How to use "walk" in a sentence


As I walk, I think about the history of the people who were here before me

Blood is coming out of the end of my arm and it's a long walk back to my truck.

I can't walk straight

I take a sip and keep the water in my mouth as I walk

I can't walk straight, I can't think for more than a few seconds, and I'm losing blood, fast.

I walk as fast as I can

I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk on the ocean floor

But Captain Nemo had another reason for our walk

She tried to walk through it, but she was too big

She began to walk through the wood

She started to walk to his home

Slowly, the Cheshire Cat's smile vanished too, and Alice began to walk again

'Come for a walk, you dear thing,' the Duchess said to Alice

It was late afternoon when I began to walk back to my room

I tried to walk to the Hodaddy Club from the train station, but I lost my way, so I took a taxi

I started to walk towards her, but she turned and walked away

We cannot walk alone.

And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.

But her taste for alcohol dominated her life, and eventually she had to walk the streets as a prostitute.

It is only twelve minutes' walk from Berner Street to Mitre Square, where the second murder happened

Mitre Square is eight minutes' walk from the police station

He gripped Cosette's hand and began to walk more quickly

Enjolras and his other friends tried to cheer him up by taking him to exciting places, but these expeditions always ended in the same way: Marius would leave the group and walk around the streets of Paris unhappily on his own.

He looked about him but, seeing no one, he started to walk away, thinking that he was imagining things.

Javert buttoned his coat, straightened his shoulders and, with a puzzled look on his face, began to walk off in the direction of the market

At one point he had to walk waist-deep through water, and almost sank as the ground turned to sand beneath his feet

She did not realize that, every evening, Valjean would walk slowly from his house until he reached the corner of the street where she lived

I begin to walk, slowly at first, unsure of the direction that I must go

I begin to walk faster, but I am soon running

"You think you can just walk out of here?" Robin laughs

And no one sees us walk slowly from the bank

"You walk from here to Brow Top, up over the moors road? Every evening? That's a dangerous road, and it must be more than three miles."

Then two tall, strangely dressed men walk into the shade of the terrace, one with three dead rabbits in one hand and a long rifle in the other.

A guy's bag you can just walk away with

You walk silently to the door of your room

He watches the cop walk slowly to the car

The kid looks about eleven, and they let him walk into the town from the hotel sometimes

"Come on," Smith says, and they walk to the entrance.

They walk along the corridors for five minutes and reach an internal courtyard.

"Should we speak to the students, Sir?" West asks as they walk back to the car.

He loved the walk up from the town of Sennybridge; he loved the hours of walking and hunting in the forests and valley.

Junior said that to walk there was stupid, because they had a car, and despite all of Owen's arguments, the teenager did not change his mind.

He lifts the two gun bags onto his shoulder and starts to walk

Junior looks a bit happier now, and for twenty minutes Owen talks to him about how to hold the gun and how to walk with it, while his son listens carefully and asks sensible questions that show a real interest

And for a while they walk, and he is happy about how carefully Junior holds the gun and how he listens and does exactly what he should

She can see the stairs to the street, and she wants to walk to them, but she feels so weak

"You just walk in," Zee explained

Turn around and walk away

"Let's just walk."

This world, the city with its wrist chips and simulators, was the only one they knew, but Gran often talked about life before the Oil Wars - how they used to walk freely in the forests, grow flowers and fruit, sing songs around fires on the beach, and travel to wonderful places

Everyone who left the restaurant had to walk past this seat.

We would walk in the gardens of Manderley together

We would walk through that hidden valley to the sea

I had thought that perhaps we would walk down to the sea, or sit under the great tree on the lawn.

'I must go downstairs.' As I began to walk towards the stairs, Mrs Danvers followed me.

Never mind the rain, I want a walk.'

'It's your fault,' I said, 'you walk so fast.'

The house seemed very quiet as I began to walk up the stairs

I called Jasper and we went for a walk through the woods

When I came back from my walk, I saw Maxim's car standing in front of the house

I thought about going for a walk

I began to walk along the path through the woods

What are you going to do? Can I walk back with you to the house?'

I went out on to the terrace and began to walk up and down.

We did not walk in the woods or go down to the sea

I could not speak or walk towards him.

She was seventy, still in excellent health, a short sturdy woman with the sweet face of a Botticelli Madonna and the no-nonsense walk of an army sergeant.

She got out of the car and, carrying a purse the size of a small suitcase, marched up the walk toward the house, angling away from the front door and past the garage.

This afternoon, however, she'd been playing a pair of lucky slot machines at the Mirage Hotel, and she hadn't wanted to walk away from them while they were paying off so generously

The wisest thing she could do would be to turn back, walk away from the door and out of the house

"Let's walk down to the ice-cream parlor and get a couple of pistachio cones

I'll get a cone, and then we can go outside, walk around the parking lot

When I saw you walk into the casino a while ago, I knew I was right

She checked the walk-in cooler, inspected the yard-square grill, the griddle, the two Wolf ranges, the microwave, and the array of laborsaving appliances

"Now," Vince said, "counselor, are you going to walk over to the table and sit your ass down, or am I going to have to motivate you with this?" He gestured with his pistol again.

The flagstone walk that led across her front lawn seemed to be one of those treadmill pathways in a dream, stretching out farther in front of her the harder that she ran, but at last, she reached the end of it and dashed into the street

The only thing I do know is they can't let us just walk away."

Tina wanted to walk through the diner and grab each of the customers by the throat, shake and threaten each of them, until she discovered who had rigged the jukebox

"I'm going to walk back to the funeral home

They were still waiting patiently for their prey to walk into the trap.

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

He wants us just to walk into the place where they're keeping him and take him out."

Snowshoes in case we have to walk very far in open country

"We don't want to walk farther than necessary

We don't want to walk at all if we can help it

We don't know what we'll walk into in those mountains

He can't walk

"And if I don't stay here, if I walk away and get a job at a civilian research center, that'll be just one less rational voice in this place

I went out for a walk earlier

Anyone can walk in

I began to walk back to the village and our local chemist, Mr Cherabim, joined me

To walk through the village with the suitcase would only encourage gossip

Well, this person said they saw a certain lady walk up the road that goes to the vicarage

One night, when the first missile was probably less than 15,000,000 kilometres away, I went for a walk with my wife

After breakfast, instead of working, I decided to walk down towards the common

There were one or two carts with refugees going along Oxford Street, but the news was spreading so slowly that Regent Street and Portland Place were full of people taking their usual Sunday night walk

Although the three of them were hungry themselves, they decided to walk on.

Sherlock Holmes did not like aimless physical exercise, but one spring day I persuaded him to go for a walk with me in the park

'You see,' Holmes said to me, 'I needed a case, and now I have lost this one because we went for a walk in the park.'

Every morning: ten-mile walk

On Sunday you can walk again and eat some food

Harris said to his friend, 'We'll go in and walk around for ten minutes

After the Irish stew, George and I decided to go to Henley for an evening walk

When you go for a walk by the river, you can see hundreds of fish

'With this weather, we can have dinner and take a walk in the rain

It was past midnight when I left their house to walk home to my apartment in London

That afternoon I went for a walk with Miss Halcombe

That evening, after dinner, Miss Fairlie went outside to walk in the garden

One day, when I had been at Limmeridge for three months, Miss Halcombe asked me to walk with her in the garden

Later on that afternoon, I went for a walk with Laura.

The Count took him for a walk in the garden

I told Laura the good news, then she went for a walk alone by the lake, and I went to my room

When I saw him, I told Laura that I was going for a walk, and went out to him

Zorro and Lolita walk out of the old tavern