How to use "appeared" in a sentence


I am also upset because the raven hasn't appeared

As he said this, a bright light appeared from behind the mountain of rocks in front of us.

He seemed very polite and he appeared to be quite a gentleman

Was it because Mrs Lewis's testimony appeared in the newspapers only after the inquest? When he read the report, he realised that she had seen him opposite Miller's Court

The man's face finally appeared in the doorway.

At that moment the door opened and Eponine and Azelma appeared

Leblanc had begun to suspect what was happening because often, when Marius appeared, he got to his feet and walked away, taking his daughter with him

He never appeared in the Luxembourg Gardens without the handkerchief pressed to his lips or his heart

An elderly man and a young girl appeared in the doorway and Marius, still looking through the hole in the wall, could not believe his eyes.

Leblanc appeared and put four coins on the table

The door opened and Marius and Cosette appeared

And the man in the dark winter coat and black hat, who appeared from behind the trees.

But then another truck appeared on the road behind him.

The letters PA appeared, followed by the face of a young woman.

What's more, there was a force field at the city boundary that was impossible to cross: there were alarms there that sensed your wrist chip before you even got close, and then government agents appeared in seconds to arrest you

Cham's face appeared on her virtual interface almost at once

The night sky appeared behind him, then the flames at the edge of a star

At that moment, a door opened at the far end of the room, and a man appeared

Technicians appeared at the door and everyone began to stand up.

One by one, the pod passengers appeared to greet their families and friends

But an image of it appeared behind her eyes

Joel was an odd little man: five-feet-four, slightly chubby but not fat, with curly brown hair that appeared to have frizzed and kinked in response to a jolt of electricity

As Tina slid into the booth beside Mainway, a tuxedoed captain appeared and filled her glass with Dom PS 233; rignon.

She blinked rapidly, closed her eyes, opened them again, but still the doorknob appeared to be sheathed in a thin, irregular jacket of ice.

A flickering, nervous scowl played across her face, alternating with a tentative smile that appeared when the audience laughed, applauded, or gasped in surprise.

Then a man dressed entirely in black from head to foot, his face hidden by shadows, appeared at the far side of the pit and began to shovel dirt into it

The closet doors were open, and all the clothes inside appeared to have been thrown on the floor

She told him about the bizarre things that had been happening to her lately: the messages on Danny's chalkboard; the wreckage she'd found in the boy's room; the hateful, taunting words that appeared in the computer lists and on the monitor.

A second man appeared behind the first

They appeared to be genuinely surprised by this news, and Elliot was pretty sure they weren't the people who had been trying to scare Tina

He appeared formidable, even with his beer belly, which bulged over the waistband of his trousers.

Tina appeared to be no less pessimistic about their hope of escape than he was

Willis Bruckster was so sure he appeared dull and ordinary that he wouldn't have been surprised if a guard had looked at him and yawned.

"So it's like I said." Alexander's crooked smile appeared

The headlights flashed on and off so rapidly that, they created a stroboscopic effect, repeatedly "freezing" the falling snow, so that it appeared as if the white flakes were descending to the ground in short, jerky steps.

His hair was razor-cut, and he groomed his mustache so meticulously that it almost appeared to have been painted on his upper lip.

The deciduous trees, stripped of every leaf, appeared to be charred, as if this particular winter had been more severe than others and as cataclysmic as a fire

Ahead, on the left, a break appeared in the bank of snow that had been heaped up by the plows

It appeared after his first series of shots six weeks ago

How long could Danny continue to pave the way? The boy appeared to have some incredible powers, but he wasn't God

He appeared to be older than twelve

The boy blinked, and with what appeared to be great effort, at the cost of more than a little pain, he withdrew one arm from under the covers and reached out toward her

Danny stared at the oncoming chopper, and lines appeared in his forehead again.

We had just sat down to breakfast when she appeared at the door

As I paused, Lawrence Redding appeared, carrying a large stone.

'Yes, but when you appeared, he pretended that he was bringing it to me for my Japanese garden

There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle appeared to be going on around the pit

I heard it give a peculiar cry, and then another of these creatures appeared in the deep shadow of the door.

The figure of a workman carrying a basket appeared

Then suddenly, the trees in the wood ahead of me were pushed to the side and a second enormous tripod appeared, rushing, as it seemed, straight towards me

Quickly, one after the other, one, two, three, four of the Martian machines appeared, far away over the low trees towards Chertsey

At the same time, far away in the south-east, the shapes of three warships appeared, beneath clouds of smoke.

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

Then, far away, another appeared, stepping over some small trees, and then another could be seen even further away, crossing the flat mud that lay between the sea and the sky.

Germs, which cause so much disease and pain on Earth, have either never appeared on Mars or they got rid of them a long time ago.

Then, through a sort of glass plate, I saw the large, dark eyes of a Martian, and one of its tentacles appeared, moving in through the hole.

It appeared to be standing and calling, for no reason that I could discover.

Seven months ago, when these planets were close together, faint, dark marks appeared on photographs which suggested that a cylinder had been fired from one to the other.

Suddenly a barrier appeared between us, and she has become like a stranger to me

As we approached the door, a woman suddenly appeared

In one corner there was a desk, and at that desk there was a desk, and at that desk there appeared to be a little girl.

New jobs that appeared in factories, shops and offices were better