How to use "gray" in a sentence


They reached the simulator center, and Sala lifted her wrist to touch a gray screen by the door

The skies were heavy and gray as stone; Sala heard a clap of thunder

She couldn't believe it - she was face to face with a beautiful gray dolphin

White, gray, silver..

Sala looked out at the view: nothing but black and silver tower blocks against the cold gray sky

He was standing on a rocky seashore, with gray waves crashing in

Strange faces surrounded her; everyone looked miserable and gray

She brought out her paints, and, sitting in her room, started working on a picture: the green leaves of Gran's Real Space, bright and bursting with life; gray tower blocks in the background

Outside, the clouds looked gray and threatening, so she took the covered walkway

In freshly pressed slacks, a crisp blue shirt, a patterned tie, and a gray sports jacket, he might have been a professional hit man uncomfortably gotten up for the baptism of his Mafia don's grandchild

The tall man pulled a silencer-equipped pistol out of a shoulder holster that was concealed under his gray sports jacket

In a day or two, someone would find him out there, his face blue-green-gray, his tongue dark and lolling, his eyes bulging in their sockets as he stared through the windshield as if on a drive to Hell

His stylishly cut brown hair shaded to iron gray at the temples