How to use "those" in a sentence


The Nautilus is perfectly safe from those outside it."

"There are giant squid in the holes of those walls."

One of those ugly creatures is caught in our propeller."

I had respect for him as a scientist, but he murdered those men on the other ship!

'Turn those men over!' she said to the Knave of Hearts

The Knave of Hearts, he took those tarts,

'What was in those tarts?'

And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality

I do not consider it necessary, at present, for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety, or excitement.

I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that.

It is scarcely questioned that this provision was intended by those who made it for the reclaiming of what we call fugitive slaves; and the intention of the lawgiver is the law

And while I do not choose now to specify particular acts of Congress as proper to be enforced, I do suggest that it will be much safer for all, both in official and private stations, to conform to and abide by all those acts which stand un repealed, than to violate any of them, trusting to find impunity in having them held to be unconstitutional.

To those, however, who really love the Union may I not speak?

"Woe unto the world because of offences; for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that mam by whom the offence cometh!" If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time

He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope - fervently do we pray - that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away

Hand in hand with that we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers and by engaging on a national scale in a redistribution, endeavor to provide a better use of the land for those best fitted for the land.

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyally of faithful friends

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny

But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom - and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside

To those people in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them, help themselves, for whatever period is required - not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right.

Finally, to those nations who would make them-selves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

'But what about the candlesticks? I gave you those as well, don't you remember? They're silver like the rest, and worth at least two hundred francs

An unmarried woman with a child was a terrible thing in those days, and Fantine lost her job

With those words he bowed and left the office, leaving M

With those words he slammed the door in Marius's face.

With those words, she gave a little laugh and wave, grabbed some dry bread from the table and disappeared out of the door.

Moving closer to her, he said, 'Do you know the address of those people who've just left your room?'

With those words he threw the metal bar out of the window into the street below.

'Who said you had to go away? You left me - your grandfather! - to join in those street protests against the government, I suppose

'Monsieur, it's none of those things.'

With those words, she closed her eyes for the last time and died.

He murmured to himself, 'She's going to leave me,' and the pain of those words cut into his heart like a knife.

He could not believe that this was the same man he had seen at the barricade all those months ago - it seemed like a bad dream to him.

With those words, he removed his false nose, glasses and neat grey wig.

'And what crimes are those?'

They just watch those big screens, take pictures, eat and drink

And those eyes, such innocent, blue eyes.

And there is no one in the church to hear those.

No, this is his holiday, his escape from all those idiots back in California

I suppose you didn't notice, but those two are having some sort of romantic affair."

Four aces? I know you put those cards in

She didn't know where those words had come from

How wonderful to think that there might still be a different world out there - a world where you could do all those things for real!

I can see that all those units and the extra money would be useful

Think of all those energy units! Why don't you like the idea?"

"Once you've got all those energy units and extra money, you are free

Would it really feel like she was swimming with dolphins in one of those?

"I feel very sorry for all those people

Thank those who took the risk to find you

I have forgotten the places we went to, but I have not forgotten the excitement of those mornings

'One day I'll remind you of those words

'Can you see those trees on the hill in front of us? Manderley is in the valley beyond those trees.'

'Who are all those people?'

'Frank,' I said, 'I'm sorry I asked you all those questions

I can't tell you about those terrible years with Rebecca

Who made those holes in the planks? Rocks didn't do it

And those holes were mad with something sharp.'

'With those holes, sir, and the sea-cocks open, a small boat like Mrs de Winter's would soon sink

Do you know anything about those holes?'

'Then whoever took the boat out that night also made those holes and opened the sea-cocks.'

What about those holes in the boat, Max?'

'Rebecca never opened those sea-cocks

She didn't make those holes in the boat

'Aren't those holes in the boat enough proof for you?'

