How to use "their" in a sentence


The girls left their bikes at the end of it

She wrote their email addresses on a piece of paper and left it on the truck window.

Because of their kindness, I am not afraid

Half an hour later, they were on their way

Then, as the others made their way back to their vehicles, I stayed behind for a few minutes

Captain Nemo spoke to the short man in their strange language, then the short man left us

The Captain showed Ned and Conseil to their rooms, but he stopped me for a moment.

Some of them came in their own boats

Outside, six or seven small squid moved along the top of the Nautilus, throwing all their tentacles at the ship and its men

Ned and Conseil stayed in their rooms

Suddenly, I thought I understood what the men below said in their strange language

The animals and birds ate their chocolates noisily

When they finished their chocolates, they sat and looked at Alice.

The three gardeners fell to the ground, with their faces down

First, ten men with clubs in their hands came into the garden

There were ten of them, and they had red diamonds on their clothes

They were on the ground and she couldn't see their faces

'Cut off their heads!'

'Are their heads off?' shouted the Queen.

Suddenly, the Queen shouted very loudly, 'Cut off their heads!'

'Who's going to lose their head now?' Alice wondered

Alice put them all back in their places

It was good news: if I played in their football team, there was a place for me in school there.

Well, after that, Jenny asked me to play with their group every Friday, and paid me $25 every time!

Then the men came back and everybody was waiting for their dinner.

Some American soldiers planned to take off their Vietnam medals and throw them away in front of the crowds of people.

I was sleeping on the floor of their house

People were watching us with strange looks on their faces, but it didn't matter

None of them won because I was too strong, but plenty of people wanted to try their luck.

It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny

And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.

We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by a sign stating: "For Whites Only." We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican administration, their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered

Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection

All members of Congress swear their support to the whole Constitution - to this provision as much as to any other

To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up", their oaths are unanimous

If a minority in such case will secede rather than acquiesce, they make a precedent which in turn will divide and ruin them; for a minority of their own will secede from them whenever a majority refuses to be controlled by such minority

At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made, in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal

It is a duty from which they may not shrink to decide cases properly brought before them, and it is no fault of theirs if others seek to turn their decisions to political purposes.

Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their CONSTITUTIONAL right of amending it, or their REVOLUTIONARY right to dismember or overthrow it.

By the frame of the government under which we live, this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief; and have, with equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals

While the people retain their virtue and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can very seriously injure the government in the short space of four years.

It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged

But I do venture to suggest that it will be highly unconstitutional in the midst of this unconstitutional Government, - in the midst of a nation which has built up its magnificent constitution, - for the people of India to become weak and to crawl on their belly - it will be highly unconstitutional for the people of India to pocket every insult that is offered to them; it is highly unconstitutional for the 70 millions of Mohammedans of India to submit to a violent wrong done to their religion; it is highly unconstitutional for the whole of India to sit still and cooperate with an unjust Government which has trodden under its feet the honour of the Punjab.

Values have shrunk to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; and the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone

Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated

But their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition

Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence

Yes, the money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization

It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, the State, and the local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced

I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session detailed measures for their fulfillment, and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the 48 States.

In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action

They have made me the present instrument of their wishes

But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom - and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside

To those people in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them, help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right.

Most people have a chance to see exciting events in their lives

People often change their minds, don't you think, Mr Sampson?'

He told me that Mr Slinkton had taken his two nieces to Italy for their health

They decided to continue on their way to work and tell the first policeman they met.

The manager, Walter Purkiss, and his wife were in their bedroom on the second floor

Polly Nichols was not the first 'Unfortunate' who was murdered that year, so Scotland Yard chiefs sent their most experienced officer to investigate

Five people in number 29 could see the murder scene from their windows

Shops closed early; people rushed home and locked their doors

'The police say that he looks dangerous, and it would be better for everyone to lock their windows and doors.'

The Thenardiers, who were loving and gentle to their own daughters, Eponine and Azelma, treated Cosette like a slave.

They gave the dress to their daughter, Eponine, and Cosette went on shivering.

Entertainers and traders from Paris set up their stalls in the streets, and business at the Thenardiers' inn was very good

After hugging and kissing their mother, they sat on the floor by the fire and played with a doll

A short time later, the girls grew bored with their game

The two girls, when they saw Cosette with their doll, ran crying to their mother

The drinkers at the other tables paused, glasses half-way to their lips, and stared with disbelief.

The Thenardiers gave the old man their best room for the night

He could see their faces clearly in the moonlight, and one of them belonged to Inspector Javert.

At last, the soldiers gave up their search and went back in the direction they had come

Then one day, as he was passing, thinking about nothing in particular, the girl looked up at him and their eyes met

Leblanc and his daughter had risen from their bench and were slowly walking in his direction

Every night he stood outside their house and gazed up at their lighted windows

'If they had had another neighbour,' he thought, 'one who had noticed their suffering, perhaps they could have been rescued by now.'

