How to use "these" in a sentence


If these boulders move or fall, they can be dangerous.

As I'm removing these with the knife I push too hard and the blade goes through the skin near my wrist

The largest whale was only 180 feet long and if these men were right, this was even larger

No man in your world can ever see these things

I enjoyed seeing all the strange sea life of these waters

There are many sharks in these waters, and it's very dangerous to go looking for pearls there.

Boats which sailed into these whirlpools never escaped

When these people saw Alice, they all stopped

Who are these men?' she asked.

'What's wrong with these flowers?' she asked the gardeners.

'What do you know about these tarts?' he asked

Then the King asked, 'What do you know about these tarts?'

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

I now reiterate these sentiments; and, in doing so, I only press upon the public attention the most conclusive evidence of which the case is susceptible that the property, peace, and security of no section are to be in any wise endangered by the now incoming administration

I hold that, in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution, the Union of these States is perpetual

Descending from these general principles, we find the proposition that in legal contemplation the Union is perpetual confirmed by the history of the Union itself

It follows from these views that no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union; that Resolves and Ordinances to that effect are legally void; and that acts of violence, within any State or States, against the authority of the United States, are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances.

The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere

While the strict legal right may exist in the government to enforce the exercise of these offices, the attempt to do so would be so irritating, and so nearly impracticable withal, that I deem it better to forego for the time the uses of such offices.

I ask, is it unconstitutional for a policeman or for a soldier to tender his resignation when he knows that he is called to serve a Government which traduces his own countrymen? Is it unconstitutional for me to go to the agriculturist and say to him "it's not wise for you to pay any taxes, if these taxes are used by the Government not to raise you but to weaken you?" I hold and I venture to submit, that there is nothing unconstitutional in it

What is more, I have done every one of these things in my life, and nobody has questioned the constitutional character of it.

And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.

The basic thought that guides these specific means of national recovery is not nationally - narrowly nationalistic

But, in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me

Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?

'We received these forms from Mr Beckwith

'You're a rogue, Slinkton, and I've caught you! I took these rooms on purpose, just to catch you

'I took these rooms on purpose,' Beckwith went on

I had to carry her and she's fallen asleep.' As she spoke these words, she gave her daughter a loving kiss, which woke her up

At these words, Fantine did a very strange thing

Enjolras and his other friends tried to cheer him up by taking him to exciting places, but these expeditions always ended in the same way: Marius would leave the group and walk around the streets of Paris unhappily on his own.

'Let's see what these people are really like,' Marius thought

'Take these with you,' the inspector went on, producing two small guns

When you think it's getting dangerous, shoot one of these guns

As she read the notebook, she knew in her heart that he was the author of these beautiful, romantic words

While he was gazing into the fire, thinking these sad thoughts, his old servant entered the room and asked, 'Will Monsieur receive M

One of these children was Eponine, who had dressed like a boy so that no one would tell her to go home

'You can wear these.' Enjolras pointed to the National Guard uniforms that had been taken off the dead soldiers.

With these words, he picked up his hat and left.

And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up.

The tall man is silent for a moment: "Who knows? I don't want to understand the mind of these psychopaths

I do not understand anything else that they say, but I do understand these three words, and I smile again.

You do what I say, no problem." And Nick looks at him for a moment: "You look okay now: these new clothes aren't bad."

"And these, Eleanor, well, how to describe them..

I suppose every ship needs some pirates, and these are they

There are pictures of these injuries, but there is no proof that Mr Dawson hit Mrs Dawson

Please, leave us now, and take some time to consider these events."

"Yep," the cop says, "these roads are funny like that

Some of these people are millionaires, Brandon, millionaires

I know these mountains better than they do and better than you."

But if these men are not hammering.

No, these kids are okay, but they are loud, and it is impossible for Sarah not to hear their conversation

"They've developed these special pods that you can actually live in

Most of them had at least forty floors above ground - these were called "sky apartments." Below ground, there were often another ten floors, for "earth apartments." The government had started building under the ground long ago, because the land inside the city was so limited.

