How to use "two" in a sentence


That means I've cycled thirteen kilometres in less than two hours

For food, I have two burritos

I also have a full water bottle and an extra two litres in a CamelBak.

I lie down, put my hands in two holes on the far edge of the boulder and push my legs over the opposite side to jump down.

It has two knives

I wonder how long I'll be able to survive with the water I have left, only two-thirds of a litre

It's time for plan two

I describe all that has happened in the last two days

For the first time in two days, I need to urinate

That's two whole days with no sleep and very little water

The party ended at around two o'clock the next morning, but there was still no sign of Aron.

Before I leave, I take two pictures of the part of my arm still trapped by the boulder

It has taken me two and a half hours to travel six kilometres

By two-thirty, I have covered nearly ten kilometres

A man who looks like a policeman is standing with two nurses in white coats on the hospital steps

It's the third time I've done this in two hours

On October the 25th - two days before my twenty-eighth birthday - I returned to Blue John Canyon

Chapter two

The two men wore black hats and shoes made from seal skin

The Captain pressed a button and two of the walls opened up

This ship goes above water every two days to fill it with clean air

The ship was between two large rocks, unable to move

He stood and looked at a picture of a young woman with two small children

Wait for two minutes, then come up after me

In a race, somebody usually says,' One, two, three, go!' But the Dodo didn't do that

Now there were two little cries

I can't get bigger!' So she ate the cake and two or three minutes later she was small again

Alice looked at the two mushrooms and thought for a minute

It thought for a minute or two

She waited for two minutes, and the Cat came back again.

She watched for a minute or two

'Cut off her head! Cut off his head!' she shouted, every two or three minutes.

He stood between two men and his head was down

'More than two kilometers high,' said the Queen.

The cards - all fifty-two of them - came down on top of Alice

A day or two later, after school in the afternoon, he and his friends came up to me and started pushing and hitting me

But they gave me the ball, and I ran over the goal line two or three times

Then two men came and took me to an office

Jenny stopped singing for a second or two, and the others in the group stopped playing

Then the other team got two men to run after me

Then everything went quiet again, and after a minute or two the rest of us climbed up out of the hole.

There was a little valley between two hills

Doyle and I and the other two men threw grenades, but then an enemy soldier shot Bones in the head

It started to rain one day, and it didn't stop for two months! But we still had to look for enemy soldiers - and one day we found them

There was blood all over him and he had two bullets in his stomach.

I was at the hospital for two months

There were about two thousand people waiting for us at San Francisco airport when we got off the plane! What a surprise! A lot of them had beards and long hair

The people ran after me - all two thousand of them! - but they couldn't catch me

'Get us two more drinks, please,' he said.

She was now playing in a group called The Broken Eggs, and they played two nights each week at a place called the Hodaddy Club near Harvard University

I could hear the music that was playing inside and, after a minute or two, I began playing with it

The other people - two men and a girl - didn't know what to say.

'What's wrong with her?' I asked one of the two men.

After about a month, I was winning nearly two hundred dollars a week, arm-wrestling

We were a day or two early for the tournament, and Mr Tribble took me to see some people who were making a film

'Jenny married two years ago;

I played two songs - and a man walked past and threw some money into my empty coffee cup! I played two more songs, and soon the cup was half full of money!

'Can I see him for a minute or two?'

It is seventy-two years since the first inauguration of a President under our national Constitution

For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this."

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

And finally, in our progress towards a resumption of work, we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order

But, in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me

But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course - both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.

About two weeks later I went to have dinner with a friend of mine

I have two nieces, you see

He told me that Mr Slinkton had taken his two nieces to Italy for their health

He wants a policy for two thousand pounds and he has asked Mr Slinkton to write a reference for him.

I did not stay there with her for more than two minutes

There were two doors at the top of the stairs

You thought you could kill me for the two thousand pounds of the insurance policy, didn't you? You wanted to kill me with brandy, didn't you? But you wanted me to die quickly

Mrs Purkiss was awake most of the night, and Mr Purkiss slept badly and was awake between one and two o'clock, but they heard nothing

The inspector saw a piece of muslin and two small combs that the murderer had put near her feet

She looked pale, so Amelia gave her two pennies to buy something to eat

In Berner Street, almost opposite a school, were two big wooden gates which opened into Dutfield's Yard, a dark, narrow court between numbers 42 and 40

He found two policemen in Commercial Road, who rushed to Dutfield's Yard

Mr Morris ran for assistance and soon returned with two policemen

Mr Morris, the night watchman in the warehouse, went to the door and looked into the square 'two moments before Constable Watkins called him

Around two hours later she woke up suddenly because her kitten was walking over her

At that moment she heard 'screams of "Murder!" two or three times in a female voice'

He walked to his right round the corner, where there were two windows of number 13

The window nearest to the door was broken in two places

The first thing he saw was two pieces of flesh on the bedside table

There was not much furniture: an old table and two old chairs stood on the bare, dirty floor

He wore dark clothes and a hat with one peak, or two like a deerstalker

However, two days before, somebody sent a letter to the police, which was never published

After dinner, the bishop said goodnight to his sister, picked up one of the two candlesticks and, handing the other to his guest, said, 'I'll show you to your room, Monsieur.'