But he was too late; their carriage had already gone

'When the old man and the girl arrive, let them start their business

The men put down their weapons and surrendered without a fight

They talked all evening about their dreams, their mistakes, their moments of happiness, their moments of despair

He was unhappy about many things - about losing his teeth, about the political situation but, most of all, about the fact that he had not seen his grandson for four years, since their big quarrel

Enjolras and his friends shook their heads with amazement at their friend's lack of awareness, and soon left the room

Around the corner, he could see a row of soldiers aiming their guns down the rue de Chanvrerie, waiting for the order to fire.

The survivors were reloading their guns in silence, when suddenly a loud voice called, 'Get out now, or I'll blow up the barricade!'

Within seconds, the soldiers had left the barricade, leaving their dead and wounded behind, and were running into the darkness at the far end of the street.

For the first time in their life together, he and Cosette had quarrelled

They had left quickly, at nightfall, bringing their servant, Toussaint, with them, but very little luggage

In their new house, they went to bed in silence

Four of the dead people were National Guards, and their uniforms were removed.

The barricade was stronger than it had been for the first assault, and the rebels were at their positions, guns loaded and ready for action

The rebels fired their guns but, when the smoke had cleared, they saw the soldiers, unharmed, steadily aiming the cannon at the barricade

The rebels rushed to their positions, leaving Valjean alone with Javert inside the wine shop

They stood with their backs to the door, shooting up at the soldiers who were climbing down towards them from the barricade

It was arranged that the couple, who could not believe their sudden, new-found happiness, would live with M

Cosette and Marius made a handsome couple on their wedding day

He knew that if he told Cosette and Marius the truth, he would spoil everybody's happiness and he would lose their love and respect

Valjean would sit looking at Cosette in silence, or would talk about incidents from their past

One evening he discovered there were no chairs in the room at all - he and Cosette had to stand in the cold for their whole meeting

Marius and Cosette both did their best to raise Valjean's spirits, to show him how much they loved and needed him, to fill him with the strength and the desire to live again

Cosette and Marius fell to their knees on either side of him, holding back their tears

Jean Valjean's hands rested on their bowed heads, and did not move again

I pull two blindfolds from a bag and cover their eyes

Then I tie their hands, and I look at my watch

They both look similar: messy blond hair under hats that are the same colour as their khaki shorts and shirts

And they are both dirty: their skin, boots and clothes all covered in red sand.

But their bags are on their shoulders, and there are too many of them, he knows

Well, good evening gentlemen." Carolina says, and the three men stop their conversation and smile.

Today he just wants to get out of the hot courtroom, away from the serious lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and go and enjoy the sun.

He takes the back stairs, passes three or four lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and feels sorry for them: it is so hot today

Two women sitting together on the front pew, their eyes closed and heads down

They want to ski in the spring, hike in the summer and spend their money in the hotel bar and the spa

Their clothes are better than ours, their cars and trucks are better

Back in the courtyard Smith stops by the workmen, who are still sitting and eating their lunch

The grass below their feet is green and fresh, the trees are heavy with leaves, and the air smells so good that Owen forgets about Junior's mood

Sure, he likes films and television and not sports, but maybe this can be their thing

No, these kids are okay, but they are loud, and it is impossible for Sarah not to hear their conversation

She does not want to think about their conversation or the horrible reason why the tube is so quiet

Sala and Cham live in an enormous overcrowded city that they are forbidden to leave, for their own protection: the world outside the city was contaminated during the wars.

Because the Oil Wars left the city short of energy, everyone has a small chip buried under the skin on their wrists, which measures how many units of energy they use

Sunlight shone through the trees above, and soft golden sand seemed to lie at their feet

They sat down to eat their taste-pots, looking out at the beautiful view and watching the waves roll up the shore

Then they changed to a sunny park, like the ones that their city used to have, and sat down to talk.

She'd made her own garden on the roof of their apartment, and she was always up there

Sala and Cham stepped off the walkway near their apartment blocks, and as they did so, someone knocked Sala's elbow, then held her arm for a second.

She remembered how quiet he'd been with their friends

At night, little lamps shone, and mirrors reflected their light.

Then they were in, and heading to their favorite machines

When she came back to their table, Cham was watching something on the ultranet.

Sala explained everything-about the special offer, and their conversation at the energy center.

And when there's so little work available, most people have no hope of changing their lives

That was how Sala and her family were able to live in their rooftop apartment.

The following afternoon, as Sala walked up and down in her little room, waiting to go with Cham for their pod experience, she had a strange feeling in her stomach

Now that they were actually on their way, it was all so much fun.

