How to use "telephone" in a sentence


'Do you have a telephone number, or anything?' I asked.

She walked over to the telephone

The house telephone is there too, if you want to talk to Mrs Danvers.'

Suddenly the telephone on the desk began to ring

'I'm speaking to you on the house telephone.'

I did not expect the telephone to ring.'

You know my telephone number.'

About ten o'clock, the telephone rang again

I went into the small room behind the library and picked up the telephone

I put down the telephone stood up

At that moment, the telephone in the next room began to ring.

The telephone began to ring again

Maxim walked slowly towards the telephone in the next room.

'There's a telephone number here at the back,' she said

'You will telephone, won't you?' Frank said as he stood on the steps.

'But we found your old telephone number in Mrs de Winter's diary.' Dr Baker looked at the page from the diary that Colonel Julyan was holding out to him.

Furious, she went into the kitchen, picked up the telephone, and dialed Michael's number

She pulled the telephone directory from a drawer and leafed through the Yellow Pages until she found the advertisements for locksmiths

He quickly leafed through the telephone directory

George Alexander hung up the telephone

Fifteen minutes later Alexander put down the telephone

He snatched up the telephone and dialed the Network office in Reno.

In an airport-terminal telephone directory, Tina had found the address of the Luciano Bellicosti Funeral Home

At ten o'clock, he was awakened by the telephone

She hurried to the telephone.

You're just the method of transmission - like a telephone."

Inside the hut, the guard plucked a telephone handset from the wall.

The sound of a telephone ringing has always made me uneasy

The worst thing is when the telephone rings in the dead of night

'But Francois...! I can't explain all that over the telephone

I then disconnected the telephone - I always did this now at night - and turned out all the lights except the lamp on my desk.

He then opened the door of a telephone booth he had bought, and which he had made into his transmitter

There was a second telephone booth in the corner

That night, as I began to take Andre's dinner down to him, I stopped by the telephone

When he had gone, I tried to write my sermon, but at half past five, the telephone rang

And where's the weapon? I'd better call the police.' He picked up the telephone and gave the facts as simply as possible.

'The lady was called on the telephone,' he said

And the person laughed! Then they put down the telephone

But first I'm going to investigate that telephone call.'

Well, the telephone call was at about half-past five.'

'I've found out about that telephone call that you received.'

There were no fingerprints on the telephone because it had been cleaned

So, someone walked into the empty cottage and used the telephone

That's two strange telephone calls in one day, and I bet they were made by the same person.'

Then his telephone

Then suddenly he shouted, 'Got it! That telephone call was an alibi

Inspector Slack's orders, when I spoke to him on the telephone, were short and strong

'You don't think it would be better to telephone?'

Of course, it would be better to telephone

And I think we ought to find out for certain.' I went once more to the telephone and called Old Hall

Then the telephone rang

Melchett rushed to the telephone

I read it all, then picked up the telephone and asked the operator for the vicarage

I was beginning to read it a third time when the telephone rang

He picked up the telephone and asked for Dr Haydock's number.

'The telephone

I explained about the telephone call and how I had thought I recognized Hawes' voice

'But the telephone call,' I said

'But what about the other telephone call?' Colonel Melchett asked