When he woke up, the cathedral clock was striking two, but he had not woken because of this

'But what about the candlesticks? I gave you those as well, don't you remember? They're silver like the rest, and worth at least two hundred francs

Valjean produced two five-franc pieces and gave them to the priest

Chapter two

On a spring evening in 1818, in the village of Montfermeil, not far from Paris, two little girls were playing on a swing outside a small inn

'You have two very pretty children, Madame,' a voice said from close beside her.

With a little laugh, she jumped off her mother's lap and ran to play with the two girls on the swing.

The two women watched the children playing together.

'If you sold me your two front teeth, I'd pay you forty francs.'

She sat on her bed, cold and shivering, and looked at the two coins shining on the table

Madeleine built two new factories, which provided the town with hundreds of new jobs

She stared wildly at the two men, then turned to the nurse

They were two healthy girls, the old man noticed, dressed in warm clothes and with pink, healthy cheeks

The two girls, when they saw Cosette with their doll, ran crying to their mother

Weeks passed, and the two lived happily

Gillenormand, was a very wealthy man, but the two men hated each other

He did the same every day for two weeks

One cold but sunny afternoon in February, Marius was walking along the street when two young girls dressed in rags ran into him

This was why he had failed to recognize the two daughters when they had run into him on the street

'That's enough food for two days

Its only furniture was a chair, an old table, some cracked dishes and two dirty beds, one on each side of a fireplace

I ran ahead to tell you he'll be here in two minutes.'

He told the two girls to leave the room and then, when alone with his wife, he said, 'And I recognized the girl too

'Take these with you,' the inspector went on, producing two small guns

'Now, you two must go and keep guard in the street, one by the gate, one at the street corner.'

'I love this picture as much as I love my two daughters

'Yes, with two good horses,' one of them replied.

He spent the next two nights walking around the garden, checking the gate, listening for noises, but nothing unusual happened.

Marius opened a drawer and took out the two guns which Inspector Javert had lent him in February

Then there were two gunshots

'You'll be shot two minutes before the barricade falls,' Enjolras informed him.

After two months of happiness with Cosette, he was now in the middle of a war

By the light of a lamp on the pavement, he could see a torn jacket, trousers with holes in them, and two bare feet

The ground floor of the wine shop became a hospital for the wounded, and the bodies of the dead were taken to an alley near the smaller of the two barricades

The next cannonball exploded against the wall at one end of the barricade, killing two men and wounding three.

As the two friends moved back towards the door, fighting off the soldiers, a bullet hit Marius in the shoulder

He found two objects in Marius's clothing: a piece of bread and a wallet

But he had to spend the next two months resting because of the damage to his shoulder

Apart from preparing for his wedding, there were two people that he wanted to find

It was cold and damp, but a fire had been lit and two armchairs had been placed in front of it

Cosette, frightened, took his two hands in hers.

I'm leaving the two candlesticks by the bed to Cosette

He lay back with his head turned to the sky, the light from the two silver candlesticks falling on his smiling, peaceful face.

I almost do not recognise the two men beside me, and I think that from a distance people cannot see that I am a woman.

Behind the counter there are two women

The two women move, but slowly; one of them looks down at the counter, where I know there is a secret alarm

I pull two blindfolds from a bag and cover their eyes

"So we need you to enter your details and then transfer two hundred and forty thousand pounds to this account

Bank manager receives two hundred and forty thousand pound salary despite bank failure." He stops and tries to turn to look at us, but Robin pulls the trigger back on the gun

And the two men turn to see Mrs Sylvia Stern

Then two tall, strangely dressed men walk into the shade of the terrace, one with three dead rabbits in one hand and a long rifle in the other.

And the brother called Darwin comes out of the bar with two small bottles of beer.

He sees two policemen in the distance and he moves the other way

Sure, there are one or two bigger than her, but none of them has her romance or her luxury," Mrs Carolina Heath says as they enter the dining room.

The other two men laugh

At half past two in the afternoon on the fifth of January Miss Stella Lee found Mr Dawson

What if there are two people? Two burglars? Or three?

You only have time to shout two words...

