How to use "terribly" in a sentence


He had suffered terribly over the years and, until now, he had survived every disaster

We'd miss you terribly, and I think you'd miss us." Mom smiled

"I miss him terribly, Gran."

I felt terribly sick.

At first, it had seemed terribly wrong that such a wonderful opportunity should come her way before she'd even had time to mourn her boy, as if the Fates were so shallow and insensitive as to think that they could balance the scales and offset Danny's death merely by presenting her with a chance at her dream job

But even so, this shouldn't be terribly difficult

After three years the President had declared himself delighted with the accomplishments in South America, and he had asked George to take charge of one of the Network's domestic bureaus - Nevada - which had been terribly mismanaged

My hand shook as I picked it up because I knew by then that something must be terribly wrong