How to use "back" in a sentence


Right now, with the sun on my back and the wind in my hair, I agree.

I'll leave my bike at the end of the trail and hike back to the carpark

By Monday evening, I'll be back in Aspen, Colorado

It will give me more time to finish my hike back to the truck

I told her I was going to Utah and promised to be back for her party

They smile back

The west canyon goes back in a half-circle

'We can finish the west canyon trail, go back to our truck and have a few beers.'

'How far is it back to your truck?' Megan asks.

You won't get back before dark,' she says.

From here, it would be difficult to climb back up

One thing is immediately clear: I can't go back.

This will be quicker than dropping on to the trail and climbing back up again

Immediately I know this is trouble but it's too late to go back

I pull it back with a scream of pain

Even on Monday evening, my housemates will just think I'm late getting back

'Why didn't we just get his phone number?' Megan asked as they drove back to Moab.

Then I put the bag back on

I go back to waiting

I take off the tourniquet and go back to waiting.

The first voice is back

Could you call me right away if he gets back?'

If he's not back by then, I'll call his parents.'

But it hits my harness and falls back onto my legs

I called him last week and left a message, but he didn't call back

Officer Crider called back and told Mrs Ralston there was no record of that license plate

I promise myself that if I can escape from here back to the people, I will be kinder towards them.

I am back in the canyon again, but now I don't feel the same as before

Twenty minutes later, Glen called back

I fall back with a single thought screaming through my head.

Blood is coming out of the end of my arm and it's a long walk back to my truck.

I wonder if I can get back to the truck in time.

This has to last all the way back to the truck and the temperature is rising

I still wonder if I can get back to my truck

Eric gives me more water while Monique and Andy run back to get the police

A doctor comes back into the room with a large needle.

My rescue was only the first part of a long, difficult fight back to health

A week later, I was back in hospital in Denver for my fifth and most difficult operation

Then, as the others made their way back to their vehicles, I stayed behind for a few minutes

I know that even if I could travel back in time, I wouldn't change anything

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"Water came out of its back

I saw the harpoon leave his hand and hit the giant creature right in its back

It couldn't turn back.

When he saw us, he ran back inside, frightened

We ran back to the beach

We jumped back on the Nautilus and went below.

I wanted to take it back to the ship with us

On the way back to the ship, we saw an Indian boy swimming for pearls

When we got back to the Nautilus, the Captain thanked Ned Land.

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Sadly, she shut the door again and put the key back on the table.

She went back to the table

'Come back again and we won't talk about cats or dogs.'

It swam slowly back

But he couldn't because Alice's back was next to it.

'Come back!' the Caterpillar called

'I want to tell you something important.' Alice turned and came back again.

Alice put her hands behind her back and repeated:

She waited for two minutes, and the Cat came back again.

'Perhaps it will come back again?' she thought

'Perhaps they'll call me back,' she thought

When she looked back, the Mouse was asleep with its head on its plate.

She was back in the long room, near the little table! 'I'm small now

Somebody came back with the Duchess

'Put everything and everybody back!' said the King loudly

Alice put them all back in their places

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I went back to my room, but I heard music from somewhere upstairs

Next day I took it back to Bubba.

It was late afternoon when I began to walk back to my room

They played for about an hour, and I was lying back with my eyes closed, listening happily

Then the men came back and everybody was waiting for their dinner.

And this meant that the enemy was able to come back and find us, so we had to get out fast.

We began to move back to the hill, but Doyle suddenly saw more enemy soldiers who were going towards our men! We waited until they got to the top, then Bones began shooting with the machine gun

And suddenly I was in the middle of our soldiers, and everybody was pleased and hitting me on the back! My shouting and screaming frightened the enemy soldiers away

I got a letter from my Mom, and I wrote back to her that everything was OK

Then I heard that he was out in the rice field, and he was hurt, so I left my gun by the trees and ran back into the field

He was holding a hand up to me - so I picked him up and ran back to the trees with him

During all of this, somebody shot me in the back of the leg, but I can't remember when it happened

Two days later, I went back to the fish market and talked to a man who was selling shrimps.

