How to use "along" in a sentence


I plan to spend the whole of Monday biking along the White Rim Trail

Three kilometres along the trail is the Big Drop Rappel.

We shake hands and continue along the trail

It was carried along the canyon after heavy rain

Outside, six or seven small squid moved along the top of the Nautilus, throwing all their tentacles at the ship and its men

They taught me how to shoot guns, throw hand grenades, and move along the ground on my stomach.

As we walked along the sand, Mr Slinkton pointed to some tracks in the sand

I saw the hand-carriage coining back towards us along the sand as she was talking

I replied politely to everything he said, but I was holding a weapon in my pocket as we walked along together.

But Polly went away along Whitechapel Road to try and get some money

Constable William Smith's beat took him along Berner Street every 25-30 minutes

Louis Diemschutz was coming along Berner Street with his pony and cart

We can imagine her singing to herself as she walked along, a small woman, about 1.52m, and thin

At 2.20 Constable Alfred Long also walked along Goulston Street and saw nothing unusual

Nearly four hours later Mary Ann Cox, who lived in Miller's Court, saw Mary walking along Dorset Street with a man

A boy of about ten years old was coming along a footpath with a small box on his back and dirty knees showing through holes in his trousers

This time, however, he did not catch it and it rolled along the ground towards Valjean, who immediately put his foot on it.

Within minutes he was running along the path, shouting

Valjean looked for the boy for another hour, running along the path, calling out his name, but with no success

She was cold and hungry as she dragged the bucket behind her along the crowded street, but she could not resist stopping in front of one of the stalls

Half an hour later, the people of Montfermeil saw an old man in a tall hat and long yellow coat walking along the road to Paris, hand-in-hand with a little girl dressed completely in black

He then carried Cosette, who was sleeping in his arms, along a dark corridor and up some stairs to the room he had rented since his escape from Montreuil

'Come along,' he said

There was a full moon, and this pleased Valjean as he moved quickly along the narrow streets

In the light of a lamp above a doorway, he saw four men moving along the street in his direction

He walked along this lane for a long time until, to his horror, he discovered his way blocked by a high wall

Seven or eight soldiers were moving slowly along the lane in his direction.

One cold but sunny afternoon in February, Marius was walking along the street when two young girls dressed in rags ran into him

Enjolras had been joined by many strangers as he and his friends had run shouting along the street

Marius stood up and ran along a series of alleys that led into the rue de la Chanvrerie, behind the Corinth wine shop

Looking down, Marius saw a dark shape crawling along the ground towards him

Sounds of chains and of heavy wheels moving along the stone streets could be heard, and then soldiers came into view at the end of the street, pulling a large cannon

With Marius lying across his shoulders, Valjean walked forward into the darkness, feeling his way along the wet, slippery walls with his hands

He walked in total darkness, the silence broken occasionally by the thunder of gun carriages and horses racing along the streets of Paris far above his head.

Finally, the group of men moved off along another passage, and Valjean was left in total darkness once again.

The car is big and old, but it is a classic, and it moves along the road like a shark, the evening sun reflecting off the red paint.

He puts his foot on the accelerator, and the car starts to speed along the old road

They walk along the corridors for five minutes and reach an internal courtyard.

He held on to a dolphin's tail and it began to play with him, pulling him along much faster than he could swim

She set off along the busy walkway, checking her ultranet connection as she went

Her knees were trembling, but along with Cham's family, she followed Zee through the glass doors.

I could not help looking at it as we drove along.

We were going along the drive now that led up to the house

She led me along a wide passage

'Come along, and I'll show you Manderley.'

As we walked along the path, drops of rain fell on my hands and face

When I was ready, I opened the door and walked along the corridor

I went up the stairs and along the corridor to my room

I went through the house, along the dark silent corridor of the west wing to Rebecca's room

She turned her back on me and went along the corridor

I began to walk along the path through the woods

'Well, I must be getting along too,' he said

Therefore, the words must have been here all along

Beside the front walkway and then along the side of the house, low-voltage landscape lighting revealed the path.

And a little logistics to keep the production rolling along smoothly

Then, as they stepped out of the rear entrance of the hotel and walked along the edge of the parking lot in the seventy-degree winter sunshine, he said, "So what did you want to talk about?"

But merely drifting along in the currents of life wasn't enough for Tina

And the other adult who went along, Tom Lincoln - he was supposed to be almost as good as Bill

All of them were top-notch scouts - and all of them died along with Jaborski and Tom Lincoln.

Why would he do something so dumb, so reckless, as to drive that far along that road in those conditions?"

Crowds streamed along the sidewalks, on their way from this casino to that casino, from one lounge to another, from one show to the next.

