How to use "away" in a sentence


Then I got in my truck and drove away.

The Big Drop Rappel is now just under a kilometre away.

The Big Drop Rappel is now only about 160 metres away

That was a clear message to stay away! But you were in such a hurry to finish the hike you didn't stop and check.

This might take away enough of the rock to free my hand

'He's probably left already,' said Megan, 'but he can't be far away

Could you call me right away if he gets back?'

I throw the rest away

They are walking away from me.

When my head was finally above the waves, I saw that the Abraham Lincoln was more than one hundred feet away.

The Abraham Lincoln moved away from us

The moon came out from behind the clouds and we saw that Abraham Lincoln was too far away

"The sea brought us here, the sea will take us away."

Some wild animals came out of the forest and ran away

Soon, all of them swam away.

I saw Captain Nemo looking through a telescope at something far away

At that moment, I felt a strong hand knock the telescope away from my eye.

The Captain turned away from me.

Captain Nemo swam away from the rocks, with his knife in his hand, and began fighting with the animal

"Yes, about twenty miles away

The whirlpool threw our boat away from the Nautilus

The Mouse moved quickly away from her.

The Mouse looked angrily at her and swam quickly away.

Another bird called to her children, 'Come away, my dears! It's time for bed!'

'Well, what's it doing up there? Take it away!' said the Rabbit angrily.

So she walked away.

It started to move away a minute later, it vanished behind a flower and Alice never saw it again.

'I'll have to take this child away from here, or they'll kill it!' she thought

Alice put the little animal down and it ran happily away into the wood.

Alice got up angrily and walked away from the table into the woods.

The Queen turned away from him angrily

The Queen smiled and moved away

He took them all away.

I tried to play with girls, but they all ran away from me.

Then the children started laughing and running away from me

But one girl, Jenny Curran, didn't run away, and sometimes she walked home with me

Then he threw some milk at me, and I jumped out of my chair and ran away

I ran away fast!

But they started the bus, and away I went.

And suddenly I was in the middle of our soldiers, and everybody was pleased and hitting me on the back! My shouting and screaming frightened the enemy soldiers away

Then our helicopters came, and the enemy soldiers who were left ran away.

Well, lots of newspaper men started taking photographs before Colonel Gooch could run across and pull me away!

I jumped up and pushed the girl away

'Stay away from me, Forrest!' she said

'You men are all the same! Just stay away from me!'

And the police were taking some of them away.

I started to walk towards her, but she turned and walked away

Some American soldiers planned to take off their Vietnam medals and throw them away in front of the crowds of people.

You can guess what I had to do, can't you? I had to throw away my medal with the other American soldiers

Oh, I threw my medal away, OK - but it hit somebody really important! One of the President's men! So they threw me into prison.

The business was doing well, but I asked myself, 'What are you doing all this for?' And I knew that I had to get away.

When I stopped playing, the rest of the people walked away

Then she got up and held little Forrest's hand, and they walked away.

He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope - fervently do we pray - that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny

I was away from Mr Slinkton and Miss Niner for about five minutes.

Mr Slinkton walked away from us

'She went away without a word of explanation.'

'You thought I was drinking brandy all day - but I threw most of it away

Slinkton turned quickly away from us for a second and put his hand to his mouth

But Polly went away along Whitechapel Road to try and get some money

They saw a policeman, Constable Jonas Mizen, not far away in Baker's Row, told him about the woman, and then walked on to work

Frightened, Schwartz ran away

Israel Schwartz was Jewish, so perhaps when the first man saw him, he shouted 'Lipski' to warn him aggressively to go away

Was this man the murderer's accomplice? Or was he an innocent witness who ran away like Schwartz?

At the time of the murder they were only a few streets away from Mitre Square

a young woman screamed 'Murder!' not far away

But they did not come out, so he went away as the church clock struck three o'clock.

If Hutchinson was the Ripper, why did he stop killing? We know that by 1891 he had moved away from Whitechapel

He even tried sleeping in a garden, but was chased away by a dog

He suddenly turned away and moved quickly to the cupboard

I should have given it away a long time ago.'

'Go away,' said Valjean.

But before Valjean could produce more coins, the priest rode away in terror.

Javert listened to her coldly, then ordered a policeman to take her away

Mme Thenardier took the coin the old man held towards her and walked away.

