How to use "afraid" in a sentence


It stopped me feeling sad, angry, or afraid

I'm afraid I'm rather worried about him

Because of their kindness, I am not afraid

"I'm afraid the whale hit the ship, sir

"I'm afraid it's important."

But she fell very slowly and didn't feel afraid

Alice didn't say, 'I'm not Mary Ann.' She felt too afraid

'The people in the house will be afraid of me

She felt afraid, but walked to the house.

She didn't feel very afraid of the Queen

'Don't be afraid,' she said

She began to feel afraid

He looked very afraid.

'Don't be afraid or I'll cut off your head!' said the King.

She was very large now and she wasn't afraid of anybody.

'Who's afraid of you? I'm not

She felt afraid and angry and started to fight them

Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered, because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for

But he won't live long, I'm afraid.'

He was afraid about anti-Jewish demonstrations, so he ordered his men to rub out the message

He wrote that he was afraid of becoming like his mother and 'the best thing for me was to die.' His mother was in an asylum for lunatics

But on October 3rd shopkeepers complained that they were losing a lot of business because people were afraid to go out shopping.

The boy, suddenly afraid of the mad, fierce look in Valjean's eyes, turned and ran.

Fantine, who did not have ten francs, but who was afraid that her daughter would freeze to death, went to the barber's shop

Madeleine, looking hard at Javert without expression, said quietly, 'I'm afraid I don't understand.'

'Don't be afraid.' M

'I didn't come here to argue,' Javert said, stepping back nervously, afraid that Valjean was going to attack him

For some reason, Cosette was not afraid

Mme Thenardier rushed across the room towards Cosette who, afraid that she would be punished, put the doll gently on the floor and began to cry.

I was afraid that it was just a dream.'

'I'm not afraid of you,' he said

Do you recognize me? You mustn't be afraid

Don't be afraid to talk

She wanted to throw herself into Marius's arms, but was unable to move, afraid to show the world that she loved him.

When he refused to kiss her cheek, she began to feel unhappy, afraid that she had done something to offend him

Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."

Is she my wife? My girlfriend? I think that she is, and I suddenly feel afraid for her

And I'm afraid I just don't know

And for a few moments you are so afraid that you cannot think

And you can see your room now, though everything seems strange and different, and everything makes you feel more afraid.

And then you can see his face, and you realise that he looks more afraid than you do, and he is stepping quickly backwards to the stairs

"Well, I guess you're not the only one who's afraid."

"I'm not talking about being afraid

You were excited and you couldn't concentrate on anything else, but you were also a tiny bit afraid

I loved the pod, but I'd be afraid of doing it for longer

She knew it would be best to go straight to the earth apartment, but she felt a little afraid to do that

"I'll think about it," said Sala, suddenly afraid of what else he might say.

"I was afraid you'd say something like that."

I felt cold and a little afraid.

'I don't like young men.' I was still afraid that Maxim would change his mind.

'I'm afraid it's all my fault,' he said and then he shut the door

I tried to smile but suddenly I felt lonely and afraid

I was suddenly shy and afraid again

She could see that I was awkward and shy, and a little afraid of my new life at Manderley.

I think that some of the young servants are afraid of her.'

I would certainly be too afraid to ask.

'I'm afraid you have made a mistake,' I said

At this moment I was not afraid.

'I'm afraid we're going to have some rain,' he said

I became nervous and afraid

'I'm afraid I leave it all to the housekeeper.'

'Anyone would think you were afraid of Mrs Danvers.'

'I am afraid of her

At least not afraid, but...'

'I'm afraid not,' I said

I'm afraid your husband doesn't like me very much

I felt afraid and my legs began to tremble

'I was afraid something like that would happen,' Frank said at last.

I was suddenly very angry and not afraid of Mrs Danvers any more

'Don't be afraid,' said Mrs Danvers

'Go on, don't be afraid.'

'I'm afraid I've got some bad news for Mr de Winter

I felt very afraid

I was no longer afraid of Rebecca; I did not hate her any more

'I am afraid I don't know anything about that,' I said.

'I wish an inquest wasn't necessary,' Colonel Julyan said, 'but I'm afraid it is

'We'll keep it as short as possible, but I'm afraid the reporters will be there.'

'I'm afraid I must leave now

'Mr de Winter, I'm afraid I must ask you one other question

'I'm afraid Maxim is not here,' I said, when Favell walked into the room

I'm afraid you can't prove your story.'

'If he wasn't a friend, perhaps it was someone she was afraid of.'