A friendly young woman called Zee guided them to their pod area.

Sure enough, the dolphins set off, their smooth, strong bodies sliding through the ocean

They watched as the fish moved slowly between the waving ocean plants, silent and peaceful in their watery world.

Now, she was sitting with Niki on their lunch break, and thinking about the months ahead.

His words felt like an earthquake breaking open their lives

They watched their favorite story-streams, and listened to their favorite music

Or she would suddenly tell them all one of her memories: of growing up with Eston or their suffering during the Oil Wars.

They walked back to the simulator center and spent an hour together alone in Space 29, where they chose their waterfall illusion

To her surprise, Gran wasn't in the kitchen preparing their meal as usual

She took me to their earth apartment -"

"But what about their suggestion?" asked Sala

Sala watched as everyone gathered around Cham for their final goodbyes

"Almost, though." For the first time in their conversation, Cham was silent

Sala imagined Cham and Ding in their strange virtual life

What if the government was bugging their conversation?

Cham's test days had arrived at last, and Sala had joined Dani, Tian, and Cham's two sisters at the pod center for their first Contact Hour with him

His sisters giggled as he ran his fingers over their heads

She just had to hope that no one was listening in on their conversation.

"What's wrong?" he demanded at once, looking around at their troubled faces.

It was too risky to let him know all their secrets

It had been so much fun, in spite of their lives being so limited

It was Zee, who had guided Cham and Sala through their dolphin experience

One by one, the pod passengers appeared to greet their families and friends

Sala watched them, searching their faces for clues

She would not be their tool, used like Cham to pull other people in

My job was to talk to them, light their cigarettes and tidy the room after they had gone.

I wanted to hide from their curious eyes.

Only a little sunlight came through their thick branches

I could see their faces, all turned towards us

'Didn't you hear their car? Frith took them to the morning-room

I have broken one of their wedding presents.

It was easy for Mrs Danvers to watch me from one of their windows.

Everyone laughed and clapped their hands.

Our visitors were talking happily now about their costumes for the Ball

The next day, Nathan and Natalie tell Zak their story

Sickened, grief-stricken, she had taken their advice, and Danny's funeral had been a closed-coffin service

That was how it had been during the last months of their life together

Because Tina had loved Michael to the end, she'd been hurt and saddened by the dissolution of their relationship

During the twelve years of their marriage, Tina had become a different and more complex person than she'd been on their wedding day, but Michael hadn't changed at all - and didn't like the woman that she had become

They began as lovers, sharing every detail of their daily lives - triumphs and failures, joys and frustrations - but by the time the divorce was final, they were strangers

Heavy objects didn't just fall of their own accord in deserted rooms.

At the time, Tina was certain that Danny was aware of the nightly arguments she and Michael were having in their own bedroom, which was next to his, and that he wanted to move into the den so he wouldn't be able to hear them bickering

She and Michael hadn't yet begun to raise their voices to each other; their disagreements had been conducted in normal tones, sometimes even in whispers, yet Danny probably had heard enough to know they were having problems.

And that was another reason she didn't attempt to explain her and Michael's problems to Danny - she thought that their estrangement was only temporary

She loved her husband, and she was sure that the sheer power of her love would restore the luster to their marriage

Anybody else tried to handle all this, they'd just end up with one goddamn big mishkadenze on their hands

As Tina stood in this beautiful theater, glancing down at the colorfully costumed people milling about on the stage, then looking at Joel's rubbery face, listening as her co-producer unblushingly raved about their handiwork, she was happier than she had been in a long time

More than fifteen hundred had returned their RSVP cards.

Joel Bandiri was with Eva, his wife of eight years, and two of their friends

They made pleasant small talk for the next fifteen minutes, and none of it had to do with Magyck! Tina was aware that they were trying to take her mind off the show, and she appreciated their effort.

She believed in the moral value of hard work, and she always gave her employers their money's worth.

With that attitude plus a few money-management skills, they were able to hang on longer than most slot players who plunged at the dollar machines after getting nowhere with quarters, and because of their patience and perseverance, the duchesses won more jackpots than did the tide of tourists that ebbed and flowed around them

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

No one was near them, yet suddenly two photos began to rattle violently against the wall, and then both flew off their mountings and clattered to the floor behind the beige, brushed-corduroy sofa.

The model planes began to bounce violently up and down on the ends of their lines.

After a moment the other two models ceased their erratic dancing and began to spin around and around, like the first plane, as if they were actually flying, and there was no mistaking this deliberate movement for the random effects of a draft.