Walking more slowly now, thinking he was safe from his pursuers, Valjean followed the alley until he came to a lane that seemed to lead away from the city

A second later she looked away and Marius walked on but, in a strange way, he knew his life had changed

Leblanc had begun to suspect what was happening because often, when Marius appeared, he got to his feet and walked away, taking his daughter with him

He moved away from the girl's touch and said, 'I think, Mademoiselle, that I have something belonging to you.' He handed her the parcel of letters.

'He's away,' the tall man said

'Do you remember the little inn in Montfermeil eight years ago? You took away our Cosette, do you remember? Wearing that old yellow coat, pretending you were a tramp! Well, now you're going to learn that you can't make things right by just bringing a few hospital blankets! You're the cause of all my troubles

For 1500 francs you took away a girl who was bringing me lots of money.'

Marius stared, frozen with fear as Thenardier, knife in hand, stood hesitating a few steps away from the prisoner

Valjean had gone away on business for a couple of days, and Cosette was in the downstairs sitting room, playing the piano.

Marius turned his back to her and said, 'Then I shall have to go away.'

I wear a cheap hat, my jacket has lost half its buttons and there are holes in my boots.' He turned away from her and stood with his face pressed to the trunk of a tree, almost ready to faint

Then I'll go away at once.'

'Who said you had to go away? You left me - your grandfather! - to join in those street protests against the government, I suppose

Gillenormand turned away with disgust.

I'm going to throw away my youth, my career, my whole life, and dive into poverty with a woman around my neck..

He was a strong supporter of the Catholic church and the aristocracy, and he took away the freedoms that Napoleon had given the ordinary citizens

The crowd grew more and more excited, until finally they tried to take the coffin away from the soldiers and carry it across a bridge

Marius, who had thrown away his guns and was now without a weapon, began to move towards a barrel of gunpowder he had seen near the door of the wine shop

He looked about him but, seeing no one, he started to walk away, thinking that he was imagining things.

So she still loved him! He thought for a moment that now he must not die, but then he thought, 'She's going away.'

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

'Go away,' Valjean replied.

Javert walked away slowly and Valjean, waiting for him to turn a corner, fired his gun into the air and returned to the stronghold.

'Because I thought it would be better to break away

When I pull my fingers away, they are wet, and even with no light the blood is bright and easy to see.

He is alone on the jetty, apart from the boat attendant at his chair twenty metres away, his feet on a boat and a cigarette in his mouth

"Bloody idiot," he says to Sylvia as they slowly move away from the jetty onto the dark water

Sometimes he's so close that I think he can touch me, and other times he's far away, but I still know that he's there

Branwell puts the notepad away

A guy's bag you can just walk away with

He thinks about home for a moment, but that is too far away now, and too long ago.

He grabs the bag and moves away

Can he leave the bag? Can he just run away? Run away? When he knows what the man is going to do?

Just look at the view out there." And from the large glass windows they can see the majestic figure of the Statue of Liberty as the ship slowly moves away from the port of New York and heads into the deep of the ocean.

At a certain temperature it completely burns away

And as Eleanor and Edward move away to the dance floor, Peter and Michael see her adjust the scarf around her neck one last time

Today he just wants to get out of the hot courtroom, away from the serious lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and go and enjoy the sun.

For a second he does not know what to say, but he knows what to do, and he pulls his hand away and moves to the door

I believe Father O'Connor passed away nearly ten years ago."

The plan was to get to Flagstaff, but it is too many miles away

Wait one moment," Hank says, and he puts his hand on Jimmy's head, and Jimmy tries to move away

The old woman two seats away from her does not look happy and she moves to sit in the seat next to Sarah.

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

She closes her eyes and thinks about her sofa, her Chinese take-away and her bed

In a simulator, it was hard to forget that there were four walls just five or six steps away - but in a pod, you lost your awareness of the world around you

"Give this to your grandmother," she said, and then turned away.

It carried her away rapidly, and in no time at all, she'd disappeared.

Her mind seemed far away

She wanted to tell Cham right away that she hated the idea

"Well, no, I guess not." Sala looked away

The dolphin whistled again, then turned away, its back making an arch in the water

Turn around and walk away

She pulled Cham away from the entrance and quickly told him the news about Gran's letter.

She forced herself to turn away

Then Cham would be torn away from her for two long years.