Her back was often painful from when she'd been injured during the Oil Wars, so she almost never left the apartment these days.

If we're ever free of these silly things." She tapped her wrist.

"I'll buy these," said Sala

"Another secret! You're full of them these days

You don't even know this woman and now she's filling your head with all these crazy stories..."

"After all these years..

At these words, Gran looked very downhearted

Sala looked around at all these people

I didn't expect all these people.'

'And I'm sure we'll be very comfortable in these rooms.'

'That is why Mr de Winter doesn't use these rooms any more

'I come into these room and dust them every day,' Mrs Danvers said

I could not get these thoughts out of my mind.

'I can get hundreds of dollars for these!' he thinks.

"Smooth as I might be, I'm no match for these two."

The car was immaculate, in better shape than most new cars these days

Even these days, when most machines could be played with electronically validated value cards, the nickel duchesses wore black gloves to keep their hands from becoming filthy after hours of handling coins and pulling levers; they always sat on stools while they played, and they remembered to alternate hands when operating the machines in order not to strain the muscles of one arm, and they carried bottles of liniment just in case.

Regardless of how convincingly and earnestly she described these bizarre events, no one would believe her

"Why don't you wait right where you are? You can watch these nice people beat me out of a lot of money."

Maybe a large family isn't such a wise idea these days, what with the economy in trouble and all the turmoil in the world

"I'm not feeling unfulfilled these days," she said

After all these years, it's finally your turn to listen

If she needed to know how much money each of these people earned in a year, the computer could tell her

Although the hotel collected this data with, for the most part, the customers' happiness in mind, Tina wondered how pleased these people would be to learn that the Golden Pyramid maintained fat dossiers on them.

Maybe there isn't any threat in these strange things happening to me

If Danny were alive, and if someone were trying to get that news to you, it wouldn't be done like this, not with all these dramatic hints

"Anyway," she said, "even if reopening the grave doesn't help me find who's responsible for these sick jokes - or whatever the hell they are - at least it'll settle my mind about Danny

If seeing the remains would put an end to these bloodcurdling nightmares, she would gain an advantage from the grim experience.

On hot summer days, these barren, sandy slopes seemed godforsaken, and they would not be made lush and green for another ten years at least

With all these attorneys, it's sort of a busman's holiday, don't you think?"

Elliot's mind raced through a list of cases that his law firm was currently handling, searching for some connection with these two intruders, but he couldn't think of one.

A silencer-equipped pistol, lock-release gun, truth serums - their apparatus indicated that these guys were part of a sophisticated outfit with substantial resources.

A chill spread from the base of his spine, up his back, as he realized what the presence of these men implied about the accident that had killed Danny.

They're all Ivy Leaguers these days, polished, educated

All these earth tones

If these people were determined to kill him just to stop the exhumation, they would have to kill Tina

Furthermore, this was not the mid-nineteenth century; these days, doctors could detect even the vaguest heartbeat, the shallowest respiration, the dimmest traces of brain-wave activity.

Let's get you packed and the hell out of here before any more of these guys show up."

"The only way these people are going to get us," he said, "is if we just give ourselves over to them

"Why would he cooperate with these killers? Why would he violate his oath of office?"

Chilled, Tina said, "But how much could the kids have seen? You're the one who said security was easy to maintain when one of these installations is located in the wilderness

She wanted to be one of these fortunate people

None of these people had to worry about professional killers, bizarre conspiracies, gas-company men who were not gas-company men, silencer-equipped pistols, exhumations

She felt as if a vast unbridgeable gap separated her from people like these, and she wondered if she ever again would be as relaxed and free from care as these diners were at this moment.

Only a moment ago, she had envied these people for the very ordinariness of their lives

"This secret police force, these people behind Kennebeck..

"Then how come he suddenly has all these amazing powers?"

If he's aged as well as he seems to have done, then he might even be sharper these days."

