How to use "written" in a sentence


Mrs Ralston had written it down on a piece of paper

The clause I now read is as plainly written in the Constitution as any other of its provisions:

Is it true, then, that any right, plainly written in the Constitution, has been denied? I think not

Think if you can, of a single instance in which a plainly written provision of the Constitution has ever been denied

If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written Constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution - certainly would if such a right were a vital one

The message in chalk that blamed the Jews was written on the wall of a building in a Jewish area

He did not see a young boy run out with a note that the innkeeper had quickly written

However, there was something strange about them: although they all seemed to be written by different people, they were written on the same rough paper in the same handwriting

On top of the cupboard, by his feet, he noticed the piece of paper that the elder daughter had written on: Be careful! The police are coming!

'Well, Gavroche, will you do something for me? I want you to deliver this letter to the address written on the outside.'

In her unhappy state of mind, Cosette had forgotten to remove the page that she had used to blot the letter she had written to Marius

He remembered clearly the young man in the Luxembourg Gardens who had shown such great interest in Cosette, and he was certain that this was the man she had written to.

Valjean ate the bread and, opening the wallet, found a note which Marius had written:

It is a red serviette with a single word written again and again in black ink.

I thought of all the letters Rebecca had written to her husband

Here she had chosen her guests and written letters to her friends

I have written it here.' And Frank held out a piece of paper.

She was positive that nothing had been written on the board when Danny had gone away on that scouting trip

But even if Vivienne had kept her scheduled appointment, she never would have written those words on the chalkboard

And if Michael had slipped into the house like a little boy playing a cruel prank, if he had written that message on the chalkboard, then his hatred of her was far greater than she had thought

But if Michael hadn't torn up Danny's room, if Michael hadn't written those words on the chalkboard, then who had?

The first was my script based on Darkfall, which I had written in two weeks

I opened Helene's envelope and took out several closely written pages

'Do you remember what was written under that ashtray?'

At the top was written 6.20

Look, the time is written in blue ink!'

They all looked as though they had been written by the same person, and they all said, 'Urgent'

Across the top was written: By hand - Urgent.

She's the only old lady who hasn't written to me today.' I was right.

It was written at six thirty- five and another person - the murderer - put the incorrect time 6.20 at the top.'

'We got an expert to look at it - to say whether the 6.20 was written by someone else

And do you know the result? That letter was never written by Protheroe at all

They still think the 6.20 was written by someone else - but they're not sure.'

He picked up the pistol and the silencer, and left the forged letter with the time written on it in blue ink

But when he left the letter, he found the one written by Colonel Protheroe

But none of them were written by anyone who had actually seen a Martian

It had the name of a shop written on it

I had every symptom that was written.

In the margin, by my statement about the twenty thousand pounds, the lawyer had written, 'No - if Laura Fairlie dies, Sir Percival will inherit the twenty thousand pounds.

I told him not to sign the settlement unless the part about the twenty thousand pounds remained as I had first written it

After some time, she noticed that someone had written the word 'Look' on the ground with a stick

On it, Anne Catherick had written this:

There was a new inscription written on it: 'Here lies Laura, Lady Glyde...' In the near distance I saw two women with veils over their faces

It was written in a very small space at the bottom of the page

'I want a full confession, written and signed, of your conspiracy with Sir Percival Glyde against Laura Fairlie,' I said, 'and I want proof of your story so that everyone knows the truth at last.'

He had left a note on the Count's body with the single word 'Traditore' - the Italian word for traitor - written on it.

She has written many books about women in Islam.