Sala felt like running away, but something made her keep going

She turned away, and before Sala could stop her, she picked up her yellow bag and disappeared through the center's doors.

But she was so good at just melting away, disappearing before Sala had time to realize she was going

All the screens had been taken away

"We threw it away."

Sala forced her mind to go still; the voices seemed to come from far away

I looked away

'I'll take my coffee in the lounge,' Mrs Van Hopper told the waiter, 'straight away.'

I hoped that de Winter would get away before I returned.

'Manderley was looking very lovely when I came away.' There was another silence

'I shall be away all day tomorrow

But the wind was too strong - it blew the paper away

This little valley, hidden away from the world, was full of the scent of flowers.

'Out you get,' he said, 'I must put the car away

The train would carry me away from Maxim, mile by mile

So my last morning was to be taken away from me

I wished Mrs Danvers would go away.

Would it be eaten or thrown away? I would never know of course

Then I thought of Mrs Van Hopper, far away in New York

Even the sea seemed far away.

Maxim and I watched the car drive away

But Jasper ran away, barking.

He turned away and walked back towards the sea.

I turned away as he helped me off with the raincoat

Your job here is to lead us away from it.'

Frank turned away from me so that I could not see his face.

But who was the man? And why had he come when Maxim was away in London?

Favell drove away noisily and much too fast

I could not take my eyes away from hers

'You can tell Favell to keep away from Manderley

Maxim lit a cigarette and moved away from me

Maxim turned away.

It was a drawing of a costume which I had sketched and then thrown away.

'I thought you had thrown it away by mistake.'

The little clock by my bed ticked away the minutes

She turned her head away from me.

Mrs Danvers moved away from me.

I backed away from her, towards the window

Then for the first time I realized that Maxim had not gone away

I sat on the terrace until I heard Captain Searle's car drive away

Maxim stopped suddenly and pushed me away from him.

He started to come here when I was away.'

How far away that seemed! I felt calmer, much older now

I turned away.

The boat sank too far away from them

Maxim may want me.' He got quickly back into the car again and drove away.

I'm meeting Frank and Colonel Julyan at the church.' He left the room quickly and then I heard the sound of his car driving away.

'Is he going to take me away?'

London was many miles away

As we drove away, I looked back at the house

As we drove away, he was still standing there, watching us.

'Now you do! And Bud, you try to stop Nathan, but he gets away.'

Nathan quickly gets away from Bud and runs across the roof of the building.

'How can I get away from her?' he thinks.

He cannot get away from her.

Perhaps he had wandered away from the wrecked bus and had been found miles from the scene of the accident, without identification, unable to tell anyone who he was or where he came from

Pulling her gaze away from his, she studied her hands, which were gripping the steering wheel so fiercely that they ached.

He'd resist her affection, turn her away by picking a fight

Although Michael was still living in town, less than a mile from her, he was, in some respects, as far away and as unreachable as Danny.

Somehow, the act of giving away his clothes would be even sadder and more final than watching his casket being lowered into the ground.

As long as she left his things undisturbed, she could continue to entertain the hope that Danny was not dead, that he was just away somewhere for a while, and that he would shortly pick up his life where he had left off

She was positive that nothing had been written on the board when Danny had gone away on that scouting trip

She finished it quickly, as though she were a child taking medicine, and then put the bottle away.

When she couldn't banish that image, she attempted to alter it, mentally wiping the words away

She let the hot water beat down on her neck for several minutes, until the stiffness in her muscles melted and flowed away.

The roar of conversation grew louder as the sounds ticked away, and the quality of the roar became more frenetic, gayer, and more often punctuated with laughter.

She got out of the car and, carrying a purse the size of a small suitcase, marched up the walk toward the house, angling away from the front door and past the garage.

This afternoon, however, she'd been playing a pair of lucky slot machines at the Mirage Hotel, and she hadn't wanted to walk away from them while they were paying off so generously

Puzzled, frowning thoughtfully, Vivienne put down the knife, pulled one end of the sofa away from the wall, and collected the framed eight-by-tens that were on the floor behind it

The wisest thing she could do would be to turn back, walk away from the door and out of the house

She pulled her hand away and examined her damp fingers

Get away from here

Less than ten minutes later, when the curtains opened again, the mirrors had been taken away, and the stage had been transformed into an ice rink; the second production number was done on skates against a winter backdrop so real that it made Elliot shiver.

