How to use "visitors" in a sentence


Then, seeing the visitors rough appearance, he added, 'If you can pay for it.'

While guests and visitors ate and drank noisily, Cosette - now eight years old - sat in her usual place under the kitchen table

"Can he have visitors then?" Sala enquired eagerly.

"We're ready for visitors!" called a cheerful voice

When the late Mrs de Winter was alive, there were lots of parties and visitors, of course

I wished we hadn't had visitors so soon

When visitors came to Manderley, I was shy and awkward

Even when we have visitors, you sit on the edge of your chair and say only "yes" and "no".'

We had to go back into the house to welcome the visitors

As we sat in the drawing-room eating cake and sandwiches, one of our visitors suddenly said to Maxim, 'Oh, Mr de Winter

Our visitors were talking happily now about their costumes for the Ball

We had no more phone calls from reporters and no visitors

Evidently, the installation's computer scanned the prints of visitors to verify their right to enter.

Helene was allowed visitors at the asylum, and I went to see her on Sundays

At most, people believed there might be living things on Mars, perhaps less developed than us and ready to welcome visitors

I was even afraid that the last shots I had heard might mean the end of our visitors from Mars