The sliding closet doors began to move on their runners, and Vivienne Neddler had the feeling that some awful thing was going to come out of the dark space, its eyes as red as blood and its razor-sharp teeth gnashing

As the room grew warm again, the doorknobs and the radio casing and the other metal objects quickly shed their fragile skins of ice, leaving shallow puddles on furniture and damp spots in the carpet

Free admission didn't guarantee their appreciation or even their amicability

At the insistence of the happy, boisterous, VIP audience, both Joel Bandiri and Tina were spotlighted in their booths and were rewarded with their own thunderous round of applause.

After their fourth encounter, she lost track of how long they were together

He says I'd just make the performers nervous and cause the technicians to look over their shoulders for the boss when they should have their eyes on their work."

Hundreds of gamblers - pretty young women, sweet-faced grandmothers, men in jeans and decoratively stitched Western shirts, retirement-age men in expensive but tacky leisure outfits, a few guys in three-piece suits, salesmen, doctors, mechanics, secretaries, Americans from all of the Western states, junketeers from the East Coast, Japanese tourists, a few Arab men - sat at the semielliptical blackjack tables, pushing money and chips forward, sometimes taking back their winnings, eagerly grabbing the cards that were dealt from the five-deck shoes, each reacting in one of several predictable ways: Some players squealed with delight; some grumbled; others smiled ruefully and shook their heads; some teased the dealers, pleading half seriously for better cards; and still others were silent, polite, attentive, and businesslike, as though they thought they were engaged in some reasonable form of investment planning

"For years people go home from Vegas and tell all their friends that they came out ahead of the game

Lying their heads off

There's so much going on, so much to see and do, constant excitement, so people get out of their normal rhythms

When the excitement wears off a little, they go to check out of the hotel, and they discover their three-day weekend somehow turned into five days

Tina's ambition was, in part, what had led to the dissolution of their marriage

A lot of our regular junketeers and high rollers couldn't make it to the VIP opening of Magyck! I'd like you to get their names from the computer, plus a list of the wedding anniversaries of those who're married."

"During the year, I'm going to send special invitations to the married ones, asking them to spend their anniversaries here, with everything comped for three days

It could tell her each man's preferred brand of liquor, each wife's favorite flower and perfume, the make of car they drove, the names and ages of their children, the nature of any illnesses or other medical conditions they might have, their favorite foods, their favorite colors, their tastes in music, their political affiliations, and scores of other facts both important and trivial

The number was 1001012, identified as the access for "Comps," which meant "complimentary guests," a euphemism for "big losers," who were never asked to pay their room charges or restaurant bills because they routinely dropped small fortunes in the casino.

They probably won't think it's serious enough to waste their time

Crowds streamed along the sidewalks, on their way from this casino to that casino, from one lounge to another, from one show to the next.

Elliot carried their empty brandy glasses to the bar in the corner and switched on the light above the sink

As they crossed the reception area on their way toward the hall, Tina glanced nervously at Angela's computer

Smith, and other artists who made their homes in the western United States and who usually took their subject matter from either the old or the new West.

Some of our clients made smart moves and were carried right to the top by the explosive growth of the gaming industry and the Vegas real-estate market, and we just sort of shot up there along with them, hanging on to their coattails."

"Do they bother to give their kitchen a pleasant used look?"

"-their French fries are terrific."

But before she realized what was happening, their lips met softly, briefly

The residents of Sunrise Mountain could expect to share their patios and decks and pool aprons with occasional visiting scorpions, tarantulas, and rattlesnakes

Half of the guests were attorneys and their wives

He greeted Elliot warmly, and they talked about their mutual interests: cooking, flying, and river rafting.

Besides, though they both struck him as slightly wacky, they didn't seem to be merely hoaxers or borderline psychopaths who got their kicks by scaring defenseless women

A silencer-equipped pistol, lock-release gun, truth serums - their apparatus indicated that these guys were part of a sophisticated outfit with substantial resources.

Evidently sensing Vince's onrushing blowup and aware that it wouldn't help them accomplish their mission, Bob quickly said, "Listen, Stryker, we can't answer most of your questions because we don't know

When they got their answers, they would kill him

If they had intended to let him live, they wouldn't have used their real names in front of him

They wanted to gain his cooperation without violence because they were reluctant to mark him; their intention was that his death should appear to be an accident or a suicide

In a day or two, someone would find him out there, his face blue-green-gray, his tongue dark and lolling, his eyes bulging in their sockets as he stared through the windshield as if on a drive to Hell

In fact, she must be their primary target.