I just have to check on the show once every couple of weeks to make sure the tone of it isn't drifting away from my original intention."

"It won't be easy staying away

"If Joel's right - and I'm sure he is - then it's best to get in the habit of staying away right from the start."

Tina gave her address to him, and then somehow they were talking about jazz and Benny Goodman, and then about the miserable service provided by the Las Vegas phone company, just chatting away as if they were old friends

She edged around the pit, determined to make the hateful bastard stop what he was doing, but he took a step away from her for every step that she took toward him, and he always stayed directly across the hole from her

She had to get down to him and push the earth away from his face before he suffocated, so in blind panic she threw herself over the edge of the pit, into the terrible abyss, falling and falling-

"Just give me your name and address, and I'll send a man out right away."

The blood drains from his head-bang! - And he faints dead away

"Then there's 'Vegas syndrome.' Someone gets so carried away with gambling and running from show to show that he forgets to eat for a whole day or longer

"I ought to have called the police right away."

She turned away from him and started toward the rear entrance of the hotel, out of which they'd come a few minutes ago.

Let's not throw away this chance."

It was you who went away for weekends with your girlfriends

You could have taken Danny away for the weekend if you didn't want to be near me

Turning away, she left him in the sunshine, with the ice cream melting down the cone and onto his hand.

It was hot in her throat, but it didn't burn away the chill at the center of her.

A powerful shock treatment that'll finally blow away all my lingering doubts

Right? Who knows what might make a person like that reveal himself? If he finds out there's going to be an exhumation, maybe he'll react strongly, give himself away

Elliot put away the dishwashing liquid and the wet dishcloth

"She passed away three years ago."

Suddenly it seemed to her that she had done a mad, stupid thing when she'd hidden away like a nun for two years

During the minute that he was away from her, she was afraid the spell was broken

When at last she drove away, he watched her car until it turned the corner and disappeared, and when she was gone, he knew why he had not wanted to let her go

He was afraid Tina Evans would be taken away from him just as Nancy had been.

"You want the order right away, I assume."

And her husband saves a bundle in attorney's fees that he'd just be throwing away in a hopeless attempt to stop us."

Elliot met the stranger's eyes and didn't look away.

"If you're working for a government intelligence agency, then go away and come back with the legal papers," Elliot said

Gas might be leaking under the concrete slab and building up down there, in which case it's possible you wouldn't detect it right away, but you'd still be sitting on top of a bomb."

When Elliot refused to move away from the sink to the breakfast table in the far corner of the big kitchen, Bob, the smaller of the two men, hesitated, then reluctantly took a step toward him.

Elliot got to the street in time to watch the Chevy pull away, tires squealing, engine roaring.

Kevin's parents went away from the city immediately after the funeral, intending to spend a month at their summerhouse in the country, where they could be free from the press of business and social duties, the better to mourn their lost child

Elliot pushed her away from the Mercedes so he could open the door on the passenger side

He grabbed her arm, swung her away from the burning house, the sight of which affected her as much as if it had been a hypnotist's slowly swinging pocket watch.

He put the pistol on his lap, the muzzle facing toward his door, away from Tina

As Elliot drove away from the burning house, his instinctual sense of danger was as sensitive as it had been in his military days

He glanced at the rearview mirror and saw a black van pull away from the curb, half a block behind them.

Behind them, the van dwindled rapidly, until it was a block and a half away

The only thing I do know is they can't let us just walk away."

As he drove from one residential street to another, steadily heading away from the smoke, working toward a major thoroughfare, Elliot expected to encounter the black van at every intersection.

I don't enjoy taking guns away from men half again as big as I am."

The land began to rise toward Mount Charleston where, less than an hour away, pine forests were mantled with snow

Then she wiped it away with the palm of her hand.

She left the check and took away some of the dirty dishes.

Elliot turned away from the cashier and put a hand on Tina's shoulder

As Elliot turned away from the machine, the eerily meaningful repetition began again:

Elliot turned away from the jukebox and looked at Tina with concern

After all, the last couple of years we were married, Michael was running around with a lot of other women, spending most of his time away from home, and Danny felt even more abandoned than I did

Bruckster sidled away from the escalator and unfolded his keno card

The other dealers streamed by, and when Evans finally turned away from the waitress, he was the last in the procession as it moved toward the blackjack pits.

