How to use "home" in a sentence


He is my future son and the room is in my future home

After ten days in hospital, I went home

However by May the 25th, I was home to stay.

"You mean well never go home again? That's impossible!"

This was my home for nine months

One old bird said, 'I really have to go home

'Run home this minute and bring me a hat

Why am I bringing a rabbit his hat? Perhaps when I get home, I'll do things for Dinah

'It was much nicer at home

She started to walk to his home

'Let's go home to tea,' she said

And she got up and ran home.

But one girl, Jenny Curran, didn't run away, and sometimes she walked home with me

One day I was walking home, and a car stopped next to me

I wanted my Mom, and I wanted to go home

Mom knew that I was coming, but she was crying when I got home.

Bubba and I decided that we would get a shrimp boat when we got home again, and catch shrimps, and make a lot of money

Soon after that, I heard that I was leaving the army early, and they gave me some money for a train ticket to go home.

'He's a friend of mine from home, and he's going to stay with us for a few days.'

I went to find Jenny's address, but there was nobody at home

I decided to go home to Mobile, but the bus stopped at Nashville on the way and I went into town for a drink and something to eat

'I'm going home, and I'm going to start a shrimp business.'

Well, I finally went home to Mobile again

'Oh, Forrest,' she said, 'you're home at last!'

I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment; but the emergency at home cannot wait on that accomplishment.

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Most of them went home at midnight

It happened in Castle Alley, close behind Hutchinson's home

Shops closed early; people rushed home and locked their doors

'The child is lucky to have a home at all,' they told everybody.

Fantine ran home, upset and disgusted

If I don't pay, my little girl will lose her home and be thrown out on to the streets

He sat by her bed for an hour and then, having told the nurses to look after her, he returned to his home

Champmathieu went home in a state of total confusion, thinking all men mad and understanding nothing of what had happened.

'I'm going mad,' he thought, as he walked home.

What would he be thinking when he saw a strange young man walking backwards and forwards in front of his bench? Without another thought, Marius left the Gardens and went home.

As well as the joy of seeing her in the Gardens, he now had the pleasure of following her home

Marius waited, his heart aching with pain, until finally going home

'If only I hadn't followed them home,' he told himself

That night at home, Marius opened the package and found that it contained four letters, all addressed to different people, and smelling strongly of cheap tobacco

'But I'll take my daughter home and come back this evening with more money for you.'

Finally, he asked Marius for his door key and told him to go home and hide quietly in his room so that his neighbours would think he was out.

One of these children was Eponine, who had dressed like a boy so that no one would tell her to go home

'Will you help me to take him home?' Valjean said

'Let me go home for a minute

It was the happiest night of Cosette's life, spoilt only by one thing: the fact that her guardian - whom she still thought of as her father - went home before the feast had started, saying that he felt ill

Jean Valjean, meanwhile, went home, lit his candle and went upstairs to bed

He waited in the small, damp room for an hour before sadly returning home

That night he went home in despair, and the next evening he did not come at all.

He would then stare at the house for several minutes, tears rolling down his cheeks, before turning round and slowly returning home.

You're going to come home with us

Every evening when I return home from work."

He thinks about home for a moment, but that is too far away now, and too long ago.

There are no shouts or loud voices coming from university students returning home from the pubs and bars

Then he went home?"

We take one or two rabbits home and we have a little fun

Exhausted from a long day at work and made passive by the slow journey home.

You just need to get home, she tells herself, and she feels the train slow down, and she knows she must get up.

You're nearly home

To get home quickly, they stepped onto one of the fast-moving walkways that stretched in all directions across the city.

"Did you get home OK?" Then she stopped

When Sala got home with Apat, she felt sick

It was Monday, and the two friends were riding the walkway home from college

Studying at home helped with overcrowding, used less energy, and made teaching easier: well, that's what the government said.

But on the walkway home, he didn't talk as much as usual

They were almost home when Cham turned to her.

When Sala arrived home, Mom was back from work, and Apat and Gran were there, too

It was a delicious dinner - Mom had brought home some top-quality meat from the laboratory, and Gran had added some vegetables from her garden

I've been so busy at work the last few days, I feel I've not been home much at all."

Back at home that afternoon, Sala thought about Niki's words: it was true that because she was with Cham, life felt exciting

Dad came home with the news yesterday afternoon, and he and Mom have been really depressed ever since."

As she walked home, loneliness hit her

She found Gran sitting with Mom, talking and drinking tea; for once, Mom had got home from work early.

Like your grandmother, because she stays at home so much."

Sala half-wanted to rush home to tell Gran and Mom what had happened, but she didn't want to lose any of her remaining time with Cham

By the time, they had all said goodbye, and Sala had gotten home, evening had fallen

She should just go home..