And so he waits, and the evening becomes darker, and he thinks that there are now only one or two people left in the small old church

He looks to the right wall and sees what he is looking for: a large wooden box with two doors.

That was two days ago."

And for the first time in two days, Barry Brennan feels relief

The police car stops in the driveway of the school, and the two detectives get out and look around

After only two weeks of working with Smith, he already knows that it is best to just nod.

Content with his job, his life, his expensive house and his two expensive cars.

"There were two people watching us, Sir."

We can also check one or two of the local pubs on the way back to the city."

I suppose you didn't notice, but those two are having some sort of romantic affair."

He lifts the two gun bags onto his shoulder and starts to walk

We take one or two rabbits home and we have a little fun

And don't forget there are two shots and that I should empty the gun before I give it back to you."

He could cut and shuffle the deck like he had eight arms instead of two, and he could remember every card he saw in a split second and could use his fingers and little tricks to put the cards where he wanted them in the deck.

You see, there are two things you can do with a talent like that

Then he laughs, and the two assistants laugh, and then the back of Hank's hand slaps Jimmy's face hard

For a moment there is nothing, but then two long, grey shapes appear in the clear water, and Jimmy starts to shout again.

It is seven thirty-six: her train should be here in two minutes.

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

The old woman two seats away from her does not look happy and she moves to sit in the seat next to Sarah.

There are still several people in the carriage: the young couple is still there and the two businessmen.

Sala and Cham left, and met three friends in another space - Niki, and two boys named Palo and Ding

"I think they're saying two years, at least," said Palo.

She was maybe a year or two older than Sala and Cham

"Is this the Pod Life that Ding was talking about? The one where you live in a pod for two years?" Cham looked uncomfortable

"You're thinking of leaving me for two whole years and you can't see the problem?"

But it was crowded because Cham had two younger sisters, and Sala knew they all hated living deep underground - especially Cham's dad Tian.

It was Monday, and the two friends were riding the walkway home from college

You have to be seventeen and I've still got two months to go."

"And two years of your life is a high price to pay."

"Are you two crazy?" Niki couldn't believe it

"So what? It was an hour, not two years."

"The only thing I can ask is this: if I do Pod Life without you, will you still be here for me when I come out? Can you wait two years?"

This was how it would be, for two whole years..

Our two sons are doing well, and we have three grandchildren

After that, you'll have two days of tests, to check that your body is behaving normally under pod conditions."

You're interested in the two-year program

Then Cham would be torn away from her for two long years.

With just two days to go before Pod Life began, Sala woke up feeling depressed

There were just two chairs, a simple metal table, and a very old sofa

"Well, he can't leave the pod for two years, can he?" Wena's eyes were calm, but hard, too

I'll still love you in two years

In the end, they had just an hour or two at his apartment before he left

"Make interface pictures for us, Cham," his two younger sisters begged

"After just two weeks!"

he said he might want to stay in the pod, after the two years," she said

After two years, he'll be dying to see you and the real world again!"

Cham's test days had arrived at last, and Sala had joined Dani, Tian, and Cham's two sisters at the pod center for their first Contact Hour with him

"To talk about studies, is it? Very likely, you two love-birds."

Chapter two

You must stay in bed for a week or two.'

The bus left at half past two.

We would say goodbye like two strangers.

'I'm forty-two,' he said

'He's only forty-two,' I said

'Only two more miles,' said Maxim at last

On the left, were two high iron gates and beside them a small lodge

Inside the open door, the servants stood in two lines

There was far too much food for two people

It was the normal Manderley breakfast, but far too much for two people

There were two paths, going in opposite directions

'They found her two months later

At about two o'clock, Robert brought me a message

'The picture is about two hundred years old

She was on the rocks about two miles from the shore

We are the only two people who know what happened that night, Maxim.'

The inquest was at two o'clock

If I had two or three thousand pounds, I could live quite well

Chapter twenty two

And then - Baker - two o'clock

'I saw a Mrs Danvers on the 12th at two o'clock,' Dr Baker said at last.

We can be at Manderley by two o'clock.'

'You've slept for two hours,' Maxim told me

'It's quarter past two

'It's twenty past two,' Maxim replied.

It only takes him a minute or two to find them.

The two stand-ins begin to act

She has two drinks.

Suddenly, two policemen see Natalie's car.

The two policemen jump out, and look for Natalie and Nathan.

