How to use "waiting" in a sentence


I go back to waiting

I take off the tourniquet and go back to waiting.

Then the men came back and everybody was waiting for their dinner.

There were about two thousand people waiting for us at San Francisco airport when we got off the plane! What a surprise! A lot of them had beards and long hair

'The plane for Washington is waiting for us.'

There were a lot of people waiting to go in, so I went round to the back of the place and sat on the ground

When I got back to the flat, Jenny was gone, and there was a letter waiting for me

She thought he was looking up Miller's Court 'as if waiting for someone to come out'

Inspector Javert walked into his office, and stood in silence waiting for him to look up from his work.

'I'm waiting,' Mme Thenardier said threateningly.

He went back upstairs for Cosette, who was waiting for him patiently, holding her doll.

I shall be waiting.

At nine o'clock that evening, Marius crept into the garden of Cosette's house, but she was not there waiting for him as she had promised

'Your friends are waiting for you at the barricade in the rue de Chanvrerie.'

Having run to tell Marius that his friends were waiting for him, she was helping Enjolras and his companions to build the barricade

Around the corner, he could see a row of soldiers aiming their guns down the rue de Chanvrerie, waiting for the order to fire.

Javert walked away slowly and Valjean, waiting for him to turn a corner, fired his gun into the air and returned to the stronghold.

They seemed to be listening for something, waiting for someone to move

Javert shouted to the driver who was waiting for him to bring his carriage close to the river

Gillenormand showed them up to the room where Marius was waiting

One evening a servant brought Marius a letter, saying, 'The writer is waiting in the hall.'

'There's a carriage waiting for you

He looks at the loch again, at the jetty and the small boats waiting there for the tourists in the hotel

Maybe there is one waiting for him in Flagstaff

Twenty tired faces: some talking, but most are silent and waiting like her.

The following afternoon, as Sala walked up and down in her little room, waiting to go with Cham for their pod experience, she had a strange feeling in her stomach

The journey across the city seemed to take forever; but when she arrived, Cham was waiting, hands in pockets

Cham's parents Dani and Tian were waiting for them just inside

Each time, Leti typed in a complicated code to let them in, as well as waiting by the recognition screen

He complained that Sala spent too long running, not realizing that she was waiting..

and waiting..

Sala engaged her virtual interface and sat waiting for him.

We're waiting for news."

"My mom and dad are waiting to speak to me," said Cham

A whole week of waiting, and that was it

This is our future, isn't it? There's no point in sitting back, just waiting for it to happen."

The line moved forward slowly; then a technician called Odem led them through the thick glass doors, past the test laboratory, and into a waiting room

At the pod center, the next day, Sala sat in the shadow of the huge hologram, waiting

Mrs Van Hopper's dressmaker was waiting for her upstairs.

'You mustn't keep your dressmaker waiting,' he said.

He was always waiting in his car, reading the paper

'I hate waiting around when everything is packed,' Mrs Van Hopper said bad temperedly

Maxim sat in a chair by the fire reading the letters that had been waiting for him

'I hope I haven't kept you waiting,' I said.

But Maxim was waiting impatiently and there was no time to change the coat

Jasper ran on ahead and took the right-hand path without waiting for us.

Maxim was waiting for me beside the rocks

I found Clarice waiting for me in my bedroom, her face full of excitement

Clarice was waiting for me in my bedroom

'They will be waiting for me at dinner

I felt that I was waiting for something - something terrible.

It was just a question of waiting - of waiting until Tuesday.

'I don't mind waiting,' Favell replied

When we came to the crossroads, Favell was already waiting

I'm sorry to keep you waiting

But Brad, you can see Natalie, and you're waiting for her...'

Bud is waiting for him.

The boy was in the front passenger seat of the wagon, waiting for someone in the store

He was staring at the front of the grocery store again, waiting.

His desk occupied one corner; tubes of glue, miniature bottles of enamel in every color, and a variety of model-crafting tools stood in soldierly ranks on one half of the desk, and the other half was bare, waiting for him to begin work

Besides, living in Sacramento, she wouldn't be a nickel duchess any longer; she wouldn't be anyone special; she would be just another elderly lady, living with her daughter's family, playing grandma, marking time, waiting to die.

Hundreds of other people stood close behind the players, watching impatiently, waiting for a seat to open

She headed toward the Golden Pyramid, where she had an office, and where work was waiting to be done.

How could she have dreamed about this hideous creature just last night and then find it waiting for her here, today, only hours later?

He was smiling, waiting to be acknowledged.

I'll be waiting for you."

She found him waiting by the front door.

If they're waiting, watching - we'll be dead before we can tell a reporter more than a sentence or two

"Vince's friends are sure to be waiting for us there."

The long wing of the diner was nearly full of customers now; about forty people were eating dinner or waiting to be served

She was no longer afraid of facing the awful truth that might be waiting in Reno

Bruckster was waiting for one of those dealers: Michael Evans.

He knows we're waiting for him

Maybe he's already arranged for one to be waiting."

"They can't be waiting for us, can they? They don't know we're in Reno."

And if assassins were waiting here, they would expect their prey to approach the funeral home boldly, confidently

The stranger had been lying in the snow, watching them, waiting; now he had a wet hole in his chest

At least one man had been waiting out here in the snow.

They were still waiting patiently for their prey to walk into the trap.

They shared a premonition that someone decidedly unfriendly was waiting in their room.

Or a grinning guard waiting to make an easy arrest?

She looked around, waiting for some sign from her child, and she and Elliot twitched in surprise when the overhead fluorescent tube winked off, then came on again

"Don't keep Danny waiting

He's been waiting a long time

Without waiting for Andre, I rushed into the next room and looked into the receiving booth.

That month of waiting seemed like a year

When I returned at about a quarter to four, Mary told me that Mr Redding was waiting for me in the study.

I told him you would be back soon and that Colonel Protheroe was waiting in the study

'At the front door, I was told that he was out, but that Colonel Protheroe was in the study waiting for him

As I left, I saw of a group of young men with bright, interested faces waiting outside

I left the kitchen and found Griselda and Dennis waiting for me in the hall.

I returned to the vicarage and found my curate, Hawes, waiting for me in my study

They moved forwards slowly and carefully towards Ripley and Weybridge, and so came in sight of the waiting guns

A dozen signal lights went on as soon as they began to move, warning the waiting guns around Esher

You have to imagine what happened to the gunners towards Esher, waiting so tensely in the evening light, because none of them lived to tell the story

You can see the quiet expectation, the officers watching, the gunners waiting with their horses, the groups of local people standing as near as they were allowed, the ambulances and hospital tents with the burnt and wounded from Weybridge

It was an empty city waiting for death...

'I beg your pardon, sir,' said our page-boy, as we entered, 'there was a man waiting for you

Mr Munro was waiting for us at the station, and he took us to the cottage

Kingston, our boat was waiting for us below the bridge

If the water knows you are waiting for it, it will never get hot

George and I were waiting with our dishes.

It is no use waiting for James.

'A carriage is waiting for me outside

When I got to our new house, Marian and Laura were waiting for me