But if he had a home like Manderley, he would never leave it

I felt that he did not want to talk about his home.

'You forget,' I told him, 'that you have a home and I have none.'

'It's getting late, shall we go home?' I said

I felt like a child going home after a party

If he loved his home so much, why had he left it?

'I want to go home now,' I said.

'So Mrs Van Hopper wants to go home,' said Maxim

'Either you go to America with Mrs Van Hopper or you come home to Manderley with me.'

He was going back to his own home

'We are all very glad to see you at home again

I leant back in my chair, drinking my tea and trying to feel at home

Manderley was my home now - my home and Maxim's

I began to feel that Manderley really was my home.

He knows the way home.'

'Come on Jasper, we must go home now.'

'If you had listened to me, we would be home by now

I wanted Maxim to come home.

I felt, for the first time, that it was my home

'I think Ben can go home now, don't you, Colonel Julyan?' Maxim said

'Is Dr Baker at home?' said Colonel Julyan

We shall be home by three.'

At six minutes past midnight, Tuesday morning, on the way home from a late rehearsal of her new stage show, Tina Evans saw her son, Danny, in a stranger's car

And if that were the case, then he might have ended up in a foster home, in a new life

Five minutes later, she was home

She was home by 4:15

This evening she would call Michael, when she got home from the premiere and the party afterward

Tina didn't get home from the opening-night party until shortly before two o'clock Wednesday morning

She phoned Michael, but he wasn't home

"For years people go home from Vegas and tell all their friends that they came out ahead of the game

"Don't get mad at me, okay? We both want the same thing - a home life, a good family life

"Yes, you're right, I do want a home life, a satisfying family life

It was you who didn't come home at night

"You go home at four with the others."

She'd work for another hour, until five o'clock, and then go home

First at home

"Who could you possibly have been seeing? They've all gone home

Because the mother hadn't seen the body in the funeral home, she just couldn't bring herself to believe her daughter was really dead

"I should go home and freshen up," she said.

"When I was poor, I looked forward to the day when I'd have a lovely home full of beautiful things, all arranged by the very best interior decorator

Nancy, my late wife, and I decorated our first home

"Going home from here?" Kennebeck asked.

"Then I'll call you at home this evening."

By four o'clock, he was home again, working in the kitchen

She must have glimpsed the grotesque figure of Death on the cover of the magazine when Danny first brought the issue home from the newsstand.

When he came home from the newsstand, I never monitored what he'd bought

Elliot drove behind the restaurant and tucked the Mercedes into a slot in the deepest shadows, between a Toyota Celica and a small motor home, where it could not be seen from the street.

As he got out of the car, his attention was drawn to a window on the side of the motor home next to which he had parked

When he turned from the motor home, his gaze fell on a dense pool of shadows around the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, and again he had the feeling that someone was watching him from concealment.

Danny survived the accident, but they couldn't let him come home because he'd tell everyone the government was responsible for the deaths of the others, and that would blow their secret military installation wide open."

After all, the last couple of years we were married, Michael was running around with a lot of other women, spending most of his time away from home, and Danny felt even more abandoned than I did

We'll just eliminate Bellicosti and set up a trap at the funeral home."

They traveled an additional quarter of a mile before Luciano Bellicosti's home and place of business came into sight on the left, beyond a black-bordered sign that grandiosely stated the nature of the service that he provided: FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND GRIEF COUNSELOR

"I'm going to walk back to the funeral home

"If they've anticipated us, set a trap at the funeral home-"

Elliot and Tina climbed over the wall and stood in the tree shadows, studying the rear approach to the funeral home.

And if assassins were waiting here, they would expect their prey to approach the funeral home boldly, confidently

They reached the funeral home without incident.

They hurriedly retraced their path, moving away from the funeral home

Evidently the people in the funeral home were not aware that their man outside had been eliminated

They figured there wasn't anywhere else we could go but Bellicosti's funeral home."

The police said that he was walking home in the dark when he fell down a hill

'And now you must hurry home

How are you going home?'

When I was at home, I read the words on the envelope:

Then one evening he came home smiling, and I knew that his troubles were over.

The morning Andre tried this terrible experiment, he did not come home for lunch

Then I ran all the way home.

Bernardo arrives home.

A week later, Anna gets an airplane home.

Cal has no money and no home

"No, I'm going home to Italy," Gina answers.

When we reached her gate, she said, 'Please, come in and tell me what you think of my new home.'

When I left to go home, I looked back and saw her watching me with an anxious expression.

On Thursday, I was leaving the church and going home for lunch when I met Colonel Protheroe.

