How to use "attempts" in a sentence


Marius's attempts to find him also ended in failure, and the true story of his escape from the barricade remained a complete mystery to him.

One evening, when Marius was talking to Cosette and Jean Valjean about the mystery and his unsuccessful attempts to solve it, he became angry with Cosette's guardian's lack of interest in his story.

Most of the story dealt with Death's attempts to stop the mother and father on their desperate night journey; they were assaulted by every form of the walking dead, every manner of living corpse and vampire and ghoul and zombie and ghost, but they triumphed

Two of those hurriedly organized assassination attempts had failed

This was one of my early attempts to write a cross-genre novel mixing action, suspense, romance, and a touch of the paranormal

'New attempts have been made to signal, but without success,' was how the evening papers later described it