How to use "together" in a sentence


We are on the trail together for about five kilometres

In the hour and a half we've been together, we've already become friends.

We agree on a plan to meet and go to the party together.

He holds my arms in his little hands and together we dance around the room

Then one day I got back to the hospital and a Colonel Gooch said, 'Gump, we're going back to America together! You're going to see the President of the United States, and he's going to give you a medal because you were very brave.'

We talked together until it was time for her to sing again.

Jenny and me were together again.

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; "and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together."

With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

I replied politely to everything he said, but I was holding a weapon in my pocket as we walked along together.

Then we left the room together.

He lived with his wife at the club, which they managed together

Mary and Barnett decided to live together, and by the beginning of 1888 they were renting a room, 13 Miller's Court in Dorset Street.

The two women watched the children playing together.

He walked angrily out of the room, leaving the mayor and the prostitute alone together

Fantine smiled, and began to talk dreamily about her future life with her daughter, and how happy they would be together

The old man gave her the bucket, and they entered the inn together.

Afterwards, they sat together on the garden bench in a state of shock, neither of them speaking

'It's worth losing a day together if we want to be happy for the rest of our lives.'

For the first time in their life together, he and Cosette had quarrelled

There was no reason, he thought, why they should not continue to live happily together in England

Both cannons fired together, accompanied by gunfire from soldiers at the end of the street and on the rooftops

He held Marius's head to his chest and they cried together.

When they were alone together, Cosette and Marius kissed.

We run up the stairs together, Robin with his gun at the guard's back

They all mix together and are little more than noise to an onlooker

Two women sitting together on the front pew, their eyes closed and heads down

The sound of the sirens was still in the distance, and Brandon thought that maybe they were still okay and that maybe they could leave; maybe they could escape together

We play golf together

And Owen knew the boy was interested then, and for the first time in a long time he thought that maybe there was something they could do together

It was crazy the way it did that, even after a whole year together.

"You know we've been together a year today? Well, he bought us a pod experience

"If we were both in a pod, how would we be together?"

So at least if we were both doing the same thing, it would almost feel like we were together."

"Well, we're going to have a pod experience together, right? Then we'll know how it feels

They had almost reached Sala's exit, so she gathered her things together and said goodbye to Niki

And we were in the same virtual space together

A bit too clever, said a voice in Sala's head: they'd been together, and yet not together; they were able to talk to each other, but sometimes experienced things separately

we want to be together, right?"

They all sat down to eat and talk together

It was the first important crossroads they'd come to together

Other people joined in, and the packets were soon gathered together again

Here, the tower blocks seemed taller and more depressing than ever, built closely together so that the spaces between them were always in shadow

Then we'll be together

They walked back to the simulator center and spent an hour together alone in Space 29, where they chose their waterfall illusion

"Well, Gran," said Sala, "maybe one day, when Cham comes out of the pod, and they've managed to break through the force field, we really will be able to go together

We'll all do some pictures together."

She wasn't even sure if his family would give them time alone together - but she'd have to make sure it happened

If you come out of the pod, we can try and find it together

She thought about all the wonderful times they'd had together

Someone has seen us together

We would walk in the gardens of Manderley together

We got up from the table and walked out of the room together

We went together up the wide stone steps

It was new for us to sit together quietly like this

I had thought we would spend our first morning at Manderley together.

The men began to talk together and I had to answer Beatrice's questions.

Here we sat together, Maxim and I, hand in hand

We set off together across the lawns to the woods

The trees grew very close together over our heads and it was very dark

We lived our lives together sleeping, eating, walking

Then I called Jasper and we went together into the woods.

'Sometimes I think she watches you and Mr de Winter together,' Mrs Danvers whispered.

He was happy when we were in Italy together.'

We listened, staring into the white fog together

We sat there together for some minutes without saying anything

Maxim and I were going to fight this together

The past can't hurt us if we are together

He and Frank went out together

'We must be together as long as we can.'

