How to use "trap" in a sentence


Clouds at night are good because they trap the day's heat in the canyon, but clouds during the day are bad because the sun doesn't warm the air

You set a very clever trap.'

Leblanc and 'Ursula' from the trap that Jondrette was setting for them

Was this a trap? Where were they going? But the woman didn't look back; she wasn't going to wait

If the woman was leading her into a trap, she now had no way of contacting anyone.

We'll just eliminate Bellicosti and set up a trap at the funeral home."

"If they've anticipated us, set a trap at the funeral home-"

"And if they haven't set a trap, I've got to be there when you question Bellicosti."

There wasn't much of a chance that a trap had been set for them so soon

They were still waiting patiently for their prey to walk into the trap.

"What if Danny didn't have anything to do with it? They might just be letting us in so they can trap us inside."

'We might be allowed to set a little trap.'

'A trap? What kind of a trap?'

Lawrence Redding deserves the heaviest punishment possible.' So he began to arrange the trap with Melchett