Then one day I got back to the hospital and a Colonel Gooch said, 'Gump, we're going back to America together! You're going to see the President of the United States, and he's going to give you a medal because you were very brave.'

Well, after that we went back to the hotel.

Later, when we were back in the garden, the President said, 'You were hurt, weren't you, boy? Well, look at this...' And he pulled up his shirt and showed me the place on his stomach where he was hurt once

That afternoon, back at the hotel, he came to my room shouting and throwing newspapers on to the bed

Her hair was all the way down her back, and she was wearing sun-glasses - at night! She was wearing blue jeans and a shirt with lots of colours on it

Later, I went outside and walked round for about half an hour, then went back

There were a lot of people waiting to go in, so I went round to the back of the place and sat on the ground

You can come back and stay with us tonight.'

Then one day I came back to the flat and Jenny was sitting on the floor.

So I went back to Washington, too.

Jenny was in the back of the car now, so I went over and talked to her through the window

Of course, the first thing that I wanted to do when I got back to America was find Jenny

Later, we went back to Jenny's flat, and she said, 'You can stay here.'

Next day, when Jenny went to work, I went back to the bar

When I got back to the flat, Jenny was gone, and there was a letter waiting for me

It was time for me to get back to the bus station, but when I started to leave, the old man said, 'Why don't you sit down and finish this game with me?'

So he waved at me with his hand, and I went back to the bus station.

So I walked back to the hotel, and there was the little old man, still playing against himself

I was pleased because I was back with Sue again.

We got back to the hotel and hurried up to our room.

Take Sue back to Alabama with you, and start your shrimp business.' He shook my hand and gave me his address

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Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

We cannot turn back.

Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.

But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom - and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

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'I have come back,' he said, 'because I want to find out what my friend has done with the insurance forms

I want to know whether he has sent them back to the company

I saw the hand-carriage coining back towards us along the sand as she was talking

I went back to the rock and sat down

Mr Slinkton came back soon afterwards

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She also had a packing case business in the cellar at the back of the house

This morning he also wanted to check the cellar door at the back

Chandler arrived at number 29 and noted down that the woman was lying on her back, with a deep cut from left to right across her throat and mutilations to her stomach

Nobody saw her alive again; she never came back for her bed.

She only saw the man's back, but she identified the woman as Annie Chapman later in the mortuary.

Schwartz thought the man was following him, but a few moments later when he looked back, there was nobody behind him.

His beat took him there approximately every thirty minutes, so at 2.55 he was back in Goulston Street

When she came back at 1 a.m., there was a light in number 13 and Mary was still singing

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

Bowyer put his hand in and pulled back the curtain

He ran back to the shop to tell McCarthy.

Barnett and Mary used to put a hand through the broken window and pull back the bolt to open the door.

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On his back was a heavy soldier's bag, and in his hand was a large wooden stick.

He turned back to the room, picked up his bag and took out a short iron bar, sharpened at one end

He grabbed it, hurried back to the spare bedroom, picked up his stick and bag, climbed out of the window, emptied the silver into his bag and threw the basket into the garden

Finally, as evening fell, he sat on the ground, exhausted, and gazed across the fields at the distant mountains, wishing that he was back in prison

A boy of about ten years old was coming along a footpath with a small box on his back and dirty knees showing through holes in his trousers

Now I've become a bad woman, but what choice did I have? I'll never get my daughter back if I don't make money.'

Without a word, she fell to her knees and kissed the back of M

Thenardier, thinking that Fantine had suddenly become rich, wrote back and demanded 500 francs

Madeleine sent the money, but the Thenardiers found even more dishonest excuses for not sending Cosette back.

Instead, with a small sigh, she fell back against her pillow and lay completely still.

'I didn't come here to argue,' Javert said, stepping back nervously, afraid that Valjean was going to attack him

Then he rose and turned back to Javert.