As they stared at each other through two windows and through the strange sulphurous light, she had the feeling that they were making contact across an immense gulf of space and time and destiny

In the kitchen, she toasted two pieces of bread

On four or five occasions during the past two weeks, she had taken the pistol from the nightstand and searched the place, room by room, but she hadn't found anyone

For fifteen years, ever since she turned eighteen, two years before she married Michael, Tina Evans had lived and worked in Las Vegas

Tina enjoyed dancing in the Lido, and she stayed there for two and a half years, until she learned that she was pregnant

She landed a position as choreographer for a two-bit lounge revue, a dismally cheap imitation of the multimillion-dollar Lido, and eventually she took over the costumer's job as well

Almost a year ago, shortly after Danny had died, Tina had been offered a directing and co-producing job on a huge ten-million-dollar extravaganza to be staged in the two-thousand-seat main showroom of the Golden Pyramid, one of the largest and plushest hotels on the Strip

For a week or two, she had continued to make progress toward acceptance

If audience reaction was as strong and as positive as Tina hoped, her financial future was assured, for her contract gave her two and one-half percent of the gross receipts, minus liquor sales, after the first five million

At ten o'clock in the morning, she was scheduled to meet with two tour-booking agents who were considering reserving eight thousand tickets to Magyck! During the first three months of its run

She flicked off the two safety catches.

What if they came, lights flashing and sirens screaming - and found no one? If she had summoned the police every time that she imagined hearing a prowler in the house during the past two weeks, they would have decided long ago that she was scramble-brained

When she picked up the scattered sticks of chalk and the felt eraser, turning again to the chalkboard, she realized that two words were crudely printed on the black surface:

And the obvious reference that those two words made to the bus accident in which he had perished?

Danny, of course, had been writing about something else, and the dark interpretation that could be drawn from those two words now, after his death, was just a macabre coincidence.

She poured two ounces into a water glass

Although she wasn't much of a drinker, indulging in nothing more than a glass of wine now and then, with no capacity whatsoever for hard liquor, she finished the bourbon in two swallows

With seven massive production numbers, five major variety acts, forty-two girl dancers, forty-two boy dancers, fifteen showgirls, two boy singers, two girl singers (one temperamental), forty-seven crewmen and technicians, a twenty-piece orchestra, one elephant, one lion, two black panthers, six golden retrievers, and twelve white doves, the logistics were mind-numbingly complicated, but a year of arduous labor was evident in the slick and faultless unfolding of the program.

He wore blue jeans, a cheap blue work shirt - and about two hundred thousand dollars' worth of rings

He had plowed some of his substantial earnings into Las Vegas real estate, parts of two hotels, an automobile dealership, and a slot-machine casino downtown

Shortly before noon, two high rollers from Dallas sat down at a blackjack table and, in three hours, lost a quarter of a million bucks; they were laughing and joking when they left the table to try another game

She had two and a half hours to fill before she had to leave for the hotel again.

Someone had come into the house while she was out and had printed those two words on the chalkboard again

She stared at the chalkboard, thought of the two words that had been printed there, and anger swelled in her

In her mind the two words burned, white on black: NOT DEAD.

Joel Bandiri was with Eva, his wife of eight years, and two of their friends

"One of two guiding hands," Tina said

"Smooth as I might be, I'm no match for these two."

At least a year and a half, maybe two years, had passed since a man had looked at her in quite that fashion

She'd been cleaning for Tina Evans for two years, and she had been entrusted with a key nearly that long.

But the fact that two were missing wasn't what drew Vivienne's attention

No one was near them, yet suddenly two photos began to rattle violently against the wall, and then both flew off their mountings and clattered to the floor behind the beige, brushed-corduroy sofa.

The remaining two photographs abruptly flung themselves off the wall

There were five photographs in addition to the one that had dropped onto the sofa; two were responsible for the noises that had drawn her into the living room, and the other three were those that she had seen popping off the picture hooks

The choreography was complex, and the two lead singers had strong, clear voices.

After a moment the other two models ceased their erratic dancing and began to spin around and around, like the first plane, as if they were actually flying, and there was no mistaking this deliberate movement for the random effects of a draft.

She left the bedroom, returned to the kitchen, and drank two shots of Tina Evans's best bourbon

Just one or two Masses a month

"Eat takeout food at two hundred miles an hour in the Batmobile, and no matter how messy it gets - just hose off later."

One of the models was flung from its shelf, then two more, then three more, then another, until all nine lay in a pile on the floor.

Tina didn't get home from the opening-night party until shortly before two o'clock Wednesday morning

Later, after no more than two dreamless hours, she suffered another nightmare about Danny

She remembered the two words that she had twice erased from Danny's chalkboard - NOT DEAD - and she realized that she'd forgotten to call Michael

Tina arrived at Bally's Hotel at ten minutes till two, Wednesday afternoon, leaving her Honda with a valet parking attendant.

At least two or three thousand people were in the casino, which was larger than a football field

Remembering the two words on the chalkboard, she said, "Three times in the past week."

