How to use "also" in a sentence


There are also a lot of very large rocks called boulders, stuck between the canyon walls

I also have a full water bottle and an extra two litres in a CamelBak.

What will I need for the job? The knife, that's certain, but also a tourniquet to stop the blood

There's also the chance of a storm.

He also said he might hike in Utah

He also wanted to know the model of his truck and the license-plate number

I also think of all the adventures I've had with different friends

It also means that tonight will be the coldest night

I am also upset because the raven hasn't appeared

I was also taking eighteen different medicines a day

Saying goodbye to things from our past is also a new beginning.

Ned Land, the famous whale killer, was also on the ship

Another tried the same thing, and he also screamed

He also had everything he needed to keep us prisoners.

They also had tools to dig with

I also wrote a letter to Jenny Curran and asked Mom to ask her parents to send it on to her

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now

I do not forget the position, assumed by some, that Constitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court; nor do I deny that such decisions must be binding, in any case, upon the parties to a suit, as to the object of that suit, while they are also entitled to very high respect and consideration in all parallel cases by all other departments of the government

The people themselves can do this also if they choose; but the executive, as such, has nothing to do with it

I tell you that while my friend believes also in the doctrine of violence and has adopted the doctrine of non-violence as a weapon of the weak, I believe in the doctrine of non-violence as a weapon of the strongest

The other niece is also not well

That's why you also gave me small amounts of poison.' Mr Slinkton was surprised by Beckwith's behaviour

It was another carman, Robert Paul, also on his way to work

There was also no obvious motive, such as robbery

She also had a packing case business in the cellar at the back of the house

This morning he also wanted to check the cellar door at the back

The killer also took some rings from her finger

A man named Michael Kidney also identified her

There were also three plain-clothes detectives on the streets that night

At 2.20 Constable Alfred Long also walked along Goulston Street and saw nothing unusual

He was also taller and slimmer than the man described by witnesses

In Victorian times the East End was also violent, but the Ripper murders were something new

The anger of the crowd also turned against Jews, who were threatened and abused

The innkeeper, who was also the cook, was busy with his pots and pans, preparing a meal for a group of travellers who were laughing and joking in the next room.

The man who had just saved her from prison was also the man who had caused all her troubles

He would also have to break his promise to Fantine about bringing Cosette from Montfermeil

Marius was a handsome young man, but he was also extremely shy

He also noticed that each of them had similar spelling mistakes

But he would also have broken his promise to his father

'But you must also be sensible

There were several street children, excited by the sound of battle, who also joined them

He also invented a dead family for Cosette, so that everybody believed she was an orphan

Marius's attempts to find him also ended in failure, and the true story of his escape from the barricade remained a complete mystery to him.

His private investigations into the old man's past had also revealed an even more disgusting fact

The visitor laughed, but Marius went on, 'You're also Jondrette

And also a fire can look like an accident.

He also enjoys deciding who is innocent and who is guilty, but today that is too easy.

Mrs Dawson was bleeding from her nose and mouth; she also had marks on her face

They say this is premeditated murder because for half an hour Miss Lee looked for Mr Dawson; they also say she made her intention clear on three different occasions

You know that Sophie is sleeping in her usual position at the top of the stairs and that she never makes a noise in the night, and you wish, for the first time, that you also had a dog

It is also a very heavy statue.

"And I also told you that God is in the detail

We can also check one or two of the local pubs on the way back to the city."

And Owen now notices that the boy actually looks a little bit like him after all and that he also smiles sometimes

It is a comforting but also rather depressing thought.

It also notes where they are at all times, to keep them safe.

But it was also exciting

You were excited and you couldn't concentrate on anything else, but you were also a tiny bit afraid

But it also makes me so sad

"We also don't know anything about the people who have brought this message," Gran pointed out

You will also have one Ultranet Talk Hour per week to speak to friends and family

I felt happy again and also rather hungry

'Then whoever took the boat out that night also made those holes and opened the sea-cocks.'

