How to use "anger" in a sentence


The anger of the crowd also turned against Jews, who were threatened and abused

At night, anger changed to terror

He was filled with a strange kind of anger, but he did not know why

'Can't you see?' Mme Thenardier said, red with anger

Their anger exploded into violence in June 1832, when General Lamarque died

His anger and misery of minutes before had been replaced by a terrible calmness

The stranger narrowed his eyes, trying to hide his disappointment and anger at Marius's calmness

Hot with anger

Your heart is beating so fast that you do not feel anything but the strange mixture of fear and anger.

"What?" his brother said, his eyes full of anger: "You think I do? Idiot, we won't hurt anyone

His face was dark with anger and his voice was hard.

Her face was grey with anger and the look in her eyes frightened me

I knew then that he was not going to tell me about his anger with Mrs Danvers

Perhaps Maxim's anger had frightened her a little.

His eyes were on fire with anger.

He had been seething with hostility, always seeking an excuse to vent his anger on her.

She stared at the chalkboard, thought of the two words that had been printed there, and anger swelled in her

She had lost the momentum occasioned by her anger, and now she was afraid of losing the sense of purpose that had driven her to confront him

She had never vented any of her black anger because, initially, she'd wanted to hide it from Danny; she hadn't wanted to turn him against his father

At this indication of imminent surrender, the tall man relaxed slightly, although his lumpish face was still flushed with anger

I don't know." A flood of unreasonable anger washed through her: "Christ, how could I know the answer to that?"

The map flew into the air, as if someone had tossed it in anger or frustration.

When he discovered the nature of the maps, when he realized that one of them was missing, and when he discovered that the missing map was the one Stryker would need in order to find the Project Pandora labs, Alexander felt his face flush with anger and chagrin

He watched them with anger and fear.

'But if there was an argument,' I argued, 'the shot may have been fired in sudden anger, and Lawrence might have been very upset afterwards about what he had done.'

I thought the Chief Constable was going to explode with anger.

His anger disappeared

His face is red with anger