How to use "younger" in a sentence


Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

A broken window - in this weather! My wife ill in bed and our younger daughter injured.'

You are here because when Miss Lee saw her younger sister, she took a pair of scissors from her kitchen table, said something to her sister and left the house

The other detective, West, is younger and thinner but with an empty look in his eye.

But it was crowded because Cham had two younger sisters, and Sala knew they all hated living deep underground - especially Cham's dad Tian.

"Make interface pictures for us, Cham," his two younger sisters begged

Tea was brought to us by Frith and a younger servant

'You know,' she said, 'you are much younger than I expected

Eva was twenty-nine, seventeen years younger than Joel, and at five foot eight, she was also four inches taller than he was

Aaron Zachariah, younger than Dombey, clean-shaven, with straight brown hair, leaned over one of the computers, reading the data that flowed across the screen

I was convinced I no longer needed or wanted the kind of thrills that I thrived on when I was younger."

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

Elliot pointed at the younger man

"What about me?" the younger one said sullenly.

Zachariah," the younger man said.

She is twenty years younger than I am, very pretty, and unable to take anything seriously.

My younger brother was in London when the Martians fell at Woking

The other, younger one was hitting the man who held her arm with a whip.

It was no time for fair fighting, and my brother quieted him with a kick, then took hold of the collar of the man who held the younger lady's arm

He would have had very little chance if the younger lady had not very bravely stopped the cart and returned to help him

'Take this!' the younger lady said, and she gave my brother the gun.

The younger lady sat beside him and made the horse move.

My brother learned that the two women were the wife and younger sister of a doctor living in Stanmore, The doctor had heard about the Martians at the railway station, on his way home from seeing a patient, and had sent them off, promising to follow after telling the neighbour

The younger woman suggested that they should move on and catch a train at St Albans

Even a younger sister

If she had a younger lover..

There are more and more women prime ministers and presidents in the world, and they are also becoming younger