Maybe even two boys and two girls

But we can take care of two easily enough, and maybe we'll get lucky and have one boy and one girl

She'd need two hours to get ready for her date with Elliot Stryker.

She had counted only twenty-two names when she came to an incredible message that the computer had inserted in the list.

Between the names of two high rollers were five lines of type that had nothing to do with the information she had requested:

She took hold of the two lines - one heavy cable and one ordinary insulated wire - and they seemed to come alive in her hands, like a pair of snakes, resisting her

At her request, Elliot poured RS 233; my Martin into two snifters and gave one glass to her

"They had the best wilderness clothing and the best down-lined sleeping bags, the best winter tents, plenty of charcoal and other heat sources, plenty of food, and two wilderness experts to guide them

"In your condition, throwing off all that nervous energy the way you are, two small brandies won't affect you in the slightest."

And the past two weeks, I've dreamed about him every night without fail

"And we reopened the grave only two months after the funeral, not a whole year later

The two of us haunted furniture stores from Vegas to Los Angeles to San Francisco, antique shops, galleries, everything from flea markets to the most expensive stores we could find

She was gone two months after they diagnosed it."

She checked the walk-in cooler, inspected the yard-square grill, the griddle, the two Wolf ranges, the microwave, and the array of laborsaving appliances

She hadn't been to bed with anyone at all for almost two years

Suddenly it seemed to her that she had done a mad, stupid thing when she'd hidden away like a nun for two years

Of course, during the first of those two years, she'd still been married to Michael and had felt compelled to remain faithful to him, even though a separation and then a divorce had been in the works, and even though he had not felt constrained by any similar moral sense

She felt as if the two of them had been here, like this, locked in an embrace, many times before.

"Yet it's only been two days."

He'd had other women in this bed during the past two years, and a few had stayed the night, but not one of those other lovers had made him feel content merely by the fact of her presence, as Tina did

Approximately two hundred guests danced or milled about behind the house, and another hundred partied within its twenty rooms.

Besides, the two of them went back a long way indeed

Elliot remained at the party only two hours

He removed other things from the bag too: a length of flexible rubber tubing, a sphygmomanometer for monitoring blood pressure, two small bottles of amber-colored fluid, and a packet of disposable hypodermic syringes.

Elliot's mind raced through a list of cases that his law firm was currently handling, searching for some connection with these two intruders, but he couldn't think of one.

The two men glanced at each other

In a day or two, someone would find him out there, his face blue-green-gray, his tongue dark and lolling, his eyes bulging in their sockets as he stared through the windshield as if on a drive to Hell

In the carton were two stacks of comic books, and the two issues on top sported gruesome, full-color covers

When Elliot refused to move away from the sink to the breakfast table in the far corner of the big kitchen, Bob, the smaller of the two men, hesitated, then reluctantly took a step toward him.

Vince's wallet contained ninety-two dollars, no credit cards, no driver's license, no identification of any kind

She had given it to him two nights ago, at the party after the premiere of Magyck! She didn't live far from him

She had paged through only two of the magazines Danny had bought, the first two, when she had been trying to make up her mind whether such unusual reading material could have any harmful effects on him

It had been published only two years ago, long after she had decided that horror comics were harmless.

Three or four minutes later, the doorbell rang - one, two, three, four times, insistently.

Elliot tramped on the accelerator, and the low, sleek, two-seat Mercedes jumped forward.

When Elliot rounded the corner two blocks later, he braked from sixty miles an hour to make the turn

"We did give him two thousand on deposit," Elliot said.

With more than a million full-time residents, with more than twenty million tourists a year, and with a vast desert on which to sprawl, Vegas offered thousands of dark, quiet corners where two people on the run could safely stop to catch their breath and settle upon a course of action.

While Elliot drove, he told Tina what had happened at his house: the two thugs, their interest in the possibility of Danny's grave being reopened, their admission that they worked for some government agency, the hypodermic syringes...

"Just two ordinary people against them?"

Elliot glanced in the rearview mirror, as he had been doing every minute or two since they'd turned onto Charleston Boulevard

It rattled a loose metal fixture on the trash bin, and the restaurant's big sign creaked between its two standards.

Elvira brought two frosted glasses and icy bottles of Coors.

If they're waiting, watching - we'll be dead before we can tell a reporter more than a sentence or two

"Remember, there were two adults with those kids

Then it became necessary to kill the kids to eliminate witnesses to the first two murders."

While she thought about what Elliot had said, she dipped one finger in the water and drew a grim mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes in the circle; she added two horns, transforming the blot of moisture into a little demonic face

He's just like the two men who came to see me

The two words stopped repeating

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

Although no one was touching the jukebox, the volume increased, and the two words boomed through the diner, thundered, vibrated in the windows, and rattled silverware on the tables.