Kevin's parents went away from the city immediately after the funeral, intending to spend a month at their summerhouse in the country, where they could be free from the press of business and social duties, the better to mourn their lost child

Death was determined that the parents would not reach the cemetery in time to save their son

Most of the story dealt with Death's attempts to stop the mother and father on their desperate night journey; they were assaulted by every form of the walking dead, every manner of living corpse and vampire and ghoul and zombie and ghost, but they triumphed

They arrived at the grave by dawn, had it opened, and found their son alive, released from his coma

Along the street, people came out of their houses, seeking the source of the explosion

Tom Polumby didn't appear to be worried by their presence in his garage; he seemed merely perplexed

Tina appeared to be no less pessimistic about their hope of escape than he was

With more than a million full-time residents, with more than twenty million tourists a year, and with a vast desert on which to sprawl, Vegas offered thousands of dark, quiet corners where two people on the run could safely stop to catch their breath and settle upon a course of action.

While Elliot drove, he told Tina what had happened at his house: the two thugs, their interest in the possibility of Danny's grave being reopened, their admission that they worked for some government agency, the hypodermic syringes...

If they have a judge in their pocket, why not a few cops?"

The similarities between the horror story and their attempt to exhume Danny's body chilled Elliot.

"Just jumpy," he said, but he wasn't really convinced that their imagination was to blame.

At last, he and Tina went into the diner, trying not to look over their shoulders.

She took their orders for cheeseburgers, French fries, coleslaw, and Coors.

All the other parents were asked to identify their kids, even though some of the corpses were in such a horrible state they couldn't be cosmetically restored for viewing at a funeral

If they hadn't seen their kids' bodies, they might have just gone through a year of doubt like you did, might be easily persuaded to join us in a call for the reopening of all the graves

But it seems to me the most obvious thing we have to consider is that the scouts and their leaders saw something they weren't supposed to see."

The rising night wind thrummed against the large pane of glass beside their booth

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

Elvira arrived with their food

By unspoken agreement, Tina and Elliot didn't talk about their problems while they ate

This is one of their busiest times of the year

He smiled and asked Elliot if their dinner had been satisfactory, and Elliot said it had been fine, and the old man began to make change with slow, arthritic fingers.

A young couple was plotting conspiratorially, leaning toward each other from opposite sides of a booth, their heads almost touching

Only a moment ago, she had envied these people for the very ordinariness of their lives

Some people winced and put their hands over their ears.

Laden with dust and with the powdery white sand that had been swept in from the desert, the air abraded their faces and had an unpleasant taste.

They put their heads down and scurried past the front of the diner, around the side, through the purple light under the single mercury-vapor lamp, and into the deep shadows behind the building.

Danny survived the accident, but they couldn't let him come home because he'd tell everyone the government was responsible for the deaths of the others, and that would blow their secret military installation wide open."

And the people who're holding him don't know he's doing it! They're blaming the leak on one of their own, on someone from Project Pandora."

He didn't want to attract the attention of the omnipresent casino security men, and the easiest way to escape their notice was to appear to be the least threatening hick in the huge room

The Network badly wanted to eliminate everyone who might press for the exhumation of Danny Evans's body, and the agents targeted against Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans had thus far failed to carry out their orders to terminate the pair

During their periodic breaks from the gaming tables, nursing stiff necks and sore shoulders and leaden arms, the weary dealers retired to a combination lounge and locker room at the bottom - and to the right - of the escalator

A group had gone down a while ago and would be returning for their last stand at the tables before a whole new staff came on duty with the shift change

Every ship was created with remarkable care and craftsmanship, and many were in uniquely shaped bottles that made their construction all the more difficult and admirable.

His ships, sealed in their glass worlds, relaxed him; he liked to spend time with them when he had a problem to work out or when he was on edge, for they made him feel serene, and that security allowed his mind to function at peak performance.

Part of this antagonism between them rose because they had been born into utterly different worlds and were equally proud of their origins - as well as disdainful of all others

The society-register Alexander's were proud of their history of public service

Left-wingers and right-wingers differed about certain details, of course, but their only major point of contention centered on the identity of those who would be permitted to be a part of the privileged ruling class, once the power had been sufficiently centralized.

And he hasn't yet been identified in their airspace."

"But if that's where they went, then they're not just hiding out, licking their wounds

He threw their single suitcase into the trunk of the rented Chevrolet

The windshield wipers started thumping back and forth at top speed, adding their metronomical beat to the chaos inside the Chevy.

Zachariah would report their conversation in detail, and Dombey needed to assume a more balanced position for the record

We're not going to make the same mistake they did and wind up back in their hands."

And if assassins were waiting here, they would expect their prey to approach the funeral home boldly, confidently

Consequently, their attention would be focused largely on the front of the house.

It skimmed crystals of snow off the ground and spun the stinging cold flecks at their reddened faces.

The crunching and squeaking of the snow under their feet seemed horrendously loud to him, though they actually were making little noise

For a few seconds they paused, touching each other briefly, gathering their courage.

They hurriedly retraced their path, moving away from the funeral home

Evidently the people in the funeral home were not aware that their man outside had been eliminated

They were still waiting patiently for their prey to walk into the trap.

