How to use "video" in a sentence


And this video will be history.'

7.30 am That last video recording was the most pessimistic so far

The video ends with three simple words: 'I love you.'

"Like hell there isn't!" Zachariah turned away from the video displays, went to the window, and found his own spot of clear glass

Aaron Zachariah turned from the bank of video displays

"The security people must be watching us on video monitors right now," Elliot said glumly.

No one yet had come out of the building to challenge them, which most likely meant that Danny had jinxed the video security system.

A camera and two-way video communications monitor were mounted in the left-hand wall of the vestibule

Two uniformed men were anxiously fiddling with the control consoles beneath a series of twenty wall-mounted video displays

There were more video displays than Tina could count at a glance; most were switched on, and data flowed in the form of graphs, charts, and numbers