How to use "throwing" in a sentence


Outside, six or seven small squid moved along the top of the Nautilus, throwing all their tentacles at the ship and its men

He tried to clean it off and not look angry, but I didn't want to wait for them to start throwing things at me! No sir! I started running.

That afternoon, back at the hotel, he came to my room shouting and throwing newspapers on to the bed

Police were everywhere, and people were shouting and throwing things.

The star exploded slowly, throwing out a million rocks

"In your condition, throwing off all that nervous energy the way you are, two small brandies won't affect you in the slightest."

And her husband saves a bundle in attorney's fees that he'd just be throwing away in a hopeless attempt to stop us."

about the boat," Elliot said, not even knowing where he was going to go with that line, ready to say anything to keep Tom from putting up the garage door and throwing them out.

'What's that you're throwing away?' she asked.

He got to his feet and saw to the right, less than a hundred metres away, the warship cutting through the water at full speed, throwing enormous waves out on either side.