The two words blasted out of the speakers in all corners of the diner with such incredible, bone-jarring force that it was difficult to believe that the machine had been built with the capability of pouring out sound with this excessive, unnerving power.

Following the monotonous, earsplitting repetition of that two-word message, the silence was stunning.

One day, about two years ago, I was in the kitchen, making an apple pie, and Danny came in to tell me Elmer wasn't anywhere to be found in the yard

"Are you going to tell me it was coincidence that the record stuck on those two words?"

For a minute or two neither of them spoke

He was carrying two books of the discount coupons that casinos use to pull slot-machine players into the house, and he wore a camera on a strap around his neck

Furthermore, keno was a game that didn't have any appeal for either smart gamblers or cheaters, the two types of customers who most interested the security men

In two seconds, it was in his bloodstream, and the first seizure hit his heart.

Eventually Harry realized that the extreme left and the extreme right shared the same two basic goals: They wanted to make society more orderly than it naturally was, and they wanted to centralize control of the population in a strong government

Although two of the hits he had ordered had gone totally awry, Alexander remained self-assured; he was convinced that he would eventually triumph.

The Cessna Turbo Skylane RG knifed through the darkness, two miles above the Nevada desert, with the low clouds under it, wings plated silver by moonlight.

"Stryker and the woman took off from McCarran International more than two hours ago

We have to go after these two with more care than usual

Fluorescent tubes shed cold light over banks of computers and over worktables laden with journals, charts, file folders, scientific instruments, and two coffee mugs.

In the middle of the west wall - one of the two shorter walls - opposite the entrance to the room, was a six-foot-long, three-foot-high window that provided a view of another space, which was only half as large as this outer chamber

The temperature drops abruptly, stays down for two or three minutes, never longer than five, and then it rises to normal again."

The two scientists turned to the glass again and peered into the isolation chamber.

If anyone did glance out a back window, he would spot the two of them instantly.

With his left hand, he fumbled for the two safety catches, released them

They had taken only two steps from the window when Elliot saw the snow move no more than twenty feet from them

The two men were approaching at a run, slipping on the snows-potted pavement.

The first two clanged through sheet metal, but the third punctured the right front tire.

When they had gone two blocks, he said, "Turn right at the next corner." After two more turns and another three blocks, he said, "Pull it to the curb

When Elliot was informed that a room was available, after all, for two nights, he signed the registration card as "Hank Thomas," a slight twist on the name of one of his favorite movie stars; he entered a phony Seattle address too

After long and arduous lobbying of the director, Alexander had at last been awarded this small jet; and immediately he put two full-time pilots, ex-military men, on the payroll of the Nevada bureau.

The hole in the wall was not wide enough for him to step through, into her passageway; he could only thrust one arm at her, and his long, bony fingers were an inch or two short of her

"The two of us can't fight the entire organization that's behind Kennebeck plus the staff of some secret military research center."

Two sporting-goods stores and two gun shops were within easy walking distance of the hotel

"You two sound like you're in a war," Billy Sandstone said uneasily.

Shortly they would turn off the two-lane blacktop onto another road, which the map specified as "unpaved, nondirt," whatever that was.

First, they had visited a sporting-goods store, purchasing two Gore-Tex Thermolite storm suits, boots, snowshoes, compact tins of backpacker's rations, cans of Sterno, and other survival gear

They hadn't seen a house or other structure for two miles

A large sign stood to the right of the roadway, supported on two redwood posts:

The single lane widened to two lanes in places and switch backed up the ridges, through more densely packed strands of larger trees

For two hundred yards ahead, until the road curved once more, nothing threatening was in sight.

Who were these two people? Why weren't they hiding in a dark corner somewhere? Why weren't they scared witless? Christina Evans was only an ordinary woman

This broad shelf in the mountainside couldn't have been as large or as regularly shaped in its natural state as it was now: three hundred yards wide, two hundred yards deep, almost a perfect rectangle

A camera and two-way video communications monitor were mounted in the left-hand wall of the vestibule

It opened onto a junction of two hallways, which Tina had discovered a few minutes ago, just after Elliot had shot the guard, when she had peeked through the door to see if reinforcements were on the way.

The light on the indicator board changed from four to three to two, and the air inside the lift became so frigid that Tina's breath hung in clouds before her

"All right," Elliot said, addressing the two men

"We have some questions, and you two better have the answers."

He thrust it between two of the side rails, and he opened his small weak hand beseechingly, reaching for love, trying desperately to touch her.

