How to use "tops" in a sentence


Soft sand covers the tops of my boots

And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hill-tops of New Hampshire.

In one direction, a golden beach was just visible, with the tops of green trees beyond it

Tina, wearing rubber-soled sneakers with canvas tops, was surely as miserable as he was

The tops of the trees and the roofs of Horsell were sharp and black against the western sky

I rushed out onto the grass and saw the tops of the trees around the Oriental College burst into smoky red flame, and the tower of the little church beside it slide down into ruins

The sun, shining through the smoke that rose up from the tops of the trees, seemed blood-red and threw an unfamiliar bright light on everything.

I heard a church strike midnight, and then I saw Maybury Hill, with its tree-tops and roofs black and sharp against the red sky.

And, shining in the morning light, three of the tripods stood on the common, their tops turning as they examined the damage they had done.

The top of a Martian fighting-machine came into sight over the house tops, less than a hundred metres away from us

The voice grew stronger and stronger, although I could see nothing above the roof-tops on the north side of the park except some smoke to the north-west.

Only the tops of the great engines, so unearthly in their shape, could be seen in the morning light