How to use "sweat" in a sentence


It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged

A leather cap half-hid his face, which was sunburnt and shining with sweat

Valjean's heart almost stopped beating and he began to sweat.

I feel sweat running down my neck.

I can see sweat on Hastings' face now, but it is on mine too

Beethoven fills the silence again, and I look at Robin and see that there is sweat on his face too, but Hastings does not move.

Gerry feels sweat run down his back

And all of this mixes with the sweat of the thousands of people in one place.

Then the earth starts closing in around him, and I wake up screaming, soaked with sweat

Fine beads of sweat had popped out along his hairline.