'She was also Rebecca's friend

Gradually, day by day, week by week, she had put Danny behind her, with sorrow, with guilt, with tears and much bitterness, but also with firmness and determination

Admittedly, she had also been relieved when it was finally over.

She was also worried about being responsible for a ten-million-dollar budget

Eva was twenty-nine, seventeen years younger than Joel, and at five foot eight, she was also four inches taller than he was

Any tremor too mild to be felt would also be too mild to tear the photographs from the wall.

"But you're also the co-producer."

Someday I may also be a mother again

Besides, if it was you who wrote on the chalkboard and smashed things in the boy's room, then it was also you who came in here during the night and programmed the hotel computer to spew out that stuff about Danny

She was an excellent lover - silken, smooth, and uninhibited in the pursuit of her own pleasure - but she was also vulnerable and kind

Harry Kennebeck had a poker face that also looked like a poker - hard and plain, dark - and it was difficult to tell if he had any sympathy whatsoever for Tina's plight

Then it stopped dwindling as it also accelerated.

But wherever there's a great deal of personal freedom, there's also an element that takes more than fair advantage of the liberal legal structure

"There's also one big difference

Kennebeck was also irritated by Alexander's hypocrisy

He also knew that the funeral director had not killed himself

The Department of Defense, which was less flush than Health and Welfare these days, was nevertheless also guilty of waste, and it was good for at least another billion a year

But he was also frustrated because so few people were aware of his great importance.

The Alexander's were all idealists when they were discussing the way things ought to be, but they were also hardheaded pragmatists when dealing with the way things actually were

It wasn't a pretty job, but it also wasn't without a measure of real dignity and heroism

I also feel he's going to help us get into the place, and I don't see any reason why I should strike out on that one."

And I also believe individuals are always smarter and better adapted to survival, at least in the long run, than any institution

Elliot also bought a hundred rounds of hollow-point ammunition for the pistol

The top of the gate was also wrapped with razor wire.

That same traitorous bastard is also up there in the labs right this minute, ready to open the gates and doors to them

The tube to the left of the first one also flickered

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

And a lot of people around him, a lot of people protecting him, people in research and people in charge of project security - they're also megalomaniacs

She was overwhelmed with the joy of seeing him again but also with fear when she realized how hideously wasted he was.

He'd used up most of his physical reserves getting out of the lab reservation, and he was also beginning to feel some of the early symptoms of Wuhan-400

So he is praised for being merely incompetent and not also drunk, and he is given a second chance

'Uncle Elias went immediately to the secret room and took out a box which also had three Ks on it

Once or twice the commissaire accompanied me and later I learned that he had also visited Helene alone

And for the first time, I also wondered about Helene

I was also afraid that he would look for and find the fly Henri had talked of

It would mean the end of all ways of moving things from one place to another - not only things but also people

I knew that Henri had caught the fly because it looked different from other flies, but I also knew that his father hated cruelty to animals and that there would be a fuss if he discovered our son had put a fly in a box or bottle.

Pink and wet, the nose was also that of a cat, a huge cat

'There has also been some talk about that young artist, Mr Redding, hasn't there?' said Miss Wetherby.

'Dear Vicar,' said Miss Marple, 'careless talk is often unkind, but it is also often true.'

She also had the most unusual eyes I have ever seen - for they were almost golden, too

He was not just very energetic, but also extremely rude and bossy

The letter also seems very strange

But he also looked as though he was trying to hide it.

'Well then,' said Colonel Melchett, 'did you also see Mrs Protheroe's and Mr Redding's expressions as they walked along the road?'

'A girl also wants a bit of excitement

'Did you know that someone else has also confessed to the murder which you say you committed?' The effect of these words on Lawrence was immediate

And then I also left to go and see Mrs Lestrange.

When he had gone, Mrs Lestrange also got up and held out her hand to me

Was this the same situation? I also wondered about Haydock

I also wondered whether Inspector Slack had returned from Old Hall, so I went to the police station and found that he had

And I also told her about the shiny brown stone I had found

there was also dear Griselda.'

