How to use "answers" in a sentence


None of the answers she gave worked but she kept trying

3.03 pm A noise somewhere above me answers the question

"No," he answers.

She probably wouldn't get the answers she needed, and she would only be acknowledging her presence to whomever might be out there at another workstation

"We'll get all the answers," Bob agreed.

So will you cool it? Just come over here, sit down, let me inject you, give us a few answers, and we can all get on with our lives

"If I do submit to the drug, what happens to me after you've got your answers?" Elliot asked.

When they got their answers, they would kill him

"Storming right up to the front door, demanding answers from Bellicosti - that would be emotionally satisfying, brave, bold - and stupid."

In the morning we'll have clearer heads, and the answers will all seem obvious."

"We have some questions, and you two better have the answers."

I knew that he had believed the answers Helene had given him

"No, I'm going home to Italy," Gina answers.

It was a long time before he was able to answer my questions, and the answers he gave were puzzled and came in broken sentences.

'What are you doing?' he answers.

"Lolita is 18 years old and she is very beautiful," answers Don Carlos.

"I think I must!" answers Don Diego.

He must be punished," answers the magistrate.

The Governor answers, "They are Zorro's friends

"No," answers Zorro, "I am here to bring justice