How to use "wrong" in a sentence


But will they realise that something is wrong and go for help?

When I don't arrive for work, Brion After, my boss, will know that something is wrong

Again, she was wrong

The first person to think something might be wrong was Aron's boss, Brion

I think something might be wrong

When I don't arrive for work, he'll think something is wrong

When she read it to Officer Crider, she didn't realise it was wrong

Once again, the number was wrong.

Things start to go wrong

I was wrong

I didn't do anything wrong

"I think you're both wrong

"Is something wrong, Captain?"

'It's wrong from beginning to end,' said the Caterpillar

'What's wrong with these flowers?' she asked the gardeners.

'What's wrong with me?' she wondered

I can think things OK, but when I have to say them or write them down, sometimes they come out all wrong

I got the ball, but I ran the wrong way with it, and everybody got angry and started shouting at me.

But then things began to go wrong again

'What's wrong?' I asked.

I thought perhaps they were there to welcome us, but I was wrong

He was wrong.

But - you've guessed it - something went wrong.

'What's wrong with her?' I asked one of the two men.

All kinds of things went wrong because of that ape

But I do venture to suggest that it will be highly unconstitutional in the midst of this unconstitutional Government, - in the midst of a nation which has built up its magnificent constitution, - for the people of India to become weak and to crawl on their belly - it will be highly unconstitutional for the people of India to pocket every insult that is offered to them; it is highly unconstitutional for the 70 millions of Mohammedans of India to submit to a violent wrong done to their religion; it is highly unconstitutional for the whole of India to sit still and cooperate with an unjust Government which has trodden under its feet the honour of the Punjab.

I decided that my first impression of Mr Slinkton was wrong.

But Abbeline had been wrong about George Chapman.

The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

When you arrived in Montreuil, I felt sure that you were this man, but now I know I was wrong, and I'm sorry

'Our daughters barefoot and without a dress between them, while she wears leather boots and a fur coat? You must be wrong

Although he was too proud to admit he was wrong, and although he was angry, M

'Have you come to apologize? Do you now see that you were wrong?'

He was wrong

Just say it's the wrong bag."

it's just the wrong bag."

And an important detail, a very important detail, is that you're in the wrong side of the confessional

So how did it all go wrong?

Was he wrong?"

But he picked the wrong casino.

Is that a crime? Is that wrong?"

So there was something wrong

"Something is wrong, isn't it?" asked Gran, as they sat in the Real Space

She was in the wrong, and now she'd probably ruined everything.

"Look, I know I was wrong -"

Nothing wrong

"Your dad? What's wrong? Is he sick?"

It was all wrong

"What's wrong?" he demanded at once, looking around at their troubled faces.

And the way they were smiling, none of the other parents seemed to suspect that anything was wrong.

'You are wrong, I could never forget you,' said de Winter in a cold, hard voice.

'Is something wrong?'

But Beatrice was wrong

'Beatrice is very kind-hearted, but she always says the wrong thing.'

'I'm not doing anything wrong,' he said

What's wrong with you?'

But he was wrong

'Oh, but you are wrong,' said another woman

Something was wrong

There was nothing wrong with that boat when I last saw it

'There must have been something wrong with her after all.'

'Rebecca gave the wrong name, of course,' he said

Something's wrong, I know it is.'

'It's the wrong direction, too,' Maxim said 'you're looking west.'

'What's wrong, Natalie?' Zak asks.

At first, it had seemed terribly wrong that such a wonderful opportunity should come her way before she'd even had time to mourn her boy, as if the Fates were so shallow and insensitive as to think that they could balance the scales and offset Danny's death merely by presenting her with a chance at her dream job

Something was very wrong here

A glittery fantasy could metamorphose into a crude, tasteless, and stupid bore if the wrong hand guided it

Indeed, she couldn't see how anything could go wrong.

He couldn't find anything wrong with the show

I was wrong

But you're wrong about everything else

"You were wrong to think I'd come crawling back

"Tina? What's wrong? Are you all right?"

What's wrong with you?"

So what the fuck went wrong?"

"Something sure as hell went wrong," she said

Tina realized that she had been wrong to think that celibacy should be a part of her period of mourning

"You've got the wrong guy," Elliot assured them.

He had been wrong.

What's wrong with you?"

"I figure you've got the wrong place," Tom said, stepping out of the doorway, into the garage, reaching for the button that would raise the big door.

Elliot said, "What's wrong?"

"We've been looking at this all wrong-"

"We were wrong

They're wrong, of course

Can you shoot holes through it? Can you prove I'm wrong?"

They figure there's something wrong with the little boy's body, something odd that we can't afford to let them see

"What the devil is wrong with the engineers? Why can't they correct the problem?"

"What's wrong?"

He turned it around, so the face of it was on the wrong side - the palm side - of his finger

"What's wrong?"

Something's gone wrong

If either one of them makes a wrong move, blow him away."

But we've checked our data a hundred times, and we can't find anything wrong with that diagnosis

Take him to a dozen specialists until someone can tell you what's wrong with him

My hand shook as I picked it up because I knew by then that something must be terribly wrong

'Miss Marple may be wrong.'

'I suppose to you that is very wrong?'

'But you're wrong about there being nothing worth stealing

'You're wrong

'And we did nothing wrong

I was wrong

But you made us both see how wrong it would be.'

It's the wrong weapon.'

But I was wrong.

Nobody ever liked him because he always thought he was right, and that others were always wrong

'Yes, that note is wrong, somehow.'

'But even so,' said Miss Marple, 'it's all wrong.'

'And that's what's all wrong

'Really? Miss Marple said this evening that the note was all wrong.'

'Wrong number! HELLO, you gave me the wrong number..

'So Miss Marple was right about us finding the wrong note

But it's all wrong

But Miss Marple just smiled and continued, 'I liked Anne and Lawrence, so when they both confessed in that silly way - well, I was happy that I had been wrong

'It was the wrong sort of stone for my garden! And that made me think.'

'Something wrong with the gun?' he said

It would be wrong of them to live and weaken the others.

'Well, what's wrong with you?' he asked.

I said, 'If I tell you what is wrong with me, you will die before I finish

Life is too short! I'll tell you what is not wrong with me..

George always thinks he is ill, but there is really nothing wrong with him.

'You're doing everything wrong!' you shout.

I did something wrong, because I fell into the river

'Why, what is wrong?' asked Connie.

'But it is wrong

She had wanted this thing for a long time, and yet one side of her said that accepting it was wrong

I can't sit and see her life going wrong without feeling it

Don't worry, I've done nothing wrong - but there's been an accident

I simply think it's wrong to sign a document I haven't read.'

'And it's strange to hear you talk of right and wrong; a woman who had a passion for her drawing teacher!'

He was wrong, of course

I went to Sir P and asked him to tell the villagers that my husband was wrong

But they were wrong

"No, you are wrong," says the cruel magistrate.

"You are wrong, Don Diego