I have also decided that since now I'm going to be a real "wife and mother" I must look after the house as well

It was also not generally understood that because Mars is older and smaller than our Earth, and further from the sun, it is nearer life's end as well as further from its beginning.

And before we criticize them for thinking in this way, we must remember how badly we have treated not only the animals of this planet, but also other people

And we also learned that the Martians were so mechanically clever that they did not need to use their bodies very much.

'Who's there?' he said, also whispering.

There he heard that the Chertsey line was also closed

At the same time four of the fighting-machines, also carrying tubes, crossed the river, and two of them, black against the western sky, came into sight of myself and the curate as we hurried along the road to the north.

They also noticed a long line of dust rising among the houses in front of them

There was also a notice which said that within twenty-four hours bread would be given to the hungry people

I also saw some human bones, with all the flesh eaten off

I also felt that it would be easier to get into the drain and dig back towards the house

I also found that I was very tired, and hungry and thirsty again.

Possibly they also believe this.

'I should also mention that her husband left her a large amount of money

George continued, 'We'll also need a teapot, a pan and a camping stove

I also drank about a bottle of Thames water.

We also knew that those people were not happy.

They also cursed our parents, families, friends, neighbours, pets and jobs

Oxford is also full of dogs

She also showed me an anonymous letter that her sister had received that morning:

Our uncle Frederick Fairlie is a lazy hypochondriac, but he is also our only hope

The entry on the next page also took a lot of space, recording a double marriage

I also heard that you were foolish enough to try to save him

I thought also about Laura's meeting with Anne Catherick by the lake

I also knew that the Count had left Italy many years ago

She taught at a school and also worked as a private teacher - she taught children in someone's house

With real education, she said, women could be good wives and mothers, but also good workers in many jobs.

Two of her friends were also hurt.

They also do not have as many children, and they marry later

She also knew that she had to help other slaves to find freedom.

Later, she also fought for the vote for women.

Rigoberta Menchu is also an important woman who fought for the rights of Indigenous people in her country

In 1984, her brother Victor was also killed by soldiers.

Rigoberta and these other women have fought for the rights of women, but also for the rights of all humans.

Finland also had the world's first women Members of Parliament (MPs), in 1907

When she came back five years later, at twenty years old, she could speak good French and knew how to cook, but she also knew chemistry.

Richard also believed in the vote for women

Emmeline's daughters, Christabel and Sylvia, were also suffragettes

At times, the suffragettes also chained themselves outside 10 Downing Street - where the British prime minister lives - shouting "Votes for women!"

There were also some men who fought for a woman's right to vote

These movements are also fighting for women's right to work, to earn equal pay and to own property

Feminists have also worked hard to stop sexual assault and other crimes against women at work and at home.

Second-wave feminism also talked about sexual assault against women

These waves are also about the sexism that happens to women every day

It also talks about sexual assault in universities and colleges.

They also worked long hours and got very low pay - and it was very hard work.

During this time, women also became teachers or nurses

They are also going into "men's" jobs - these days there are women pilots, judges and astronauts!

Women are now working in large numbers, and they are also becoming leaders in business and politics.

It is also for men who want to make a more equal society.

She was also the first woman to get a PhD from a French university, and she was the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris.

She also teaches at the University of Washington, and she gives talks about her work

In 1906, she married Waldorf Astor, who was also a politician.

She was also very interested in children's health and education

There has also been Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in Liberia, Julia Gillard in Australia, Tarja Halonen in Finland and Angela Merkel in Germany

There are more and more women prime ministers and presidents in the world, and they are also becoming younger

William thought that women should also be able to go into space

She also learned how to jump from an aeroplane with a parachute

Her father worked for the government, but he was also an athlete

Fanny Blankers-Koen was one of the first women to show that women could also be great athletes

But she did not just play tennis; she also made great progress for women's equality and for women's pay in sport

Sometimes, they also get money from the parents of their daughter's husband.

At the same time, famous men in the film business, like Harvey Weinstein, were accused of harassing and assaulting women - and men in TV and politics have also been accused of these crimes

There is also a Spanish church called a mission