'Mrs de Winter afraid?' said Mrs Danvers

'She was afraid of nothing and no one

'Act very afraid

He was lonely and afraid

She considered calling the police, but she was afraid of making a fool of herself

She had lost the momentum occasioned by her anger, and now she was afraid of losing the sense of purpose that had driven her to confront him

The insufferable bastard! She was furious, but she said nothing; she didn't trust herself to speak, afraid that she would start screaming at him the instant she opened her mouth.

She was afraid it was going to click on again, all by itself.

She was afraid that she would be inept, clumsy, ridiculous, foolish in bed

During the minute that he was away from her, she was afraid the spell was broken

He'd been trying to postpone her departure because he was afraid that he would never see her again after she drove off.

He was afraid Tina Evans would be taken away from him just as Nancy had been.

"He could be afraid

afraid to go to Reno."

But more than that, what I'm afraid of..

But at the same time, I'm afraid of knowing

She was no longer afraid of facing the awful truth that might be waiting in Reno

Elliot was worried about her, afraid for her, but at the same time, he was glad to have her company.

Hensen, a powerfully built man with white-blond hair and cat-yellow eyes, was afraid of flying

"I'm afraid I can't help you with that

For a moment Tina couldn't move, afraid to see what they had done to Danny

At first, she was afraid to hug him, for fear he would shatter in her embrace

But if we closed up shop, if we stopped doing this sort of research just because we were afraid of men like Tamaguchi winding up in charge of it, we'd be conceding so much ground to our enemies that we wouldn't survive for long

Apparently afraid that she would voice her thoughts and alert Dombey to the incredible truth of the situation, Elliot consulted his wristwatch and said, "We ought to get out of here."

Who sent it? And why was my uncle so afraid?

I'm afraid that my money brings death with it."

But my uncle was very afraid

The police said he killed himself, but I knew he was afraid to die, so I didn't think that was true.'

Those letters were on Uncle Elias's envelope too!" We were both shaking and afraid.

I'm afraid.'

When he came back to England he was afraid

'I'm afraid I don't understand, Commissaire.'

And I'm very much afraid we shall never understand, unless perhaps your sister-in-law should..

I was also afraid that he would look for and find the fly Henri had talked of

I'd be afraid of coming out at the other end like your ashtray.'

Now, can't you let me see your face, Andre? I won't be afraid.'

'I'm afraid you can't get it now,' I said

'I'm afraid I must ask you tell me about it, private or not.'

He was afraid that because of the murder we might search his rooms and find this silver

I was afraid the police might recognize it

For a moment I wanted to go back and help him, but I was too afraid.

With wine and food and the need to help my wife feel less afraid, I slowly became braver and felt safer.

I was even afraid that the last shots I had heard might mean the end of our visitors from Mars

There were people of every class and profession, but they were all dusty; their skins were dry, their lips black and cracked, and all of them looked very afraid.

I took hold of his arm, afraid that he might cry out, and for a long time we remained still

The arrival of a second fighting-machine made us move back out of the kitchen into the hall, because we were afraid that from that height the Martian might see us through the hole

I lit no lamps, afraid that a Martian might come through that part of London looking for food in the night

Perhaps I was too tired to be very afraid

And there, amazed and afraid, as I too stood amazed and afraid, were my cousin and my wife - my wife white and tearless

Even if that is true, for many years we will continue to watch Mars carefully, and all falling stars will make us afraid.

'I am afraid that this is a case of blackmail,' said Holmes.

When I met you by chance and learned to love you, I was afraid to tell you about my child

I was afraid to lose you

Some of them were worried and afraid

I was afraid Harris wanted to stop and visit it

I'm afraid I made a mistake

I can't understand people who are afraid of a little rain.'

Connie cleared her throat and waited, afraid.

'Of course,' say James and Connie, and for some reason they are both afraid of what is coming.

'No, I'm afraid to begin,' said Laura gently

'I know my drawings aren't good, and I'm afraid to show them to you.'

I am very glad he is not my enemy, but is this because I like him or because I am afraid of him?

I am afraid to come back this afternoon, so I am leaving you this note at six in the morning

'I'm afraid that when you so kindly brought my handkerchief to me you probably heard Laura say something very offensive

You say you don't recognise that man, but he recognises you, and he's afraid of you

One thing is clear: he looked afraid when he saw me, so he has probably betrayed the Brotherhood; he probably thinks I'm following him so that I can kill him

Amelia was afraid, but she did not move

Was this because of sexism? Maybe the men became afraid that the women were equal, or sometimes better, than them.

"Don't be afraid, senorita