For almost two months, they've been reinfecting his body over and over again, letting the virus wear him down, trying to discover how many times he can lick it before it finally licks him

Bollinger was probably at the bottom gate two and a half hours after he walked out of the door here, three hours after he was infected

In the guardroom, the older of the two security men was still bound and gagged in his chair

They chose it as one of four of my novels to be developed as two-hour TV movies that would launch Popcorn, Sugar Babies, Dum Dums, and Dean or whatever the series would have been titled

One writer was given two drafts and a polish

The Eyes of Darkness was assigned to a writing team, two quite personable women who seemed bright and enthusiastic

After the first story meeting, however, I never saw the two of them together

Indeed, these meetings were enlivened by colorful storytelling - although none of it had to do with developing my novel into a two-hour filmed entertainment

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

Ultimately, after months of interminable meetings, two of the scripts we developed were deemed filmable

The first was my script based on Darkfall, which I had written in two weeks

Chapter two

'And why didn't you come to me immediately? Your enemies have had almost two days to make a plan

I found out that the captain and two of his men, all Americans, weren't on the ship last night, so I'm sure they killed poor John Openshaw

So when my sister-in-law phoned at two in the morning, asking me to come over, but first to warn the police that she had just killed my brother, I spoke in my usual calm manner.

More policemen were standing by the steam hammer, watching two men with a camera

What, then, could have made him put his head under that hammer? There were only two possible explanations

After what seemed a very long wait, but was probably only a minute or two, I saw a bright light through my fingers.

Nothing can ever make me forget that dreadful white hairy head with its two pointed ears

But the eyes! Where the eyes should have been, there were two brown shapes the size of saucers

between two stones

Later, two policemen see Rod on the street.

The two people were Lawrence Redding, and Mrs Protheroe.

Low Farm was nearly two miles away and I could not possibly get back by six-fifteen

'Well, he can't have stayed more than two minutes.'

Twenty- two minutes past six

Your maid said that Mr Redding was only in the house for two minutes

'Point two five?'

'But they are the only two people who had a reason for killing Protheroe.'

She counted her fingers, 'One, two, three, four, five, six - yes, and a possible seven

Mary has been with him for two years.'

'It's nearly two miles

'Well, I'm glad it's neither of those two

That was just after two o'clock

That's two strange telephone calls in one day, and I bet they were made by the same person.'

'I'm going up to London for two days, to see my mother, and my lawyers

Melchett followed me there and I went and got a bottle of wine and two glasses.

So it seemed that the two must be connected.'

So he went up to Old Hall that night - and two of Colonel Melchett's policemen followed him

So the two policemen heard the whole conversation

So I have bought two books: one on House Management and one on Mother Love.'

An enormous hole had been made and the Earth had been thrown violently in every direction, forming piles that could be seen two kilometres away.

The two men hurried back at once to the common, and found the cylinder still lying in the same position

Of course the two were quite unable to do anything, so they went back to the town again to get help

But, looking, I soon saw something grey moving within the shadow, then two shining circles - like eyes

Both ignored, as I did, two obvious problems with this theory.

One or two adventurous people went into the darkness and crawled quite near the Martians, but they never returned, because now and again a light-ray swept round the common, and the Heat-Ray was ready to follow

I got back to lunch at about two, very tired because, as I have said, the day was extremely hot and dull

An hour or two later a field-gun arrived for use against the first cylinder.

Three went through the open doors of the Oriental College and two began running from house to house

They were an officer and two men.

The ground moved and a heavy explosion shook the air, smashing two or three windows in the houses and leaving us shocked.

Quickly, one after the other, one, two, three, four of the Martian machines appeared, far away over the low trees towards Chertsey

Then two other shells burst at the same time in the air near its body

They had passed me and two were bending over the fallen one.

In Wellington Street my brother met two men selling newspapers which had just been printed

There was a man with his wife and two boys and some pieces of furniture in a cart, and close behind him came another one with five or six well-dressed people and some boxes and cases

There were one or two carts with refugees going along Oxford Street, but the news was spreading so slowly that Regent Street and Portland Place were full of people taking their usual Sunday night walk

These Martians moved in a line, perhaps two kilometres apart

The shells blew up, the trees all around the guns caught fire and only one or two of the men escaped.

At the same time four of the fighting-machines, also carrying tubes, crossed the river, and two of them, black against the western sky, came into sight of myself and the curate as we hurried along the road to the north.

Some fired only one of these, some two or more

Passengers were fighting for standing room in the carriages even at two o'clock in the morning

He saw few other refugees until he met the two ladies who later travelled with him

The less brave of the two attackers ran away, and the other one followed cursing him

My brother learned that the two women were the wife and younger sister of a doctor living in Stanmore, The doctor had heard about the Martians at the railway station, on his way home from seeing a patient, and had sent them off, promising to follow after telling the neighbour

The two women sat in silence.