As Kennebeck turned away from the French frigate, beginning to wonder if he ought to get out from under the Network before it collapsed on him, George Alexander entered the study through the door that opened off the downstairs hallway

And the woman's evidently not one to hide or run away from a problem either

Scrub away the whole trail." He reached for the phone.

He drove away from the airport

"Like hell there isn't!" Zachariah turned away from the video displays, went to the window, and found his own spot of clear glass

A thin, humorless laugh escaped Carlton Dombey, and he looked away from the window

Zachariah walked away from the window

The rear of Bellicosti's house was almost a hundred yards away

They hurriedly retraced their path, moving away from the funeral home

Tires squealing, he pulled the Chevy away from the curb, into the street.

Two slugs ricocheted off the body of the car, each trailing away with a brief, high-pitched whine.

We can't get away on foot."

Crouching beside one of those bushes, huddling in the shadows just beyond the circle of frosty light from a nearby street lamp, he pulled the pistol out of his coat pocket while Tina drove away.

Elliot ran toward the Chevy, which Tina had brought to a stop a hundred yards away

He wrenched it loose, stomped it repeatedly underfoot, and pitched it away.

She reached Danny, and when she touched him, the chains fell magically away from his arms and legs

He can't get away with that

But he startled me, and I guess even the little bit of resistance I offered was enough to push him away

Windshield wipers beating away the snow, chain-wrapped tires clanking on the heated roadbed, the Explorer crested a final hill

Two hundred yards away, at the far side of the concrete field, stood a one-story windowless building, approximately a hundred feet long, with a steeply pitched slate roof.

Blinking away tears, Elliot pointed the pistol at the older guard, who had drawn his revolver by now and had found that it didn't work either

Ten feet away, a set of elevator doors opened.

Tina had the sickening feeling that someone had been about to step out, had sensed their presence, and had gone away to get help.

Five feet away, a door stood ajar, and animated conversation drifted out of the room beyond

The man cried out, pushed his wheeled chair away from the keyboard, and thrust to his feet

If either one of them makes a wrong move, blow him away."

He turned away from them, spun the wheel on the steel door, and swung that barrier inward.

The virus migrates to the brain stem, and there it begins secreting a toxin that literally eats away brain tissue like battery acid dissolving cheesecloth

Apparently, he convinced himself he could run away from the infection

Before he got to the guard shack at the upper gate, he climbed onto the ridge above, used the snowshoes to circle the guard, returned to the road, and threw the snowshoes away

They were just about to move off the road, into the trees, so they would be away from any sign of civilization when they set up camp for their first night in the wilderness

"The spacemen came and took us away."

"And if I don't stay here, if I walk away and get a job at a civilian research center, that'll be just one less rational voice in this place

To Hensen, who had the submachine gun, Alexander said, "Like I told you, waste Stryker right away, but not the woman."

If you haven't yet read The Eyes of Darkness, I am giving away nothing important in the story when I tell you that eventually, in a search for her lost son, Tina ventures into the High Sierras in winter, where she comes across a paved road, in the middle of the wilderness, that features heating coils under the pavement to prevent snow from sticking to it

'Three days later my poor father went to visit an old friend who lived some miles away

He wanted to be away from Paris but near skilled workmen who could build things for his experimental so I offered him one of the old workshops of the factory

They took away some of his instruments, but told the commissaire that the most interesting documents and instruments had been destroyed.

'The day that Papa went away

Was she really insane? I had a strange, horrible feeling that somehow Charas was right - Helene was getting away with it!

Andre's receiving machine was only a few feet away from his transmitter, in the next room of his laboratory

It can't be far away

'The professor is away until the end of the week,' a polite voice at the other end informed me.

If you cannot find the dark glasses, turn away from the machine and put your hands over your eyes.

He moved away quickly and fell over one of the chairs

Suddenly, the wind takes Anna's hat away.

He takes the hat, then he walks away quickly.

He throws away the hat.

If I had some money, I would go away

If I had enough money, I'd take her away now.'

So, I'll come to the vicarage this evening, as we arranged, at a quarter past six.' And he walked away.

Low Farm was nearly two miles away and I could not possibly get back by six-fifteen

'I've got to get away

The servant hurried away and returned to say that she would see us soon.

'Then I went away.'

As I sat there, I heard footsteps outside, they paused for a minute, then went away

'She rang at least six times before she went away.'

'I am going to send you away

It is too late for advice now.' Then she turned away

Because otherwise people will say that, I ran away - because I felt guilty

If we'd been planning to go away together, and then Lucius had died - it would be so awful now

'Colonel Protheroe probably kept them locked away somewhere.'

'You really must go away for a rest.'

'What's that you're throwing away?' she asked.

Griselda had moved away

'The police aren't sure.' I then told him that I was worried about my curate, Hawes, and that I was anxious that he should get away for a rest.

When you met him, he had just picked up the stone to take it away.'

His first thought, I imagine, must have been to run away

My wife was just about to kiss me when suddenly she pulled away.

One night, when the first missile was probably less than 15,000,000 kilometres away, I went for a walk with my wife

An enormous hole had been made and the Earth had been thrown violently in every direction, forming piles that could be seen two kilometres away.

I think they understood that nothing could be done for the moment, and had gone away to have breakfast at Henderson's house

I turned and ran madly towards the first group of trees, perhaps a hundred metres away

I could not take my eyes away from these creatures.

They were too far away for me to recognize anyone there, but I learned afterwards that Ogilvy, Stent and Henderson were with others in this attempt at communication

And far away to the west I saw flashes of trees and bushes and wooden buildings suddenly set on fire.

She looked away from me downhill

Her face, I remember, was very white as I drove away.

As it passed it gave a deafening howl that was louder than the thunder - 'Aloo! Aloo!' - and a minute later it was with another one, half a kilometer away, bending over something in a field

Very far away, lit by red fire, the common was visible

Then the tripod turned and walked away towards where the second cylinder lay.

He thanked me and they rode away.

Then we saw a cloud of smoke far away up the river

Quickly, one after the other, one, two, three, four of the Martian machines appeared, far away over the low trees towards Chertsey

One on the left, the furthest away, held a large case high in the air, and the terrible Heat-Ray shone towards Chertsey and struck the town.

Then I saw the four of them carrying the remains of the fallen one between them, now clear and then later faint through a curtain of smoke, moving away from me across a great space of river and fields

I saw an empty boat, very small and far away, moving down the river and, taking off most of my wet clothes, I swam to it

He spoke suddenly, looking away from me.

From beyond the low hills across the water came the dull sound of the distant guns and a far-away strange crying

The man was running away with the others and selling his papers for many times their normal price as he ran - a strange mixture of profit and panic.

There is no safety from the Black Smoke except by running away.

The guns fired one ineffective shell each, then the soldiers ran away

The figure of the Martian grew smaller as it moved away, and soon it was hidden by the mist and the coming night

Towards Sunbury there was something dark, like a hill, hiding our view of the country further away

Far away to the north-east we heard the Martians calling to each other, but our guns were silent.

These continued for a quarter of an hour, firing blindly at Martians too far away to be seen

It told the people of London that they had to run away.

And as time passed and the engine drivers and firemen refused to return to London, the people turned in growing crowds away from the stations and onto the roads running north

He put a hole in its front tire while he was pulling it through the broken window, and cut his wrist, but he managed to get away on it

Still recovering, my brother found himself facing the man who had held the horse's head, and realized that the cart was moving away along the road

The man who had run away had now stopped and turned and was following my brother at a greater distance.

She fired from six metres away, narrowly missing my brother

The less brave of the two attackers ran away, and the other one followed cursing him

The robbers had had enough and were moving away.

As they passed the bend in the road, my brother saw a man lying not far away

It is said that many who swam out to these ships were pushed away and drowned

This was the Thunder Child, the only one in sight, but far away to the right a column of smoke marked the position of other warships

At the same time, far away in the south-east, the shapes of three warships appeared, beneath clouds of smoke.

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

Then, far away, another appeared, stepping over some small trees, and then another could be seen even further away, crossing the flat mud that lay between the sea and the sky.

Looking to the north-east, my brother saw the long line of ships already moving away from the approaching terror

He got to his feet and saw to the right, less than a hundred metres away, the warship cutting through the water at full speed, throwing enormous waves out on either side.

This hit its left side and sent up a black cloud that the ship moved away from

All this time the steamboat was moving steadily out to sea and away from the fight, and when at last the steam cleared, the black cloud got in the way and they could see nothing of either the Thunder Child or the third Martian

In the last two chapters I have moved away from my own adventures to tell of the experiences of my brother

After trying and failing to keep him quiet, I kept away from him in other rooms in the house.