We have to go after these two with more care than usual

"As there always is during these cold snaps," Dombey said

Again and again, we're getting these thirty-and forty-degree plunges in the air temperature in there

If he's subjected to many more of these sudden temperature fluctuations, we'll never be certain they didn't contribute to his death

"If a man kills only for the pleasure of it, or if he kills only for an ideal like some of these crackpot revolutionaries you read about, that's savagery..

It was Jacklin's job to conceive new welfare programs, convince the Secretary of Health and Welfare that those programs were needed, sell them to the Congress, and then establish convincing bureaucratic shells to conceal the fact that the programs were utterly phony; and as federal funds flowed to these false-front operations, the money was diverted to the Network

The Department of Defense, which was less flush than Health and Welfare these days, was nevertheless also guilty of waste, and it was good for at least another billion a year

Even if she had not known that these deep woodlands harbored secrets about Danny and the deaths of the other scouts, she would have found them mysterious and unnervingly primeval.

Who were these two people? Why weren't they hiding in a dark corner somewhere? Why weren't they scared witless? Christina Evans was only an ordinary woman

Tall lampposts were arrayed across this featureless plain, casting dim, reddish light that was severely directed downward to attract as little attention as possible from aircraft that strayed out of the usual flight patterns and from anyone backpacking elsewhere in these remote mountains

"In these mountains the downdrafts and crosscurrents are going to be murderous."

I'm going to cut up this next valley and then swing back around toward the installation and try to avoid some of these crosscurrents

"Since all these reinfections, he's developed a spot on the parietal lobe of the brain."

I was so young and naive, I assumed "network-approved writers" meant that each of these writers would be among the finest in the TV business, on the planet, in the universe, the elite of the elite, the crS232; me de la crS232; me, superexcellent wordsmiths incapable of spinning any story that wasn't the top, the ower of Pisa, the Mona Lisa, the Louvre Museum, the Colosseum! Network-approved writers! I was in the lap of God, in the hands of ministering angels, and there could be no doubt whatsoever that we would have a hit with Help, My Feet Are Stuck to the Floor in Dean Koontz's Theater or whatever it would be called.

In each subsequent meeting, one or the other would show up to take story notes on their latest draft, while the missing partner would always have been waylaid by an emergency of one kind or another: a broken washing machine and a flooded laundry room, the sudden-onset illness of a cat with symptoms suggesting (to me) demonic possession, the death of a beloved aunt, the death of a beloved uncle, the death of a beloved neighbor (I began to worry that merely by associating with these women, decades would be shorn from my life span), migraine headaches, and an unfortunate encounter with an angry Big Foot in a long line at the DMV

No one threatened my life; neither of these women had an unkempt beard (or a kempt one for that matter); neither of them presented us with a body-odor problem; and neither of them indulged in furious political rants that sprayed spittle on those of us who just wanted to make a TV movie.

Indeed, these meetings were enlivened by colorful storytelling - although none of it had to do with developing my novel into a two-hour filmed entertainment

The first page contained these words:

A good soldier like you doesn't know about these things.'

'Did you know that someone else has also confessed to the murder which you say you committed?' The effect of these words on Lawrence was immediate

'It's so awful - having to tell you these things,' she cried

"After all these years" - that's what he said - "you dare to come here -" Then he said, "I refuse

I thought that the sounds came from up above but when I called up these stairs, "Is anybody there?" there was no answer, so I went back to bed

All these things were in the attic when I married Lucius and I've never looked at them before

But no one has reported these things missing.'

So he told the girl to put on these old clothes and go and hide the suitcase in the woods

And these pains in my head - could you give me a glass of water?'

Even the daily papers woke up to these events at last, and there was much discussion of their cause

I heard it give a peculiar cry, and then another of these creatures appeared in the deep shadow of the door.

I could not take my eyes away from these creatures.

The smoke (or flame, perhaps, would be a better word for it) was so bright that the deep blue sky overhead seemed to darken as these clouds rose

I asked myself if these things had really happened

But I did not consider these points at the time, and so I thought the Martians had very little chance of success

All these things prevented me from making a sensible decision.

We reached the woods at the foot of the hill and moved through these towards the road

'I was explaining that these are valuable.'

