How to use "own" in a sentence


I can break my arm by using my own weight

This ship, and my own life, is a secret to the outside world

Some of them came in their own boats

He turned to help his own man, but it was too late

One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land

"Resolved: that the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend, and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes."

It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination

It follows from these views that no State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union; that Resolves and Ordinances to that effect are legally void; and that acts of violence, within any State or States, against the authority of the United States, are insurrectionary or revolutionary, according to circumstances.

If a minority in such case will secede rather than acquiesce, they make a precedent which in turn will divide and ruin them; for a minority of their own will secede from them whenever a majority refuses to be controlled by such minority

At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government, upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made, in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal

By the frame of the government under which we live, this same people have wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief; and have, with equal wisdom, provided for the return of that little to their own hands at very short intervals

Such of you as are now dissatisfied, still have the old Constitution unimpaired, and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; while the new administration will have no immediate power, if it would, to change either

The Almighty has his own purposes

I ask, is it unconstitutional for a policeman or for a soldier to tender his resignation when he knows that he is called to serve a Government which traduces his own countrymen? Is it unconstitutional for me to go to the agriculturist and say to him "it's not wise for you to pay any taxes, if these taxes are used by the Government not to raise you but to weaken you?" I hold and I venture to submit, that there is nothing unconstitutional in it

Primarily, this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated

Through this program of action we address ourselves to putting our own national house in order and making income balance outgo

But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom - and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside

And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.

With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

In fact, Hutchinson had known Mary about three years, so he certainly knew that she had her own room

The crowd followed shouting, 'Catch him!' Squibby was terrified and finally surrendered to the police for his own protection.

The Thenardiers, who were loving and gentle to their own daughters, Eponine and Azelma, treated Cosette like a slave.

'My hair will grow again,' she thought, 'but teeth would be gone forever.' But then she thought about her daughter, and her own appearance suddenly seemed unimportant

'You own the factory where I used to work!' she shouted at him

'That nasty little girl, who isn't even my own daughter, who I feed and look after out of the kindness of my heart, has been playing with my daughters' doll.'

We have our own daughters to look after

He would be able to climb the wall on his own, but how could he carry Cosette? Suddenly, he had an idea

Enjolras and his other friends tried to cheer him up by taking him to exciting places, but these expeditions always ended in the same way: Marius would leave the group and walk around the streets of Paris unhappily on his own.

Thenardier seemed lost in his own dark thoughts

Suddenly, he saw his own shadow on the floor of the passage in front of him

Valjean tore pieces oft his own shirt and bandaged Marius's wounded shoulder as well as he could

Forgetting the weight of Marius on his shoulders and his own hunger and tiredness, he ran towards the light

The poor man, unable to understand the kindness and gentle nature of the man he had spent his whole life hating, had taken his own life by jumping from a bridge

On the other hand, if he continued to lie about his past, he would lose his own soul

'If I had continued to keep my secret to myself, I would have destroyed my own heart,' Valjean replied

'Well, we're not going to allow you to stay here on your own

"That's okay," Robin says, and he picks up one of the bags and puts it on the table, "we brought our own money: twenty thousand pounds in small notes

But the scream he hears is not his own.

He sees kids his own age laughing and joking.

Your own sister? You wanted her to kill your husband."

His own parish church, the church of his childhood, Saint Anthony's.

Sala and Cham live in an enormous overcrowded city that they are forbidden to leave, for their own protection: the world outside the city was contaminated during the wars.

She'd made her own garden on the roof of their apartment, and she was always up there

Sala went to her own tiny room, and played her ultranet messages

Fifteen minutes later, Sala was dressed in her own clothes again, and was sitting next to Cham near the changing rooms

She had to consider Cham's future, not just her own

we'll he on our own."

Energy units must be saved for your own use

She looked very different now that she was in her own surroundings - more friendly and unthreatening

Sala wished she could see him on her own, but she knew that time with his family was precious

"Do you think we could have a few minutes to talk on our own, at the end of the hour?"

"So he says it's for your own protection," said Gran bitterly.

He was going back to his own home

As I wrote I noticed my own handwriting for the first time

I pushed open the door to my own bedroom

I would have to wear a wig over my own straight hair

I brushed back my own straight hair

'And I shall do things in my own way.'

Heavy objects didn't just fall of their own accord in deserted rooms.

At the time, Tina was certain that Danny was aware of the nightly arguments she and Michael were having in their own bedroom, which was next to his, and that he wanted to move into the den so he wouldn't be able to hear them bickering

Responding to the unspoken need in Elliot's eyes with a need of her own, she was suddenly warm.

She prayed that she would remain healthy enough to continue working and living on her own until, at last, her time came and all the little windows on the machine of life produced lemons.

But she ignored her own advice

Sitting in the dark theater, he smiled, not at the comic magician who was performing in front of the closed stage curtains, but at his own sudden, youthful exuberance.

Then she heard the thumping of her own heart.

Each was hung from the ceiling on a length of fishing line, and the upper end of each line was knotted to its own eyehook that had been screwed firmly into the dry wall

At the insistence of the happy, boisterous, VIP audience, both Joel Bandiri and Tina were spotlighted in their booths and were rewarded with their own thunderous round of applause.

