How to use "walls" in a sentence


The walls there are very narrow and the trail goes up and down, sharply

There are also a lot of very large rocks called boulders, stuck between the canyon walls

The Gallery is part of Horseshoe Canyon, and it's famous for the huge rock paintings which cover its walls

Here, the canyon walls are a lot narrower

I look up and see part of a tree stuck between the canyon walls

In seconds, the water can throw you against the canyon walls and kill you

The canyon walls become even narrower

The walls must be over thirty metres high

It had pictures by famous painters on the walls and glass cases with beautiful shells from the sea.

The Captain pressed a button and two of the walls opened up

As I said this, the walls closed over the side windows and Captain Nemo walked in.

Conseil, Ned and I were in the museum, looking out at old stone walls, 5,000 feet under the sea.

"There are giant squid in the holes of those walls."

There were cupboards in the walls of the rabbit-hole

Somewhere on the outskirts of Paris, Jean Valjean stopped outside a large, ancient building with damp walls

By keeping close to the walls in the shadows, he could clearly see what was happening in the light

Unable to control himself, he beat his fists against the walls of the house.

He could just see, by the grey light from the grille above his head, that he was surrounded by walls

With Marius lying across his shoulders, Valjean walked forward into the darkness, feeling his way along the wet, slippery walls with his hands

The same cold grey walls, the same uncomfortable heavy pews and the same weak candles to light up the dark room.

Inside, the school smells of wood and polish, and on the walls there are antique pictures of old teachers and respected students.

Sala chose the Beach illusion, and the walls of the room disappeared

In a simulator, it was hard to forget that there were four walls just five or six steps away - but in a pod, you lost your awareness of the world around you

There was a low mechanical noise as the walls of the pod began to shut softly around her.

Its walls were covered with books from the floor to the ceiling

The grey walls of Manderley looked heavy and dark.

The gardens had gone and the dark woods came up to the walls of the house.

It must have been a large object because, though muffled by the intervening walls, the sound was loud enough to rouse her.

The walls were decorated with evenly spaced posters - three baseball stars, five hideous monsters from horror movies - that Danny had carefully arranged.

Ramparts of pale pink stone stretched hundreds of feet on both sides of the entrance; those walls were windowless and garishly decorated with giant stone coins, a gushing torrent of coins flooding from a stone cornucopia

The nerve-fraying sound bounced off the walls of the narrow passage, echoing and re-echoing.

Baseball stars and horror-movie monsters gazed at Vivienne from posters stapled to the walls

Snippets of music and shards of voices crackled in an eerie audio-montage that echoed and re-echoed off the walls of the frigid room.

The third floor housed the machinery that supported the walls of fantasy, beyond which the tourists gamboled.

The darkness was dispelled, but shadows remained along the walls and in the corners.

The walls of his den were lined with examples of his hobby

In the middle of the west wall - one of the two shorter walls - opposite the entrance to the room, was a six-foot-long, three-foot-high window that provided a view of another space, which was only half as large as this outer chamber

She said, "I was scared." And Danny said, "I made the holes in the walls smaller

The chandelier began to swing in a lazy circle, and the dangling crystals cast prismatic patterns of light on the walls.

White walls

The chopper hugged the valley floor, streaking northward, ten feet above an ice-blocked river, still forced to make its way through a snowfall that nearly blinded them, but sheltered from the worst of the storm's turbulence by the walls of mammoth evergreens that flanked the river

After reviewing the chaos that he had inherited, the new head of network decided that even though Darkfall was an exciting script, he didn't want to make a movie "about little creatures living in the walls." He decided that we would film the other script I had done; for which I received primary credit but not sole credit because of Writers Guild rules virtually guaranteeing the first writer some kind of credit as long as that writer's drafts had been composed in one of the languages spoken on Earth.

'And I remember your friend, Professor Augier, saying that the only possible explanation was that the stones had been disintegrated outside the house, had then come through the walls, and been reintegrated before hitting the floor or opposite walls

There was a crash of glass, the sound of falling walls, and then the ceiling fell down in pieces on our heads