'The dawn seems to be coming up over there, behind those hills

The Lido was one of those incredibly lavish productions that could be seen nowhere in the world but Vegas, for it was only in Las Vegas that a multimillion-dollar show could be staged year after year with little concern for profit; such vast sums were spent on the elaborate sets and costumes, and on the enormous cast and crew, that the hotel was usually happy if the production merely broke even from ticket and drink sales

Her obsessive fear of intruders in the house, her disquieting dreams about Danny, her renewed grief - all of those things might grow from her concern about Magyck! If that were the case, then those symptoms would disappear as soon as the fate of the show was evident

In one of her terrible seizures of grief, in a moment of crazy dark despair, had she come into this room and unknowingly printed those words on Danny's chalkboard?

And the obvious reference that those two words made to the bus accident in which he had perished?

Danny, of course, had been writing about something else, and the dark interpretation that could be drawn from those two words now, after his death, was just a macabre coincidence.

Ramparts of pale pink stone stretched hundreds of feet on both sides of the entrance; those walls were windowless and garishly decorated with giant stone coins, a gushing torrent of coins flooding from a stone cornucopia

She had not printed those words

Someone had come into the house while she was out and had printed those two words on the chalkboard again

But even if Vivienne had kept her scheduled appointment, she never would have written those words on the chalkboard

Or perhaps this was the first time in all those months that she had been aware of being the object of such interest

They cheered one another on those rare occasions when one of them hit a really large jackpot; and when one of them died, the others went to the funeral en masse

There were five photographs in addition to the one that had dropped onto the sofa; two were responsible for the noises that had drawn her into the living room, and the other three were those that she had seen popping off the picture hooks

By ten-thirty most of the audience had left and those who hadn't gone yet were in line, moving up the steps toward the rear doors of the showroom

Knowing this feast had been laid on for the party, few of those present had eaten dinner, and most of the dancers had eaten nothing since a light lunch

But if Michael hadn't torn up Danny's room, if Michael hadn't written those words on the chalkboard, then who had?

It was good for us once, those early years

And those bed-hopping weekends broke my heart, Michael, broke my heart - which is what you hoped to do, so that was all right with you

But did you ever stop to realize what effect your absences had on Danny? If you loved family life so much, why didn't you spend all those weekends with your son?"

But you were too busy using all those women to hurt me and to prove to yourself what a stud you were

A lot of our regular junketeers and high rollers couldn't make it to the VIP opening of Magyck! I'd like you to get their names from the computer, plus a list of the wedding anniversaries of those who're married."

She scanned the list of VIP customers who hadn't attended the opening of Magyck! Using a red pencil, she circled those names that were followed by anniversary dates, trying to ascertain how large a promotion she was proposing

The names and addresses of VIP customers who had missed the opening of Magyck! - Along with the wedding anniversaries of those who were married - began to appear on the screen, scrolling upward

The screen glowed with those words - then went blank.

It wasn't Danny tapping out those words

Tina kept a well-stocked bar in one corner of her office for those infrequent occasions when a business associate needed a drink after a long work session

This was the first time she'd ever had the need to tap those stores for herself.

"And the boys competed hard all year for the chance to be one of those selected to go on the trip

All those years they'd taken kids into the mountains, nobody was even scratched."

Why would he do something so dumb, so reckless, as to drive that far along that road in those conditions?"

Angela felt the chill first, when she got the initial printout with those lines about Danny

maybe I wrote those words on the chalkboard

Elliot cocked his head, studied her with those probing, dark eyes

"Elliot, are you sure you aren't feeling those cognacs we had at my office?"

Of course, during the first of those two years, she'd still been married to Michael and had felt compelled to remain faithful to him, even though a separation and then a divorce had been in the works, and even though he had not felt constrained by any similar moral sense

For a long, long time, they forgot that death existed, and they explored the delicious, silken surfaces of love, and it seemed to them, in those shining hours, that they would both live forever.

He'd had other women in this bed during the past two years, and a few had stayed the night, but not one of those other lovers had made him feel content merely by the fact of her presence, as Tina did

The smell of her, the vibrant blue of her eyes, the feel of her supple skin as he put a hand to her face - those things generated waves of affection and longing within him.

This was perfect weather for flying, one of those crystalline days when being above the earth would make him feel clean and free.

