How to use "talked" in a sentence


It was asleep, so they talked over its head.

Two days later, I went back to the fish market and talked to a man who was selling shrimps.

The President was a great big old man who talked like somebody from Texas, and there were a lot of people standing round him in the flower garden.

We talked together until it was time for her to sing again.

'I wore flowers in my hair, and talked about love

Jenny was in the back of the car now, so I went over and talked to her through the window

She listened quietly, then opened the car door for me to get in, and we sat and talked.

She came across to the bar after work, and we had a drink and talked.

Well, we talked about Mom and the shrimp business and everything

He talked politely to everybody and everybody seemed to like him

We talked for a few minutes

The women talked for a few minutes

Hutchinson followed the couple into Dorset Street, where they stood and talked at the entrance to Miller's Court

During dinner, Mile Baptistine looked at Valjean kindly while the bishop talked about the local cheese-making industry

While she talked excitedly, she took out one of the letters

They talked all evening about their dreams, their mistakes, their moments of happiness, their moments of despair

I wanted to win, I wanted the respect you talked about

The three of them laughed and talked as they waited for the doors to open

"You've read the messages, you've thought about it, you've even talked to your mom -"

Up on the roof, they talked about all the things that didn't really matter: what they'd eaten for dinner, the weather, Apat on the jumping machine..

Many of the other students still talked about nothing but Pod Life, but she didn't care.

All the things that Gran had talked about

This world, the city with its wrist chips and simulators, was the only one they knew, but Gran often talked about life before the Oil Wars - how they used to walk freely in the forests, grow flowers and fruit, sing songs around fires on the beach, and travel to wonderful places

Cham and the other three talked excitedly about Pod Life, but Sala felt strange.

When they had talked about it before, she had felt left out; not jealous, exactly, because she was sure that she didn't want to join them

"We've talked enough

Cham had a new virtual hobby now - riding - and he talked happily about going out on horses and competing in races with Ding and Palo

But after the conversation where he'd talked about reporting things, Sala felt unsure of him, all the same.

Once Apat was in bed, Gran, Mom, and Sala talked long into the night, discussing Cham's threat.

She thought of everything that she, Mom, and Gran had talked about over and over

I talked about my mother and her great love for my father

Beatrice talked to Maxim all through lunch

For the rest of the time we talked about other things.

We talked about the weather and Colonel Julyan asked me about my life in France

He shifted from foot to foot as he talked about Magyck! Turned this way and that, gestured expansively with his quick, gem-speckled hands, virtually doing a jig.

Tina felt as if they had talked without pause all evening, speaking with quiet urgency, as if each had a vast quantity of earthshakingly important information that he must pass on to the other before they parted

The more they talked, the more they found in common

He greeted Elliot warmly, and they talked about their mutual interests: cooking, flying, and river rafting.

As they approached the house, they talked about the delights of pasta served with a thin, light sauce of olive oil, garlic, and sweet basil.

I think it would be wise for us to stay up there for a couple of days, even after we've talked to Bellicosti, until we can figure a way out of this mess

I never talked against Michael

You couldn't have known what would happen after I talked to Kennebeck."

Dombey began to pace as he talked

'Well,' I've talked to the police,' said Openshaw unhappily

'He rarely talked about it

I was also afraid that he would look for and find the fly Henri had talked of

I talked to him for hours about me, about our boy, about his family, but he did not reply.

During our dinner, we talked about politics, books, films, and the local football club

While we talked about pictures, books and old churches, I felt that Mrs Lestrange really wanted to talk to me about something else

'Can you tell me what you talked about?'

He had, following Miss Marple's advice, gone up to Old Hall and talked to the servant, Rose.

He turned immediately to Griselda and as they talked, I heard her say, 'Do you have any ideas about the murder, Mr West?'

He talked about it a lot

Many people had heard of the cylinder, of course, and talked about it, but it did not have as much effect as a political event.

I talked with them for a time and told them of my sight of the Martians on the previous evening

As we talked, the sky gradually became lighter

While the curate had sat and talked so wildly to me in the flat fields near Walton, and while my brother was watching the refugees pour across Westminster Bridge, the Martians had started to attack again

The curate talked endlessly, and this prevented me from forming a plan of action.

The rest of the time he just talked to himself, and I began to realize that he had gone completely mad.

We talked like this through the early morning, and later came out of the bushes

'Has she ever talked about visiting America again?'

We talked about food next

Harris talked about fish cooked in a special sauce.

We talked about our evening

She explained Mr Hartright's concern that Sir Percival Glyde might be the aristocrat the woman in white had talked about

On my last day at Limmeridge House, I talked to Miss Fairlie, explaining the details of her father's will

Eleanor Fairlie was an irritating woman who talked too much and wore expensive clothes

'I just met Anne Catherick by the lake! She looked ill and talked to me strangely

How I hated him! He forced me to stay here in this village, where they all talked about me but no one spoke to me! Finally, now, after all these years, I have earned their respect

Everywhere she went, she talked about girls' education and equality.

Emmeline talked about "we women of England".

Second-wave feminism also talked about sexual assault against women

People really liked the book, and Betty talked about it all over the world

In Parliament, she talked about women's rights

Her father talked about tennis.