I went home, had lunch, and went out again to visit some people

'I think, I'll go home and tell Anne that Lawrence has been arrested.' She went out of the French window again.

'And the servant was the only person at home.'

She's not very happy at home

Then she got up and said she really must get home.

On my way home, Dr Haydock stopped his car beside me just outside his house

'I've taken Mrs Protheroe home,' he called

'You were at home all afternoon?'

If your maid is in, she can say you are not at home

And the 6.50 train was half an hour late! I didn't get home until half-past seven.'

Griselda and I returned home very excited

Griselda and I went home separately as I wanted to go round by the barrow to see if the police had found the suitcase.

Then, carrying the suitcase, I continued on towards home.

But I have heard that she has said she was at home all the time and that she didn't answer the door because - well, she didn't want to see me!'

I went straight home afterwards, and Mrs Protheroe called at about half-past six to borrow a gardening magazine

'I must go home

I'm on my way home from town

So Griselda stole the pistol and shot him before I got home.

And I walked Miss Marple home.

Coming home, a group of party-goers from Chertsey passed us, singing and playing music

I was at home at the time and writing in my study with the curtains open

At about eleven, as nothing was happening, I walked back, full of such thoughts, to my home in Maybury.

As it was then about a quarter past five, I went home, had some tea and walked up to the station to meet him.

I'm going home.'

'You'll hear more soon," I said, and went on to my home.

I explained quickly that I had to leave my home, and arranged to borrow the cart, promising to bring it back before midnight

At the time it did not seem to me so urgent that he should leave his home.

My brother learned that the two women were the wife and younger sister of a doctor living in Stanmore, The doctor had heard about the Martians at the railway station, on his way home from seeing a patient, and had sent them off, promising to follow after telling the neighbour

It is certain that many died at home, killed by the Black Smoke.

It is our home and would be ours even if the Martians were ten times as strong as they are.

Then I returned through the wood towards my home

My home was a lonely place

We have learned that we cannot think of this planet as a safe home for humans

Perhaps, across the great distances of space, the Martians have watched what happened to the ones that landed on Earth and learned their lesson - and have found a safer home on the planet Venus

Walking home I went past the cottage

If you come home with me, all will be well

'After that everything went well, but one day I returned home early

'We can talk it over more comfortably at home,' he said

We left Oxford on the third day, to return home to London

As Mercy puts the cover on her typewriter, the thought of the bus ride home goes through her like a pain

If she had one of those university boys for a boyfriend, wouldn't he come and take her home every evening? Certainly, Joe would love to do exactly that - with his taxi

'Welcome home

'What have I done? Why have you come home so angry?'

Or was it Wednesday? When I came home from the office, you and James had taken Akosua out

James has come home late

He ran in, holding the few things he had bought on his way home.

It was past midnight when I left their house to walk home to my apartment in London

The dead lady's husband was out of the country, so my mistress arranged for the lady to be buried in her home town in Cumberland in the same grave as her mother.

At home, I gave the letter to Marian

He was so concerned about the registers that he kept copies of them locked up at his home, in case anything happened to the originals

As I came closer to home, an idea started to form in my mind.

When I got home, I wrote this letter to Pesca:

On 1st December 1955, after a long day's work at the shop, Rosa Parks got on the bus to go home

Feminists have also worked hard to stop sexual assault and other crimes against women at work and at home.

It showed that some American women were not happy if they only worked at home

In the past, almost all women worked at home

In World War One (1914-1918), men left home to fight, and women were needed to work both in the army and in their home country.

After the war ended and the men came home, more than 2 million women lost their jobs

In the USA and the United Kingdom, women had to return home

Newspapers and magazines told women to keep a nice, clean home while their husbands were at work

They showed the home as a woman's place

However, the number of women working outside the home was still higher than before

This was because a lot of men did not come home from the war, so women had to work to look after their families.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the number of women who worked outside the home went up again.

Women still do most of the work in the home, which means that many of them are working a lot more than men

People called her "the flying housewife", which is a word for a woman who stays at home to look after her husband and children

When she went home to the Netherlands, the Dutch were very happy

Parents in poor families marry girls when they are young so they do not have to give them food at home

Don Diego smiles and says, "I am going home, but I am cold and wet

I prefer to stay at home and rest."

it is dinner time at Don Carlos' home

We must find Zorro! We must look in every hacienda and in every home

Please come to my home in Reina de Los Angeles

It is safe in my home

Don Diego's home in Reina de Los Angeles is big and beautiful

"Lolita! Marry Don Diego and this beautiful home is yours!" says Doha Catalina.

"Can you stay at home alone?"

The next night Zorro silently enters the Governor's home

Outside the Governor's home there are many soldiers