The conversations were like those in which he was involved at work, eight or ten hours a day, five days a week and he didn't intend to spend a holiday nattering about the same damned things.

something strange about the way all those scouts died

When Danny had first begun collecting horror comics with his allowance, she had closely examined those books to decide whether or not they were harmful to him

He rammed his knee into his adversary's crotch and tore the gun out of the bear-paw hand as those clutching fingers went slack

Even if the government had established a secret police force, however, why was it so anxious to cover up the true facts of Danny's death? What were they trying to hide about the Sierra tragedy? What really had happened up in those mountains?

Tina stared at those words in shocked disbelief.

In those days, the corpse was not embalmed; therefore, the boy was buried while still alive

The flagstone walk that led across her front lawn seemed to be one of those treadmill pathways in a dream, stretching out farther in front of her the harder that she ran, but at last, she reached the end of it and dashed into the street

But even as Tina looked from Elliot to the fire, before all of the shingles had fallen back to earth, a second explosion slammed through the house, and a billowing cloud of flame roared from one end of the structure to the other, bursting those few windows that had miraculously survived the first blast.

In those days, it had been easy to play the hunter

If this Vince is still there, we should use those drugs on him

"Remember maybe ten years ago when that Texas elections official revealed how Lyndon Johnson's first local election was fixed? The guy said he was just trying to clear his conscience after all those years

Then a lot of people are going to be pushing for an exhumation of all those boys

But once those seeds are sown, once the parents of the other scouts and the entire city are clamoring for an investigation, Kennebeck's buddies won't have anything to gain by eliminating us

"You'd think it was even more amazing if you'd suffered those nightmares," she said

"I thought we might make some quick allies out of those other parents

Ideally, I'd even like to be able to hand the reporter a neat theory about what really happened to those scouts, something sensational that he can hook his story onto."

And most of those remote areas are owned by the federal government

"Wouldn't it? Think of Waco - all those dead children

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

"Remember, there were two adults with those kids

And they thought about those things that neither of them wanted to speak of: murder past and murder present.

Sure, I'm scared of those creeps

But those messages haven't been coming from a sadist

Danny was the one who wrote those words on the chalkboard

And even if those were examples of psychic ability, little tricks like that are light-years from what you're attributing to Danny now."

"Are you going to tell me it was coincidence that the record stuck on those two words?"

Bruckster was waiting for one of those dealers: Michael Evans.

He reached into a pocket of his leisure suit and took out a tiny aerosol can that was only slightly larger than one of those spray-style breath fresheners, small enough to be concealed in Bruckster's hand.

Two of those hurriedly organized assassination attempts had failed

Left-wingers and right-wingers differed about certain details, of course, but their only major point of contention centered on the identity of those who would be permitted to be a part of the privileged ruling class, once the power had been sufficiently centralized.

My public opinions are the same as those I express privately, and that's a virtue he doesn't possess

"You don't have enough manpower to follow up all those possibilities," the judge said

"I'll make those decisions," Alexander said icily.

I still think you could have avoided issuing all those termination orders

"There's something in those eyes..

"Not until we've gotten rid of those clowns on our tail," he said

Crouching beside one of those bushes, huddling in the shadows just beyond the circle of frosty light from a nearby street lamp, he pulled the pistol out of his coat pocket while Tina drove away.

It was Jacklin's job to conceive new welfare programs, convince the Secretary of Health and Welfare that those programs were needed, sell them to the Congress, and then establish convincing bureaucratic shells to conceal the fact that the programs were utterly phony; and as federal funds flowed to these false-front operations, the money was diverted to the Network

None of those people could compromise the Network

Only bureau chiefs, their immediate staffs, station chiefs in major cities, and senior field officers who had proved themselves and their loyalty - only those people knew the true nature of their employers and their work

He had enjoyed those murders so immensely, had been so profoundly thrilled by them, that he had, by choice, performed the executioner's role on half a dozen other assignments

A dozen times, she passed chinks in the wall, and Death glared out at her from every one of those apertures, screamed and cursed and raged at her, but none of the holes was large enough to allow him through

It could be anywhere in those mountains."

