How to use "western" in a sentence


Smith, and other artists who made their homes in the western United States and who usually took their subject matter from either the old or the new West.

The traffic thinned out as they drove farther from the heart of town, closer to the looming black mountains that thrust into the last electric-purple light in the western sky.

George was encouraged by the President to believe that eventually he would be promoted to the bureau chief of the entire western half of the country - and then all the way to the top, if only he could get the floundering western division functioning as smoothly as the South American and Nevada offices

It was the head of the shop assistant who had fallen in, looking black against the hot western sky

The tops of the trees and the roofs of Horsell were sharp and black against the western sky

At the same time four of the fighting-machines, also carrying tubes, crossed the river, and two of them, black against the western sky, came into sight of myself and the curate as we hurried along the road to the north.

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins