How to use "bodies" in a sentence


We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities

On the night after the Battle of Waterloo, in June 1815, a robber moved quietly around the battlefield, stealing money and jewellery from the bodies of dead soldiers

The robber pulled the body from the pile of bodies and saw that he had rescued a French officer

When the smoke cleared, there were many dead bodies on both sides

While the soldiers waited at the far end of the street for further orders, and the rebels removed dead bodies from the barricade and took care of the wounded, Marius walked around the stronghold in a kind of dream

The ground floor of the wine shop became a hospital for the wounded, and the bodies of the dead were taken to an alley near the smaller of the two barricades

A terrible heap of dead bodies lay not far away, among them the blood-stained body of a young girl in man's clothes - Eponine.

That's when he sees the bodies

Sure enough, the dolphins set off, their smooth, strong bodies sliding through the ocean

"Their parents never saw the bodies?"

If they hadn't seen their kids' bodies, they might have just gone through a year of doubt like you did, might be easily persuaded to join us in a call for the reopening of all the graves

But if the other people had a chance to view the bodies, if none of them has had any reason to entertain doubts like yours, then they're all just finally learning to cope with the tragedy

The bodies were brought out of the mountains, down to Reno."

It had been committed in a sheltered space within the crowd, hidden by the killer's and the victim's bodies

If too many bodies pile up at once, we'll be drawing attention to-"

Lesser amounts, ranging from only one hundred million to as much as half a billion, were secretly extracted from the Department of Energy, the Department of Education, and other government bodies on an annual basis.

And we also learned that the Martians were so mechanically clever that they did not need to use their bodies very much.

In the road lay a pile of three burnt bodies close together, killed by the Heat-Ray

Their metal bodies shone in the sun as they moved forwards to the guns

He learned that they were not just a few small crawling creatures, but that they could control enormous mechanical bodies

Here and there along the road, and in Sunbury itself, were dead bodies of horses as well as men, turned-over carts and luggage, all covered thickly with black dust

Once again, on the Surrey side, there was black dust that had once been smoke, and some dead bodies - a number of them near the approach to the station.

They had large, round bodies - or perhaps heads - about a metre and a half across

Most of the space inside their bodies was taken by the brain

Instead, they took fresh blood from living creatures and used a tube to put it straight into their own bodies

In three other ways their bodies were different from ours

They did not sleep, and because they had very simple bodies they never seemed to get tired

Except in the corner, where a number of birds fought over some dead bodies, there was not a living thing in the pit.

Here I found more black powder and some dead bodies

I came into Oxford Street by Marble Arch, and here again were black powder and several bodies

I heard a large number of dogs fighting over the bodies that lay in the darkness at the bottom of the pit.

Certainly, in all the bodies of the Martians that were examined after the war, no germs were found except ones that came from Earth

At night I see the black powder-darkening the silent streets, and the twisted bodies covered by it

As they play with each other's bodies on the back seat of the car, the old Sea shuts his eyes, bored

She learned that the young girls she looked after were already worried about how their bodies looked

He and Marie had to be thought about together "for our research on radioactive bodies", he wrote