How to use "within" in a sentence


To the proposition, then, that slaves whose cases come within the terms of this clause "shall be delivered up", their oaths are unanimous

It follows from these views that no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union; that Resolves and Ordinances to that effect are legally void; and that acts of violence, within any State or States, against the authority of the United States, are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances.

These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption.

'Father told me this morning that I have to pack everything and be ready to leave for England within a week.'

Everything they ate everything they used - it was all grown or made within the city's limits

We now have a secret agent, working within the government

They all said that Maxim had married his young, second wife within a year of Rebecca's death

Manderley would always be here, safe and secure, within sound of the sea.

"Michael-" she began, intending to tell him that she was going to stage another show within the next year, that she didn't want to be represented by only one production at a time, and that she even had distant designs on New York and Broadway, where the return of Busby Berkeley - style musicals might be greeted with cheers.

At night, the fabled Strip was a dazzling sight, a surging river of light: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, turquoise - every color within the visual spectrum of the human eye; incandescent and neon, fiber optics and lasers, flashing and rippling

The smell of her, the vibrant blue of her eyes, the feel of her supple skin as he put a hand to her face - those things generated waves of affection and longing within him.

Approximately two hundred guests danced or milled about behind the house, and another hundred partied within its twenty rooms.

Elliot didn't want to ask Kennebeck for a favor within hearing of a dozen lawyers, and today there was nowhere in the house where they could be assured of privacy

Crazily, Tina felt as if her nightmare had not come from within her, but from without, as if some person or force had projected the dream into her mind in an effort to-

She was filled with a new dread, a fear greater than the one that had burned within her during the past few hours

It had been committed in a sheltered space within the crowd, hidden by the killer's and the victim's bodies

There are a lot of airports within the range of that little Cessna."

She was within reach of Danny

"It has to be within a few miles of where Jaborski intended to go with the scouts."

Two sporting-goods stores and two gun shops were within easy walking distance of the hotel

She felt a peculiar pulling sensation that seemed to come from within her hand, and she stiffened in surprise.

Apparently, the door could be opened only from within, after those, seeking entrance had been scrutinized by the camera that hung over the portal.

Beside the monitor was a lighted glass plate against which the visitor was supposed to place his right hand, palm-down, within the existing outline of a hand

And when the host expires, the Wuhan-400 within him perishes a short while later, as soon as the temperature of the corpse drops below eighty-six degrees Fahrenheit

What we're seeing on the X-rays isn't within our experience

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

The end of the cylinder was being screwed out from within

But, looking, I soon saw something grey moving within the shadow, then two shining circles - like eyes

Even within the five - kilometer circle, most people were unaffected

I have a faknee-int memory of the foot of a Martian coming down within twenty metres of my head, going straight into the loose stones

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

There was also a notice which said that within twenty-four hours bread would be given to the hungry people

It went straight towards a second Martian, and was within a hundred metres of it when the Heat-Rav hit it

In our desire to watch, we even fought each other within a few centimeters of being seen.

'Stop!' he cried, when I was within ten metres of him, and I stopped

It was a large space, with enormous machines here and there within it, great piles of material and strange buildings