We don't know what we'll walk into in those mountains

"Looks more like the road they always take in those old movies when they're on their way to Dracula's castle."

Apparently, the door could be opened only from within, after those, seeking entrance had been scrutinized by the camera that hung over the portal.

The corridor terminated in an airtight steel door similar to those found on submarines; the burnished metal glowed softly, and light gleamed off the big round-headed rivets.

And not a lot of those."

He just went right off the rails," Dombey said, obviously embarrassed that one of his colleagues would lose control of himself under those circumstances

Each time that he personally killed someone, he felt as if he were establishing another link to the world beyond this one; and he hoped, once he had made enough of those linkages, that he would be rewarded with a vision from the other side

She held Danny close, and she stared into his dark eyes, and she wasn't able to comfort herself with those words from the Bible

Among those in whom it struck a chord were the aforementioned producer, studio executives, and network pooh-bahs

They might have been talented folks who, in the past, had produced works to rival those of Shakespeare and who, in the future, might produce thousands of pages of sheer genius

No one threatened my life; neither of these women had an unkempt beard (or a kempt one for that matter); neither of them presented us with a body-odor problem; and neither of them indulged in furious political rants that sprayed spittle on those of us who just wanted to make a TV movie.

I had spent more time in useless development meetings than I had required to write both of those screenplays.

After all those months and all those meetings and all those network-approved writers, we had too little material to launch a series, regardless of whether it was titled From the Tormented Mind of Dean Koontz or Sitting in the Dark with Dean and Roaches or just Deaniac

He didn't like the black Americans, so during the Civil War he fought against the men from the North, and with those from the South

Now where did those letters come from? Did you see?'

While he was working for the K.K.K., he sent the pips to frighten those three men

'He came to me for help and those men murdered him! I'm going to find them, if it's the last thing I do!' he said to me, and he hurried out of the house.

But there was no possible doubt because the fingerprints of his left hand were the same as those found all over his laboratory and up at the house.

All I could do was hope that those defences would continue to break down.

'Well, I'm glad it's neither of those two

'But which of those choices do you think would be your duty?'

But I don't want all those eyes looking at me

'I hope you don't take too many of those,' I said.

'I suppose he took too many of those?'

'Keep those fools back,' said Ogilvy

After this it seemed that the three Martians spoke together, and those who were watching them report that they stayed absolutely quiet for the next half-hour

We could only wait and be bored during those two days.

We were very different people with different habits of thought and action, and those differences increased because we were living together in this dangerous place

Let's crawl under those bushes and talk.'

All these - the sort of people that lived in these houses, all those little office workers that used to live down that way - they'd be no good

I turned and looked down the slope of the hill at those two other Martians that I had seen the previous night

All the ships in the world seemed to be coming to London in those days

'Now, go back to Norbury, and when you see that those people have returned to the cottage, call us

Medical science was not advanced in those days

Can you hear spirits singing sad songs - the songs of those who died in these waters?' he will take you by the arm and say, 'I understand, my friend

Packing is one of those things that I do best.

We also knew that those people were not happy.

If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi

'Ei, those are beautiful shoes

One of those things which, with luck, will keep them together for some time to come.

Are those shoes the old pair which were new a couple of months ago? Or are they the newest pair? And here she is herself, the pretty one

I had placed myself between those two young lovers! It was all my fault! Now Walter is thousands of miles away in a foreign country

'I hope that you and the Count will understand that Laura wasn't herself when she spoke those words

We must find the money to pay those debts

She looked so lonely as she said those words that my eyes filled with tears

I thought of those famous words from the Bible: 'The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children.' The fatal similarity between two daughters of one father had caused all this suffering.

In those days, there was a line on the floor of the bus

Since those days, a lot of female scientists have won the Nobel Prize - women like Barbara McClintock, Rita Levi-Montalcini and Gertrude B

But only twenty-two women played in those Games, out of the 997 people from nineteen countries