How to use "weren" in a sentence


They weren't completely sure I was going to the party

Later, when we were back in the garden, the President said, 'You were hurt, weren't you, boy? Well, look at this...' And he pulled up his shirt and showed me the place on his stomach where he was hurt once

'You weren't so unfriendly last time.'

that's so sweet of you!" Taste-pots were great, because they weren't expensive, but gave you the taste of something luxurious like double chocolate ice cream

Even then, they weren't alone.

'You were there, weren't you?' said Favell, standing over Ben

His clothes weren't the only things that she had kept: His entire room was exactly as he had left it

They weren't supposed to go into the true heart of the wilderness

They appeared to be genuinely surprised by this news, and Elliot was pretty sure they weren't the people who had been trying to scare Tina

But it seems to me the most obvious thing we have to consider is that the scouts and their leaders saw something they weren't supposed to see."

"And saw something they weren't supposed to see."

He wished that they weren't wearing such dark clothes

When they were nearly halfway across the graveyard, when Elliot was positive they weren't being pursued, he stopped, leaned against a tall monument, and tried not to take such huge, deep gulps of the painfully cold air

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

But where do you expect to find a hypnotist? The last time I looked, they weren't setting up shops on street corners."

Who were these two people? Why weren't they hiding in a dark corner somewhere? Why weren't they scared witless? Christina Evans was only an ordinary woman

I found out that the captain and two of his men, all Americans, weren't on the ship last night, so I'm sure they killed poor John Openshaw

And you weren't killed at Weybridge?'

Then we looked for the eggs that weren't broken