised when I heard he had confessed.'

We were very surprised by this

I was surprised

I was very surprised

I looked at him, surprised.

I looked up, surprised.

He approached it, surprised at the size and even more surprised at the shape, since most meteorites are fairly round

It seemed to him that they were surprised by this new enemy

This greatly surprised me

I stared, surprised and greatly affected by the man's courage.

'"What for?" I asked, very surprised by the large amount.

George was surprised that we both liked his idea

The young man was surprised and angry

I'm surprised that we are still alive to tell the story.

The laundry woman was very surprised to see such dirty clothes

'But they won't be too surprised.'

'I am not surprised she hasn't

I was surprised to see you - the road was empty just a moment ago.'

'Some,' I replied, surprised by her strange question

She listened with interest and looked surprised when I told her the part about Mrs Fairlie.

Miss Halcombe looked surprised

I'm not surprised that it made you worry, but I can explain everything.'

In Britain, politicians, the newspapers and the people were very surprised by what the suffragettes did

The men in the tavern are very surprised and scared.

"You want to marry me!" She is surprised and her face is red.

Everyone is very surprised.