How to use "attacked" in a sentence


You attacked my ship

Immediately, Ned Land attacked and killed the shark with his harpoon

Captain Nemo gave us all axes to cut the squid's tentacles if they attacked.

Captain Nemo attacked the giant squid with his axe

We know that witnesses often make small errors in time, so the man Mrs Darrell saw was very probably the murderer, and he attacked Annie at approximately 5.30 a.m

They attacked anybody who looked suspicious

'She attacked a man in the street, a respectable citizen

Soldiers attacked the crowd with swords; the crowd threw stones and ran screaming across the bridge

Then the soldiers attacked.

There was a roar of gunfire and the soldiers attacked, rushing towards the barricade

The first assault was beaten back by the brave rebels, but the soldiers attacked again and again

The soldiers, meanwhile, attacked the wine shop

It seemed that she had had a gun all the time, but it had been under her seat when they were attacked

The swans attacked Harris and tried to pull him off the boat

Percival was attacked by thieves, and Count Fosco saved his life