How to use "threatening" in a sentence


Then he turned to the prisoner and said in a slow, threatening voice, 'What did you hope to gain by giving me a false name and address?'

But this was the worst thing that had ever happened to him - someone was threatening to rob him of the only person he loved!

"And he never says anything threatening? He never says that he wants to hurt you?"

Outside, the clouds looked gray and threatening, so she took the covered walkway

The returning darkness was threatening.

He didn't want to attract the attention of the omnipresent casino security men, and the easiest way to escape their notice was to appear to be the least threatening hick in the huge room

For two hundred yards ahead, until the road curved once more, nothing threatening was in sight.

"But apparently it isn't life-threatening," Dombey said quickly

There doesn't appear to be anything life-threatening about the parietal spot, but you sure should keep a watch on it."

'Have you told the police about that man Archer threatening Protheroe?'

It seems to me almost unbelievably wonderful that, with that danger threatening us, people could continue their ordinary business as they did

I tried threatening him, and in the end I hit him