The top of a Martian fighting-machine came into sight over the house tops, less than a hundred metres away from us

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

In three steps it was among them, and they ran away in all directions

We kept away from the road, moving through gardens and some areas full of trees

I moved away from the hole, put my hands over my ears and ran into the hall

The death of the man outside had taken away all his powers of thought

The Martians had taken away the digging-machine and apart from the fighting-machine on the far side of the pit and a building- machine that was busy out of my sight, the pit was empty

Instead of staying close and trying to move me away from the pit, the curate had gone back into the hall

Far away I saw a thin cat walking along a wall, but there was no sign of people.

There were two ideas in my mind - to get more food and to move, as quickly as possible, away from the pit.

I saw a couple of hungry-looking dogs, but they hurried away from me

I spent that night in the pub that stands on the top of Putney Hill, sleeping in a made bed for the first time since I had run away to Leatherhead

Certainly, unless they had been killed, she and my cousins would have run away.

And after they went away, I went towards Walton across the fields

'They've gone away across London,' he said

A jeweller's window had been broken open in one place, but the thief had clearly been chased away, because a number of gold chains and a watch were lying on the pavement

And as I came out of the top of Baker Street, I saw far away over the trees, in the clearness of the sunset, the top of the Martian fighting-machine from winch this howling came

Far away, through a space in the trees, I saw a second Martian fighting-machine, as unmoving as the first, standing in the park near the Zoo

I turned down St John's Wood Road and ran away from this terrible stillness.

Out of the top of it hung long, brown pieces of flesh, which the birds were tearing away.

He had swept it all away for no reason at all, it seemed.

It has taken away our confidence in the future, which was making us soft; it has given great help to science, and it has made us think of human beings as one family.

I saw the houses stretching away and disappearing into the smoke and mist, people walking up and down between the flower-beds, and the sightseers around the Martian machine that still stands there

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

Well, I like walking past that cottage, and last Monday, as I walked past the cott age I saw an empty van going away from the cottage, and furniture in front of the cottage

I am sure that our maid had warned them that I was arriving, and they all went away

She ran away from him at last, and came back to England, where she changed her name and started a new life

Her face was turned away from us when we entered the room, but we could see she was wearing a red dress and long white gloves

We threw it away

He ran away with the teaspoons

The nearest pub is far away,' I said.

The tin flew away and broke a teacup.

I threw it in the river! Then we rowed away and didn't stop until we reached Maidenhead.

The cat got up and walked away

Harris frightened her away

In the end, the swans slowly swam away to die.

We didn't have the courage to tell him the truth: we were running away from the rain!

She sat down and the door closed with a smooth little sound as the car slid away.

He moves further up the sands, but the car is parked safely away from the sea, and the rising water cannot reach its tyres.

I have to go away on urgent business

'Remember you are in the company of ladies!' They looked at each other, and Sir Percival was the first to look away

He left the room, went straight to his carriage, and drove away.

I looked away from her and saw my husband looking at me closely

I suppose my face gave away my secret

I had placed myself between those two young lovers! It was all my fault! Now Walter is thousands of miles away in a foreign country

Meet me here again tomorrow at the same time,' and she ran away.

When I ran away, he followed me, but I ran faster than he could

Send away all the servants tomorrow

You'll stay to manage the house while I'm away.'

Sir P sometimes let me go away for a short while

Another time I wrote to Sir P to ask if I could go away for a few weeks

'Yesterday, I looked out of the window in our old house, and I saw the Count standing outside with the doctor from the asylum! Then they went away

But, when he and the doctor were outside the house, the Count changed his mind and sent the doctor away, saying that he'd been mistaken.'

He said, "Tell Mr Hartright to stay away from me! If I must put your pretty sister back in the asylum to stop Mr Hartright from investigating me, I shall do so

In 1849, Harriet ran away to find freedom in the north

In 1981, Rigoberta ran away from Guatemala because living there was dangerous for her

She runs away and tells her mother.

"What! You must go away

Then he smiles at Lolita and rides away on his horse.

I must go away for a few days.

Please go away!"

Captain Ramon takes her hand and says, "Don't run away, Lolita

Lolita pushes him away and says, "I don't want to kiss you

Go away!"

Zorro kisses Lolita and says, "Always remember that I love you." Then he rides away on his horse.