She wanted to kill the bastard, club him to death with his own shovel

Tina's terror over Danny's impending entombment was suddenly mixed with fear for her own life

His praise was so effusive that, even reading it by herself, in her own kitchen, she was slightly embarrassed by the effusiveness of the praise.

She had tried to encourage him to seek advances in his own career - from dealer to floor man to pit boss to higher casino management - but he had no interest in climbing that ladder

I knew what you wanted to say, but I should have let you say it at your own speed

Tina was disturbed by his analysis because it matched her own, and it led her into the same blind alley that she'd traveled before

Remembering her own ordeal, Tina said, "I know

He quickly stripped off his own clothes and joined her on the bed, took her in his arms.

She was an excellent lover - silken, smooth, and uninhibited in the pursuit of her own pleasure - but she was also vulnerable and kind

Las Vegas had a judicial style and standards of its own.

strange parallels existed between this gruesome tale and the recent ugliness in her own life.

He drove into the open garage as boldly as if it were his own

"I don't own a twenty-footer."

"And you know what it reminds me of? It's the same damn feeling I had in Angela's office when that computer terminal started operating on its own

Her hand shook when she raised her glass to drink the last of her own Coors.

And the people who're holding him don't know he's doing it! They're blaming the leak on one of their own, on someone from Project Pandora."

Harry Kennebeck had come from a dirt-poor family and, by his own estimation at least, made quite a lot of himself

If he was aware of his own shortcomings, the son of a bitch would be crushed to death under his collapsing ego.

He owns his own plane."

"Yeah," Elliot said, still mildly amazed by his own change of heart and mind

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

"Like hell there isn't!" Zachariah turned away from the video displays, went to the window, and found his own spot of clear glass

He was briefly immobilized, dazed by his own ability to strike so fast and so violently

They followed their own footprints out of the cemetery, to the quiet residential street where the rented Chevrolet was parked in the wan light of the street lamp.

As Alexander endured the director's accusations and demands, he realized that his own future with the Network was at stake

After the old man hung up, Alexander called his own office, in no mood to be told that Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans were still at large

"Well," Tina said, unsuccessfully trying to conceal her own anxiety, "we didn't need the snowshoes after all."

She couldn't control herself any longer, so she allowed her own tears to come, rivers of tears, a flood

Was it one of the security people, or was it someone on the medical staff? I'd like to think it was a doctor, one of my own, who finally did the right thing."

'She never seems to consider him as her own child.'

'Ah, yes I heard that Madame Delambre had been writing a lot, but we could find nothing but the short note informing us that she was taking her own life.'

'I was telephoned in my own house and insulted!'

'In her own house?'

I smiled at Miss Marple's humorous understanding of her own character.

It's coming into your life, too! And you can't call me a dear child any more when we have a real child of our own

In the last years of the nineteenth century, no one believed that this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than our own

And looking across space, with instruments and minds more powerful than we can dream of, they see, at a distance of only 56,000,000 kilometres, a morning star of hope - our own warmer planet with its green land and grey seas, its cloudy atmosphere and its growing population.

At that time it was quite clear in my own mind that the Thing had come from the planet Mars, and I felt impatient to see it opened

Then, by the light of their own burning, I saw each of the men falling, and their followers turning to run.

A few minutes earlier there had only been three things in my mind: the great size of the night and space and nature, my own weakness and unhappiness, and the near approach of death

Staying in the wood, I moved towards my own house

The captain swore at the top of his voice at his own delay, and the ship increased speed.

In the last two chapters I have moved away from my own adventures to tell of the experiences of my brother

Instead, they took fresh blood from living creatures and used a tube to put it straight into their own bodies

When I looked again, the busy building-machine had already put together several of the pieces of metal from inside the cylinder into a shape that was very like its own

As I came nearer, I saw that he was dressed in clothes as dusty and dirty as my own

They have told me since that I was singing a crazy song about 'The Last Man Left Alive! The Last Man Left Alive!' Although they were troubled with their own affairs, these people were very helpful to me

I looked at my own house with a quick flash of hope that died immediately

Then he tied it to his own boat

I want a husband of my own, children

Lots of taxi drivers own their taxis in the end, sometimes more than one.'

Your private life is not my business, but you just said yourself that you wanted a man of your own

In her eyes, Mensar-Arthur and everything that went with him meant trouble for her sister and for her own feelings too

Each narrator will describe what he saw with his own eyes, so that the narrative will be as truthful as possible, and the evidence will be presented as in a court of law.

The man was too lazy to look after the interests of his own niece! I went to Limmeridge the next day and told him that no one should sign a marriage settlement like this - it gave the husband a large financial interest in the death of his wife! But Mr Fairlie did not want to listen

I walked up to Percival and said, 'You can't keep your wife as a prisoner in her own house! There are laws in England to protect women from cruelty and injustice!'

She had no money of her own and had to rely on her brother's generosity, but he wasn't generous

The description of my own character is brilliant

Standing before me - beside her own grave - was Laura, Lady Glyde!

He doesn't recognise his own niece! He's sure that she's Anne Catherick!'

I'll send you money every month on two conditions: you must keep the secret and never tell anyone, in your own interest as well as mine; and you must never leave the village.'

These movements are also fighting for women's right to work, to earn equal pay and to own property