How to use "wake" in a sentence


Just as I am about to drink, the vision disappears and I wake up

"Professor, wake up! The boat's ready

Go and wake his grandfather

This is the first thing that I think when I wake, and I look around nervously, confused by the dark and by the thick fog which surrounds me.

Sometimes I wake, and I know that he's there

She hears the train in the dark tunnel and tells herself to wake up and to focus for another forty minutes.

"Did I wake you up? It must be something in my bag

Sala splashed some cold water on her face to wake herself up, and then hurried to the simulator center

Maxim slept on and I did not wake him

Michael led the way, gently pushing and elbowing through the holiday crowd, and Tina followed quickly in his wake, before the path that he made could close up again.

Then the earth starts closing in around him, and I wake up screaming, soaked with sweat

It never lasts for long, but when I first wake up, I'm sure he's alive somewhere

Maybe someone's just dropping a series of hints, trying to wake me up to the fact that Danny isn't dead."

Elliot went after him but was slowed by the dining-room chairs, which the fleeing man had overturned in his wake

Kurt Hensen snorted in his sleep but didn't wake.

"You will stay in that deep sleep until I tell you to wake up

He threw small stones at Anne's window to wake her up and she came down to the garden to talk to him

They talk and grow angry, paler, uglier, and I wake, cold and shaking, in the darkness.

On Saturdays, they wake him up at two o'clock, and put him outside the door.)

George said, 'What time shall I wake you up?'

There was no reason to wake up so early

Why did we wake up so early? It never happens to us when we're working.

We decided to wake up Harris

She just wishes she could sleep deep and only wake up on the day of her first car ride to work.