They followed their own footprints out of the cemetery, to the quiet residential street where the rented Chevrolet was parked in the wan light of the street lamp.

If we stop for more than a couple of seconds, it'll show up on their receiver, and they might get suspicious."

They can watch our progress on that, even if they can't get their hands on us till another chase car catches up

"I wish we didn't have to give up the car," Tina said as he took their only suitcase out of the trunk.

Most of them had served their country openly, in a supremely visible fashion, where everyone could see and admire their selfless public-spiritedness

Only bureau chiefs, their immediate staffs, station chiefs in major cities, and senior field officers who had proved themselves and their loyalty - only those people knew the true nature of their employers and their work

George liked to believe that they might even find it in their hearts to forgive him for having pulled the trigger himself.

Yes, he was sure that his father and uncles would give him their blessings - if only he were permitted to tell them.

The map rustled, drawing their attention

we'd be walking into their arms," Elliot said.

They're going to find us sooner or later, and when they get their hands on us, they'll kill us."

Considering the high price that they had paid for the pathetically insufficient information they had obtained, he couldn't tolerate the prospect of all their pain and fear and anxiety having been for naught.

On paper, they were still moving along the border of the map, with a large expanse of blues and greens on their left

They shared a premonition that someone decidedly unfriendly was waiting in their room.

They looked like a couple of skiers on their way to the slopes.

Perhaps the lateness of the hour and the fading light would work against them, but approaching in the night might actually be to their advantage

They both felt as if they were on a good roll, and they didn't want to tempt fate by postponing their journey.

"Looks more like the road they always take in those old movies when they're on their way to Dracula's castle."

Snow began to fall more heavily - yet ahead of them, not a single flake lay in their way

In room 918, the Network operatives discovered a cheap suitcase, dirty clothes, toothbrushes, various toiletry items - and eleven maps in a leatherette case, which Elliot and Tina, in their haste and weariness, evidently had overlooked.

Where were they getting their strength, their nerve, their endurance? It seemed as if they must have some advantage of which Alexander was not aware

What could it be? What was their edge?

Alexander suddenly realized what their edge was, what kept them going, and he sat up straight in his chair

Yet the weak illumination that the lamps provided was apparently sufficient for the security cameras to obtain clear images of the entire plateau, because cameras were attached to every lamppost, and not an inch of the area escaped their unblinking attention.

"Unless Danny screwed up their cameras," Tina said

It had teeth, and it nipped their exposed faces

Evidently, the installation's computer scanned the prints of visitors to verify their right to enter.

Elliot and Tina did not put their hands on the plate, but the inner door of the vestibule opened with another puff of compressed air

Tina had the sickening feeling that someone had been about to step out, had sensed their presence, and had gone away to get help.

But Tina and Elliot didn't need the computer's authorization to use the elevator; not with Danny on their side

Then, even with Danny jamming the enemy's weapons, she and Elliot would be able to escape only if they slaughtered their way out, and she knew that neither of them had the stomach for that much murder, perhaps not even in self-defense.

If security discovers we're here, at least they won't be able to get their hands on us for a while."

Elliot lowered the gun but still kept it pointed in their general direction

When their hands touched, his small fingers curled tightly around hers

They abuse their power, pervert their duties

They call the stuff 'Wuhan-400' because it was developed at their RDNA labs outside of the city of Wuhan, and it was the four-hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center.

Almost thirteen months ago, when Danny and the other boys in his troop were on their winter survival outing, one of our scientists, a quirky son of a bitch named Larry Bollinger, accidentally contaminated himself while he was working alone one morning in this lab."

They were just about to move off the road, into the trees, so they would be away from any sign of civilization when they set up camp for their first night in the wilderness

Both Jaborski and the other scout leader decided they might have a dangerous character on their hands

"They probably did look a little bit like spacemen in their decontamination suits

Tina met Elliot's eyes, and she knew that the same thought was running through both their minds

In each subsequent meeting, one or the other would show up to take story notes on their latest draft, while the missing partner would always have been waylaid by an emergency of one kind or another: a broken washing machine and a flooded laundry room, the sudden-onset illness of a cat with symptoms suggesting (to me) demonic possession, the death of a beloved aunt, the death of a beloved uncle, the death of a beloved neighbor (I began to worry that merely by associating with these women, decades would be shorn from my life span), migraine headaches, and an unfortunate encounter with an angry Big Foot in a long line at the DMV

But in 1869 Uncle Elias, who belonged to this secret group, suddenly left America with all their papers, and so the group could not go on

There were papers everywhere, chairs lay on their sides, and one of the window curtains was half-torn and hanging down

Lettice Protheroe, Dennis, and all their friends

No one locks their house up round here.'