We had breakfast together and I went out on to the terrace

At times like this, she wished that she and Michael were still together

That was how it had been during the last months of their life together

Now they seemed to have shaped a hit show together.

Fighting with Michael, coping with the shock of separation and divorce, grieving for Danny, and putting together the show with Joel Bandiri had filled her days and nights, so she'd had no chance to think of romance.

The duchesses, who for the most part were widows and spinsters, often ate lunch and dinner together

After their fourth encounter, she lost track of how long they were together

And everywhere in the gigantic casino, there were cocktail waitresses in brief costumes, revealing long legs and cleavage; they bustled here and there, back and forth, as if they were the threads that bound the crowd together.

Elliot studied the printouts, and together they examined the computer in Angela's office

Aware that her answer had disappointed him, she looked down at her hands, which were laced together so tightly that her knuckles were white.

We served in Army Intelligence together

While Tina and Elliot had been joking in the kitchen, even before dinner had been completely prepared, she had begun to think they might go to bed together

If you're looking for a freelance hit man, someone who deals in carload lots of illegal weapons, maybe a mercenary who can put together a small expeditionary force for an overseas operation - you can find all of them here

The cab was empty, and they boarded it, and the doors glided together.

All I know is that during the fourteen or sixteen - or seven thousand - months that we worked together, through countless story meetings in the development executive's office, I was never sure that any of my writing confreres had read the complete novel that he or she was adapting - or understood what had been read

After the first story meeting, however, I never saw the two of them together

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'

'It's possible because the atoms that make up objects are not close together like the bricks of a wall

'Are you saying that you have disintegrated that ashtray, then put it together again after pushing it through something?' I said.

'He's coming here tomorrow evening so we can do it together

As we all went out together, I looked over my shoulder and saw Lawrence Redding's face

And Dr Stone came down the path from Old Hall, so they all walked towards the village together

'But it all fits together,' Melchett said

Dr Stone met them and they walked together to the village

My husband and I drove into the village together

So we walked together to her house

And so we walked together to the station, Dr Stone with the suitcase, and I with the coat and books.

If we'd been planning to go away together, and then Lucius had died - it would be so awful now

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

Men were gardening, children were being put to bed, young people were out walking together.

In the road lay a pile of three burnt bodies close together, killed by the Heat-Ray

After this it seemed that the three Martians spoke together, and those who were watching them report that they stayed absolutely quiet for the next half-hour

Many became stuck together under Tower Bridge, and the sailors had to fight against people who tried to get on from the riverside

He looked past it at the Martians again and saw the three of them now close together, and standing so far out to sea that their legs were almost completely under water.

When I looked again, the busy building-machine had already put together several of the pieces of metal from inside the cylinder into a shape that was very like its own

We were very different people with different habits of thought and action, and those differences increased because we were living together in this dangerous place

For a few minutes we fought together

You begin to see? And we'll get some people together - strong, clean-minded men

We went together to the roof and stood on a ladder, looking out of the roof door

Seven months ago, when these planets were close together, faint, dark marks appeared on photographs which suggested that a cylinder had been fired from one to the other.

We all left the cottage together, and then Holmes and I returned to London.

One of those things which, with luck, will keep them together for some time to come.

As we walked together down the London road, looking for a carriage, she said, 'Do you know any aristocrats?'

The countryside and the sea reminded me of the happy months we had spent together

Boys and girls, she wrote, must go to school together.

She is famous because she did not stand up! When Rosa was a young woman, in many places in the USA, black people - who were called "coloureds" at that time - and white people could not sit together.

They were together for fifty-one years, until he died in 1980

They never lived together, never married and never had children

He and Marie had to be thought about together "for our research on radioactive bodies", he wrote

More than 300 women from Hollywood got together and started a group called "Time's Up"

"Come with me and we can fight together! We can make California a better place to live," says Zorro.

The young men talk together.

"Good! We now fight together!" says Zorro and leaves.