On Wednesday my brother and the two women reached Chelmsford, and there a number of people, calling themselves the Council of Public Safety, took their horse for food

She had been growing increasingly upset and depressed during the two days' journey

It was about two o'clock when my brother got onto it with the two women

In the last two chapters I have moved away from my own adventures to tell of the experiences of my brother

We could only wait and be bored during those two days.

There were two loaves of bread, a raw steak and some cooked meat

Under a shelf we found some bottled beer, and there were two bags of green beans and some lettuce

In a cupboard there was some tinned soup and fish and two tins of cake

Around the mouth were sixteen thin, whip-like tentacles, arranged in two groups of eight

The tentacle was now two metres or more into the room, moving backwards and forwards with strange, sudden movements

I did not enter the kitchen again for two days

There were two ideas in my mind - to get more food and to move, as quickly as possible, away from the pit.

I searched every room for food until, when I was ready to give up, I found some bread and two tins of fruit in one of the bedrooms

There was a little two-wheeled cart with a broken wheel

After a week or two running around the fields on empty stomachs they'll come and be caught quite happily.' He paused

One or two had been partly eaten by dogs.

It was a sad movement between two notes, 'Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla,' continuing without stopping

I turned and looked down the slope of the hill at those two other Martians that I had seen the previous night

The city we went through was dirty with the powder of the Black Smoke, despite two days of thunderstorms and rain.

We walked for two hours, and it was almost five when we returned to Baker Street.

There is an inn and two houses near our house, and a single cottage across the field in front of our house

'Almost two months ago.'

Part two

Mr Grant Munro did not say anything for two minutes, and his answer was one of which I love to think

After all, normal patients have only one or two diseases each.

On Saturdays, they wake him up at two o'clock, and put him outside the door.)

Now two of you try to put it up.

I need two people to hold the chair

After a day or two, everything will smell of cheese.

We got a large suitcase for the clothes, and two large hampers for the food and utensils.

There were still the two hampers to pack

That morning, Montmorency invited two of his friends to the house

They looked at all our luggage: a big suitcase, a small bag, two big hampers, some pans, some umbrellas, five coats and raincoats.

Harris took the oars and we started our two-week trip on the River Thames.

We took everything out of the two hampers

'You two can peel the potatoes.'

Harris had a terrible fight with these two swans

'Thirty-two,' said Harris, who was sleepy.

We stayed at Streatley for two days

We finally arrived at Oxford and spent two excellent days there

'It's only two more days,' Harris said

The two sisters alone

'A little late! It is nearly two o'clock.'

'I like a quiet life, and recently I had such an adventure that I don't want another one for years.' As we ate breakfast side by side like two old friends, I told Miss Halcombe about the woman in white

The days and weeks at Limmeridge House passed so quickly! What a happy time that was! I spent every day in the company of two excellent ladies

The only part of the document that was visible was the line for her signature and the lines for the signatures of the two witnesses

I had placed myself between those two young lovers! It was all my fault! Now Walter is thousands of miles away in a foreign country

In conclusion, I'll answer two questions that Mr Hartright asked me.

There was a new inscription written on it: 'Here lies Laura, Lady Glyde...' In the near distance I saw two women with veils over their faces

I found two apartments in the same house in London

In the street, I noticed two men following me

When I left her house, I saw two men following me, but I did not care

There I found two letters for me

I'll send you money every month on two conditions: you must keep the secret and never tell anyone, in your own interest as well as mine; and you must never leave the village.'

He said he'd come for two reasons: first, to express his feelings for me (I refused to listen to them) and secondly, to repeat the warning in his letter

I thought of those famous words from the Bible: 'The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children.' The fatal similarity between two daughters of one father had caused all this suffering.

She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and she is the only woman to win the Nobel Prize for two different topics.

She said later, "When I was two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly."

At that time, golf and tennis were two of the sports that women played

But only twenty-two women played in those Games, out of the 997 people from nineteen countries

She was thirty years old and had two children

Other people said she had to look after her husband and her children! But Fanny started the 1948 Games by winning two races - one of them was the 100 metres

In Saudi Arabia, for example, it was 2012 when two women went to the Olympics for the first time

In June 2018, the Azadi Stadium's doors were opened to women and men during the last two Iran games at the 2018 World Cup.

Loveness Mudzuru and Ruvimbo Tsopodzi were two young women from Zimbabwe who were married to men when they were sixteen years old

Loveness had two children before she was eighteen

The two young women were very brave, and they were empowered

Chapter two

The two men are good fighters

The two men are good fighters.

He calls two soldiers and says, "Whip this friar 15 times."