Even the Napiers are saying awful things about her! Just because she left their tennis, party a bit early

'So that was their plan,' the inspector replied

'I promised that I would tell no one their name

'But when they did come out, their behaviour was happy and normal

With great confidence, people travelled around this world and believed that they were in control of their lives

But across the great emptiness of space, more intelligent minds than ours looked at this Earth with jealous eyes, and slowly and surely made their plans against us

This has brightened their intelligence, increased their abilities and hardened their hearts

It seems that the Martians calculated their journey very cleverly - their mathematical knowledge appears to be much more developed than ours

From this gun, their shots were fired at us.

Even the daily papers woke up to these events at last, and there was much discussion of their cause

It seems to me almost unbelievably wonderful that, with that danger threatening us, people could continue their ordinary business as they did

Then, by the light of their own burning, I saw each of the men falling, and their followers turning to run.

And we also learned that the Martians were so mechanically clever that they did not need to use their bodies very much.

Then I realized that the Martians could hit the top of Maybury Hill with their Heat-Ray because they had cleared the college out of the way.

Surprised people were coming out of their houses.

We got there without any problems at about nine o'clock, and the horse had an hour's rest while I had supper with my cousins and left my wife in their care.

They were turning their gun to fire on one of the tripods when it suddenly exploded

And, shining in the morning light, three of the tripods stood on the common, their tops turning as they examined the damage they had done.

I saw people struggling towards the shore and heard their screaming and shouting faintly above the noise of the Martian's fall.

What does it all mean? The Martians can't get out of their pit, can they?'

They had gone back to their cylinders again, in the circle around Woking

Most were excited by their strange experience

There were one or two carts with refugees going along Oxford Street, but the news was spreading so slowly that Regent Street and Portland Place were full of people taking their usual Sunday night walk

All around him - in the rooms below, in the houses on each side and across the road, and all across London - people were rubbing their eyes and opening windows to stare out and ask questions, and getting dressed quickly as the first breath of the coming storm of fear blew through the streets

The man was running away with the others and selling his papers for many times their normal price as he ran - a strange mixture of profit and panic.

The Martian, without using his Heat-Ray, walked calmly over their guns.

They aimed their guns well and fired at a distance of about one kilometer.

The other Martians used their Heat-Rays on the guns

All through the night their tubes moved forwards

Sunday night was the end of organized opposition to their movement.

You can see the quiet expectation, the officers watching, the gunners waiting with their horses, the groups of local people standing as near as they were allowed, the ambulances and hospital tents with the burnt and wounded from Weybridge

He heard their screams and, hurrying round the corner, saw a couple of men trying to pull them out of the little cart which they had been driving, while a third held onto the frightened horse's head

There were people of every class and profession, but they were all dusty; their skins were dry, their lips black and cracked, and all of them looked very afraid.

They were taken through Barnet and were more than a kilometer beyond the centre of the town before they could fight their way across to the other side of the road.

In the evening many people came hurrying along the road near their stopping-place, escaping from unknown dangers and going in the direction from which my brother had come.

And over the blue hills to the south of the river, the Martians moved backwards and forwards, calmly spreading their poison clouds over one piece of country and then over another

It is possible that many people stayed in their houses through Monday morning

Farmers defended their animals and crops with guns in their hands

But this did not change their plans, and they continued travelling east

On Wednesday my brother and the two women reached Chelmsford, and there a number of people, calling themselves the Council of Public Safety, took their horse for food

After the sailors could no longer come up the Thames, they went to the towns on the Essex coast to take people onto their ships

There were already around forty passengers on the boat, some of whom had spent their last money getting a ticket, but the captain stayed until five in the afternoon, picking up passengers until the boat was dangerously crowded

He looked past it at the Martians again and saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their legs were almost completely under water.

To their minds, perhaps, no other machine could be as large as themselves

To the watchers on the steamboat, low in the water and with the sun in their eyes, it seemed that the warship was already among the Martians.

As I watched the Martians, they seemed to be trying to raise themselves on the hands, but with their increased weight on Earth this was impossible

Most of the space inside their bodies was taken by the brain

Instead, they took fresh blood from living creatures and used a tube to put it straight into their own bodies

In three other ways their bodies were different from ours

On Earth they could not move without effort, but even at the end of their time here they remained active

It is generally supposed that the Martians communicated by sounds and by moving their arms

While I was still watching their slow movements in the sunlight, the curate pulled violently at my arm

He ate more than I did, and did not seem to understand that we had to stay in the house until the Martians had finished their work if we wanted to stay alive

The night was coming but the Martians had lights on their machines

Here I moved through areas which had been totally destroyed and others which were totally undamaged; houses with their curtains and their doors closed

'I was buried near the pit the Martians made around their cylinder

Under their feet

They just used to rush off to work - I've seen hundreds of them, with a bit of breakfast in their hand, running to catch their train, frightened they'd be sacked if they didn't

'In fact, it may not be so difficult to learn how their fighting- machines work

The black powder covered them and softened their shapes

It seemed that all the empty houses had found a voice for their fear and loneliness.