At the sight of these strange, quick and terrible creatures, the crowd near the water's edge seemed for a moment to be totally shocked

'What do these things mean?'

'Why are these things allowed? What have we done - what has Weybridge done? The morning service was over

'Are these creatures everywhere? Has the Earth been given to them?'

I have read, in another description of these events, that on Sunday morning 'all London was panicked by the news from Woking.' In fact, this is simply not true

No one in London knew what the Martians looked like, and there was still a fixed idea that they must be slow: 'crawling', 'moving painfully' - words like these were in all the earlier reports

He learned that several unusual telegrams had been received in the morning from Byfleet and Chertsey stations, but that these had suddenly stopped

My brother turned towards Victoria station, and met a number of people like these

A few minutes later these three were joined by four other Martians, each carrying a thick black tube

I had a sudden thought and looked to the north, and there I saw a third of these cloudy black hills.

At the time we could not understand these things, but later I learnt the meaning of these frightening black hills

Some fired only one of these, some two or more

It is said that many who swam out to these ships were pushed away and drowned

Beyond these were the larger ships - a great number of coal ships, ships carrying goods, and neat white and grey passenger ships from Southampton and Hamburg.

The steamboat was going, these men said, to the Belgian port of Ostend.

But I do not know who these people were or what happened to them

I am listing these exactly because we lived on this food for the next fortnight.

With these it was taking pieces of metal out of the cylinder and laying them on the earth behind it

People who have never seen these things can hardly understand how alive they looked.

This face had no nose - I do not think they had any sense of smell - but it had a pair of very large, dark eyes, and just beneath these a kind of v-shaped mouth

I ate some of these and put the rest in my pockets.

And these are only the first ones

All these - the sort of people that lived in these houses, all those little office workers that used to live down that way - they'd be no good

I sat and thought about these things

And just as I was beginning to face these things, the soldier stopped digging and looked at me.

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins

Great piles of earth had formed around a pit at the top of the hill - the final and largest one the Martians had made - and from behind these piles thin smoke rose against the sky

These germs of disease have killed people and animals since the beginning of time, but over these many years we have developed the ability to fight against them

They have told me since that I was singing a crazy song about 'The Last Man Left Alive! The Last Man Left Alive!' Although they were troubled with their own affairs, these people were very helpful to me

Seven months ago, when these planets were close together, faint, dark marks appeared on photographs which suggested that a cylinder had been fired from one to the other.

However, whether we expect another attack or not, our views of the human future must now be changed by these events

'The facts are these, Mr Holmes,' he said

Who are these people?"

She is very dark, but she is my dear little girl.' When the little girl heard these words, she ran to her mother.

Can you hear spirits singing sad songs - the songs of those who died in these waters?' he will take you by the arm and say, 'I understand, my friend

We added these to the stew

Harris had a terrible fight with these two swans

Look at all these people who are running after you,' said Connie.

But these shoes..

And I wonder how James will see these problems.

You always get dependable information on these things

He has seen things happen along these beaches

Of the three, Connie was happiest with these changes

Then she would get married and these terrible times would be forgotten

How I hated him! He forced me to stay here in this village, where they all talked about me but no one spoke to me! Finally, now, after all these years, I have earned their respect

I could now say goodbye to the ghostly figure who has haunted these pages as she haunted my life.

In some places, people still have these ideas

Rigoberta and these other women have fought for the rights of women, but also for the rights of all humans.

But, during these times, countries like China, Egypt and Iran had feminist movements, too

Women's sexuality is important in these feminist waves

They are also going into "men's" jobs - these days there are women pilots, judges and astronauts!

One of these leaders is Sheryl Sandberg, who is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook.

In these early times, the number of women in science was not high

In these Games, there were more sports that women could take part in

At the same time, famous men in the film business, like Harvey Weinstein, were accused of harassing and assaulting women - and men in TV and politics have also been accused of these crimes

"How ridiculous! I cannot do these stupid things," says Don Diego.

"Sit down! Eat these cakes and this wine."

"Look, Diego, these young men are not tired