How to use "thin" in a sentence


Sunlight shines off the bottom of thin clouds high above me

Their clothes looked thin and comfortable.

We can imagine her singing to herself as she walked along, a small woman, about 1.52m, and thin

By the age of five, Cosette had become a thin, pale-faced, silent child

She was very thin, almost ugly, but Marius noticed that she had lovely blue eyes

The man was the same, but the thin, plain girl of six months earlier had become a beautiful young woman

One was tall and thin, the other smaller

Marius looked up quickly and saw that his visitor was a thin girl wearing just a skirt and shirt

Only a thin wall separated him from the family of lost souls in the room next door

A large woman with greying hair, once red, was sitting by the fire, while a thin, pale-faced child sat on one of the beds.

The desk clerk showed him into the police chief's office, where a tall man with a wide face and a thin, tight mouth was trying to keep warm next to a tire.

"I do," she says, and her voice is thin and tense.

Red, sandy plains stretch out in almost every direction, and only to the east are there thin, light-green trees that lead to the low, orange mountains.

Short and thin with a pale and unhealthy complexion from hours of playing his computer games and watching television.

He uses something strange: not a knife but something long and thin, and he stabs them again and again, and they just bleed and bleed."

And the old woman takes a long, thin knitting needle from her bag, and Sarah remembers what the kid said on the tube...

...He uses something strange: not a knife but something long and thin, and he stabs them again and again, and they just bleed and bleed.

A thin hand

A tall, thin woman dressed in black came towards us

Her pale, thin face was hard

Frank Crawley was a thin man with a pleasant, worried face

Mrs Danvers held my arm tightly with her long thin fingers

'You are much too thin

'I hope you won't be so thin next time I see you,' Beatrice said as she got into her car

She bought a quart of nonfat milk and a loaf of whole-wheat bread that was cut thin for dieters, so each serving contained only half the calories of an ordinary slice of bread

She spread a thin skin of peanut butter on them, poured a glass of nonfat milk, and sat at the table.

As Vivienne reached the back of the house, the crescent moon slid out from behind one of the few thin clouds, like a scimitar being drawn from a scabbard, and the pale shadows of palms and melaleucas shivered on the lunar-silvered concrete patio.

She blinked rapidly, closed her eyes, opened them again, but still the doorknob appeared to be sheathed in a thin, irregular jacket of ice.

If the gigantic sets and lavish costumes and intricate choreography were overdone, or if any element was improperly executed, the production would quickly stumble across the thin line between captivating show-biz flash and sheer vulgarity

Supposed to be." Her voice had grown thin and bitter

As they approached the house, they talked about the delights of pasta served with a thin, light sauce of olive oil, garlic, and sweet basil.

The story was set in the mid-nineteenth century, when a physician's perception of the thin line between life and death was often cloudy

He was on the thin line that separated animal alertness from nervous frenzy.

A thin film of moisture covered the victim's nose and lips and chin, but this was only the harmless medium in which the toxin had been suspended

He had a well-formed face with high cheekbones, a narrow straight nose, and thin lips

You're spreading yourself too thin

"Anyway, even if we're spread a bit thin, it doesn't matter much

A thin, humorless laugh escaped Carlton Dombey, and he looked away from the window

It didn't swoop and dart uncontrollably this time; it crept carefully, hesitantly across the paper, leaving a thin red line of ink like a thread of blood.

His face was thin and sallow

Minutes ago, when Tina had first peered through the observation window, when she had seen the frighteningly thin child, she had told herself that she would not cry

"He's tall and thin," she says

"And he's tall and thin!" his friend says

As Melchett and I left the bedroom, I saw a thin man come out of another room along the passage.

But now the sounds inside had stopped, and a thin circle of bright metal showed between its top and body.

The flashing light was blinding and confusing, and thin rain hit my face as I drove down the slope.

Another pause, and then he shouted, 'The smoke of her burning goes up for ever and ever!' His eyes were wide and he pointed a thin finger in the direction of Weybridge.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the thin remains of a cloud of Black Smoke was seen coming through London's Blackfriars Bridge

They saw the three thin figures separating and rising out of the water as they moved back towards the shore, and one of them raised the box that fired his Heat-Ray

Around the mouth were sixteen thin, whip-like tentacles, arranged in two groups of eight

Far away I saw a thin cat walking along a wall, but there was no sign of people.

His black hair fell over his eyes, and his face was dark and dirty and thin, so at first I did not recognize him.

Great piles of earth had formed around a pit at the top of the hill - the final and largest one the Martians had made - and from behind these piles thin smoke rose against the sky

She was young and thin with a pale, worried face

Her face was pale and thin, and her long suffering in the asylum had affected her mind, so that her expression was vague and her memory confused

He was a thin blond man with a scar on his cheek.