Some of our clients made smart moves and were carried right to the top by the explosive growth of the gaming industry and the Vegas real-estate market, and we just sort of shot up there along with them, hanging on to their coattails."

He kissed her ears, her eyes again, and left a chain of kisses along her neck, and when at last he returned to her mouth, he kissed her more deeply than before, and she responded at once, opening her mouth to him.

As he entered her, she let her hands travel over his body, along his lean flanks.

As he and Elliot ambled along the sun-splashed street, Kennebeck mulled over the problem in silence for almost a minute

The Mad Hatter would be along any minute now.

On the first, a black carriage, drawn by four black horses with evil glaring eyes, rushed along a night highway, beneath a gibbous moon, and a headless man held the reins, urging the frenzied horses forward

The darkness was dispelled, but shadows remained along the walls and in the corners.

Fine beads of sweat had popped out along his hairline.

Tina glanced both ways along the street as Elliot swung the car out of the driveway

The wind buffeted the sports car, moaned along the windows, seeking a way in.

He felt along the inner faces of the fenders, around the tire wells, where a transponder could have been stuck in place quickly and easily

They walked to Harrah's Hotel along windy, neon-splashed streets

On paper, they were still moving along the border of the map, with a large expanse of blues and greens on their left

As the windshield wipers cast the snow aside, Tina leaned forward, squinting along the headlight beams

Tables were arranged along the fourth wall, covered with books, file folders, and numerous instruments that Tina could not identify.

There is a path from Old Hall, where she lives, to our garden gate, so most people coming from there come to the study window instead of going along the road to the front door.

Like to come along?'

But I've got the bullet for you.' He pushed a little box along the table.

As Melchett and I left the bedroom, I saw a thin man come out of another room along the passage.

'Well then,' said Colonel Melchett, 'did you also see Mrs Protheroe's and Mr Redding's expressions as they walked along the road?'

To find this out, I came along the back road to the study

'How did the murderer come to the study? First way, along the road and through the gate

So we went back to the path and walked a little farther along it

But to my surprise, she continued along to the end of the passage, then up a narrow staircase and into a large dark room under the roof

All along a curving line beyond the pit, the dark ground smoked

You'll come in sight of the Martians, I expect, about a kilometer along this road.'

But there was almost nothing to tell people until the government announced that the people of Walton and Weybridge, and all chat district, were pouring along the roads towards London.

Going along the Strand to Trafalgar Square, my brother saw some of the refugees from West Surrey

There were one or two carts with refugees going along Oxford Street, but the news was spreading so slowly that Regent Street and Portland Place were full of people taking their usual Sunday night walk

A similar tube was given to each of the three, and the seven spread out at equal distances along a curved line between Weybridge and Ripley.

At the same time four of the fighting-machines, also carrying tubes, crossed the river, and two of them, black against the western sky, came into sight of myself and the curate as we hurried along the road to the north.

I looked again at the Martian, and saw that it was now moving east along the river bank

By midnight the burning trees along the slopes of Richmond Hill lit up clouds of Black Smoke which covered the whole valley of the Thames, and went as far as the eye could see.

By midday a cloud of slowly sinking Black Smoke had moved along the Thames, cutting off all escape across the bridges

Still recovering, my brother found himself facing the man who had held the horse's head, and realized that the cart was moving away along the road

Then, realizing that he was alone, he ran along the road after the cart, with the big man behind him

My brother looked back along the road

In the evening many people came hurrying along the road near their stopping-place, escaping from unknown dangers and going in the direction from which my brother had come.

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

The Black Smoke moved slowly towards the river all through Monday morning, slowly getting nearer and nearer to us, coming at last along the road outside the house that hid us.

Everything was quiet through the afternoon and we started at about five o'clock along the blackened road to Sunbury.

Here and there along the road, and in Sunbury itself, were dead bodies of horses as well as men, turned-over carts and luggage, all covered thickly with black dust

Far away I saw a thin cat walking along a wall, but there was no sign of people.

After sunset I struggled on along the road towards Putney, and in a garden I found some potatoes, enough to stop my hunger

After I had said goodbye to the soldier, I went down the hill, along the High Street and across the bridge to Fulham

I saw about ten along Fulham Road

I began to feel very happy and I started running along the road.

The river is moving along quietly

But suddenly, the branch of the tree broke! I fell into the river along with my towel

We were alone and we flew along the river

We moved slowly along the river

They sing out of the office, along the road, and into the bus

And they start singing again along the path as she opens the front gate and walks to the door.

He has seen things happen along these beaches

I climbed out of the window and moved along a narrow ledge to the library roof, where I sat down

I moved slowly along the ledge to my bedroom window and climbed back in

As we walked along the corridor, Sir Percival came up the stairs and said, 'She's not there