How to use "accident" in a sentence


The accident

3.28 pm It's almost forty-five minutes since my accident

2.45 pm It's exactly twenty-four hours since the accident.

3.00 am It's now sixty hours since my accident

I was soon eating normal food and by the end of the summer, I was the same weight as before the accident.

On August the 31st, four months after the accident, I spoke at Sonja's wedding

We filmed the place where the accident happened

My accident changed my life

'She had an accident in the machine-shop where she works for six sous an hour, 'Jondrette explained

And he remembers something horrible from more than a year ago: an accident on the roads across the moors

And also a fire can look like an accident.

"Everyone thinks it's an accident and that she is heartbroken," says Peter.

'Nobody saw the accident

I was sure that Maxim would have a terrible accident or even be killed

'I blame myself for the accident,' she said

It's my opinion that there was no accident

Maybe Danny hadn't been killed in the accident, after all

Perhaps he had wandered away from the wrecked bus and had been found miles from the scene of the accident, without identification, unable to tell anyone who he was or where he came from

But then, a few weeks ago, she had begun to slip back into the dreadful condition in which she'd wallowed immediately after she'd received news of the accident

Torn and crushed in a bus accident with fourteen other little boys, just one victim of a larger tragedy

And the obvious reference that those two words made to the bus accident in which he had perished?

Yet the taunting words on the chalkboard and the destruction in the bedroom seemed to be the work of someone who felt that she should be held accountable for the accident

But maybe Danny didn't die in that accident

"How could he have survived the accident you described?" Elliot asked.

A chill spread from the base of his spine, up his back, as he realized what the presence of these men implied about the accident that had killed Danny.

The bus accident..

They wanted to gain his cooperation without violence because they were reluctant to mark him; their intention was that his death should appear to be an accident or a suicide

for the past year I've been struggling to adjust to the fact that Danny died in that stupid, pointless accident

Most of the questions were concerned with how much Tina knew about the true nature of the Sierra accident, how much she had told Elliot, how much she had told Michael, and with how many people she had discussed it

This city still remembers the Jaborski group, the Sierra accident

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

And they haven't been coming from someone who wants to expose the true story of the Sierra accident

Maybe there was an accident, but it wasn't like anything we were told

Danny survived the accident, but they couldn't let him come home because he'd tell everyone the government was responsible for the deaths of the others, and that would blow their secret military installation wide open."

Christina Evans probably hadn't entertained a single doubt about the official explanation of the Sierra accident; she probably hadn't known a damned thing about Pandora when she had requested an exhumation, but her timing couldn't have been worse.

Pacing, Kennebeck said, "Now that we've tried to kill them, they know the story of the Sierra accident was entirely contrived

Earlier this morning it had occurred to Elliot that he and Tina were the only people who knew that the official story of the Sierras accident was a lie

"It was an accident," Dombey said.

The Eyes of Darkness is a modest little thriller about a woman, Tina Evans, who lost her child, Danny, when he was in an accident on a trip with his scouting troop

A year later, Tina has reason to believe the accident did not occur as reported - that her son is alive, is being held against his will, and is in desperate need of her

They decided it was an accident, but I didn't agree

The police said it was an accident, but Holmes was very angry about it.

It was only after the accident that I discovered he had put a second set of the control switches inside the disintegration booth, so that he could use himself as the object of the experiment.

I have had a serious accident

You remember the ashtray experiment? I have had a similar accident

On the Saturday evening, at Waterloo station, he learned that an accident prevented trains from reaching Woking

He could not discover what kind of accident it was

The death of that one at Weybridge was an accident

Don't worry, I've done nothing wrong - but there's been an accident

The inquest concluded that Sir Percival's death was an accident

Pierre died in an accident in 1906, but Marie continued their work.