How to use "trains" in a sentence


He could see a time when there would be no aeroplanes, ships, trains or cars and, therefore, no roads or railway lines, ports, airports or stations

From the distant railway station came the sound of trains

On the Saturday evening, at Waterloo station, he learned that an accident prevented trains from reaching Woking

Then trains carrying large guns and many soldiers passed through the station, moving towards Kingston

Most of them were going to Chalk Farm station, where special trains were being loaded.

All the railway lines north of the Thames had been warned by midnight on Sunday, and trains were being filled

He was told that the Midland Railway Company had started running trains again, and was taking people north from St Albans

Already men, crying with joy, as I have heard, were getting onto trains to go to London

At Waterloo I found that free trains were taking people to their homes