And all around it, some in their overturned war-machines and some in building-machines, and ten of them lying in a row, were the Martians - dead! They had been killed by germs against which their systems could not fight; killed, after all man's machines had failed, by the smallest things that God has put on this Earth.

By paying with a million lives, human beings have bought their right to live on Earth

Only the tops of the great engines, so unearthly in their shape, could be seen in the morning light

From there the happy news had flashed all over the world; a thousand cities, living in great fear, suddenly- turned on all their lights.

They have told me since that I was singing a crazy song about 'The Last Man Left Alive! The Last Man Left Alive!' Although they were troubled with their own affairs, these people were very helpful to me

At Waterloo I found that free trains were taking people to their homes

It seems to me that they have lost a great advantage in the failure of their first surprise

Perhaps, across the great distances of space, the Martians have watched what happened to the ones that landed on Earth and learned their lesson - and have found a safer home on the planet Venus

When old ladies and gentlemen look at him, tears come to their eyes.

It's such a beautiful picture - the river, the trees, the flowers and the people, in their colourful clothes.

First of all, the metal rods did not go into their holes

When the rods were in their holes, we tried to put the canvas cover on the boat.

The three old fishermen fell off their seats

A few people walked past under their umbrellas.

The new pair of black shoes are more sensible than their owner, though

Lots of taxi drivers own their taxis in the end, sometimes more than one.'

What use is a sister, if you can't have a talk with her? And what would their parents say if they were alive? They were good church-goers

Both Connie and James cannot take their eyes off her

One evening in July 1849, I went to see my mother and sister at their house on Hampstead Heath

It was past midnight when I left their house to walk home to my apartment in London

Until you came here, Laura was like hundreds of other women who marry without being attracted to their husbands

I had dinner with Miss Halcombe, Miss Fairlie, and Mr Hartright, their drawing teacher

I thought to myself, I must hear their conversation.

Up on the roof, I was getting wet, but I had to hear their conversation to the end.

As soon as Miss Halcombe and my wife are well enough, they'll go to stay with their uncle in Cumberland

Count Fosco and the Countess will soon go to their new house in London, and I'll go to Paris

There was a new inscription written on it: 'Here lies Laura, Lady Glyde...' In the near distance I saw two women with veils over their faces

How I hated him! He forced me to stay here in this village, where they all talked about me but no one spoke to me! Finally, now, after all these years, I have earned their respect

Members murder people who abuse their power

I said to Percival, 'We'll simply exchange their identities: Lady Glyde and Anne will exchange names, places, and destinies

In her, book Letters on Education (1790), Catharine Macaulay - the first English female historian - told mothers and fathers to educate their girls

Women could not do well, she said, because of their bad education.

In some countries, children have to work to get money for their family.

in the future it is going to be made easier for women all over the world to win their fight when their time comes." Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)

He wrote some laws in 1870 and 1882 that allowed women to keep their money or houses after they married

All over the world, feminists fought to change family laws that gave husbands control over their wives

For example, in France, married women could not work if their husbands did not agree to it

She learned that the young girls she looked after were already worried about how their bodies looked

But it's not true; women all over the world are still fighting for their rights.

But people thought that this work was not important, and women had to leave their jobs when they married.

In World War One (1914-1918), men left home to fight, and women were needed to work both in the army and in their home country.

At the same time, millions of men left their jobs to fight the war in Europe and other places

This meant that women had to go out to work because they needed to feed their children.

After the war ended and the men came home, more than 2 million women lost their jobs

Newspapers and magazines told women to keep a nice, clean home while their husbands were at work

This was because a lot of men did not come home from the war, so women had to work to look after their families.

Today, in many countries, women need to go out to work to help their families

Lean In is a book to help women to achieve their career goals

In 1903, Marie Curie was given the Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband, Pierre, for their work on radioactivity

Pierre died in an accident in 1906, but Marie continued their work.

These are a few of the women who have led or are leading their countries as prime ministers or presidents

In 2017, four of the countries with the highest number of women in their parliaments were in Central and South America

On 1st June, Amelia and Fred Noonan left Miami and began their 29,000-mile journey around the world

But the programme was stopped before the women could finish their last test

Sometimes, they also get money from the parents of their daughter's husband.

They helped to make a big change in their country.

Women have started really talking about sexual harassment, which is a big problem in their lives.

In the village there is a military presidio with Spanish soldiers and their horses

There are many soldiers on their horses

"I must punish Lolita, her family and Zorro for their insults!" he thinks

Don Carlos and Doha Catalina reach their destination