When the bucket was full, she gripped the handle with her tiny, frozen hands and tried to pull it back up the hill

She let him carry the bucket up the hill and, as they walked back towards the village, she told him everything about her life with the Thenardiers

'Well, give me back the money.'

She turned her back on the room and began to play with it, hoping that no one could see what she was doing

He sat in his chair with his back to the door and held his breath

Running to the door, he put his eye to the large keyhole and saw the back view of a man who was walking towards the stairs

He went back upstairs for Cosette, who was waiting for him patiently, holding her doll.

But, as the church bells of the city struck eleven o'clock, something made him look back

Every few minutes, he stopped in the shadows of a doorway or at the corner of a street to look back

On the other side of the river, he stopped at the entrance of a high-walled alley and looked back

There was no way forward, but as he was turning back, he saw movements in the distance and the flash of moonlight on metal

At last, the soldiers gave up their search and went back in the direction they had come

He did not go back a third time, but sat down on a bench at the opposite end of the Gardens

'But I'll take my daughter home and come back this evening with more money for you.'

Miserably, he turned back to the house

If he had, he wouldn't be coming back here again

'A fine job!' the elder girl called back

Jondrette quietly told his wife to dismiss the carriage, and when she had left the room, turned back to his visitor.

Her sister has taken her to hospital, but they'll be back soon.'

Leblanc rose and, standing with his back to the wall, looked quickly round the room

Leblanc grew pale, and gripped the back of the broken chair with his huge hands

He turned to speak to another policeman but, when he looked back, he saw that the prisoner had gone

It was a small house in a back street, with a large, wild garden

Marius turned his back to her and said, 'Then I shall have to go away.'

You're probably in trouble with the police, or you're in debt, and you've run back to me for help

Gillenormand moved quickly towards him, pulled him back into the room and pushed him into an armchair.

'Tell me about it,' he said to Marius, who stared back with silent amazement, unaware that the word 'grandfather' was responsible for the change in the old man's behaviour

Gillenormand called for Marius to come back, but it was too late

'What have I done? This time he'll never come back.'

'The bullet passed through my hand,' Eponine murmured, 'but it came out through my back

She let her head fall back on his knees

He folded the letter, wrote Cosette's new address on the back and called over a young boy.

He began to shake and he fell back into an armchair, feeling angry and betrayed

Jean Valjean went back into the house and tried to make sense of the words that danced before his eyes: I shall die..

The gunner - a fair-haired, handsome young man - spun round twice with his head thrown back, and fell sideways across the cannon

Blood poured from the middle of his back.

They fired back at the soldiers, killing many men

As other guns began firing at the smaller barricade, the rebels fought back bravely, but they were running out of bullets

The first assault was beaten back by the brave rebels, but the soldiers attacked again and again

As the two friends moved back towards the door, fighting off the soldiers, a bullet hit Marius in the shoulder

Valjean lowered Marius to the ground, stood with his back to the wall and looked around him.

Looking back, he saw the distant light of a torch

Valjean turned his back to the gate and sank to the ground, his head bowed between his knees

He stared into Valjean's eyes for a long time, then, stepping back with a look of confusion in his eyes, asked dreamily, 'What are you doing here? Who is this man?'

With Marius in the back seat, Valjean and Javert side by side in the front, the carriage drove off quickly through the dark and strangely empty streets of Paris.

'We're bringing back his grandson

When they had got back into the carriage, however, Valjean said, 'Inspector, will you do one last thing for me before you arrest me?'

And do you know what he did? He saved my life and he brought me back to you

He carried me on his back through the sewers of Paris, to bring me to you

Cosette and Marius fell to their knees on either side of him, holding back their tears

He lay back with his head turned to the sky, the light from the two silver candlesticks falling on his smiling, peaceful face.

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

Yes, I know her! And the thought is so strong that I smile despite the pain in the back of my head.

I think about the lump on the back of my head and the fresh blood on my fingers

At first, I think that maybe I am quick enough, but then I hear the snap of the gun and feel the explosion in my back.

But it is too late: Robin pushes him back into the bank and John follows with the ladders on his shoulders

We run up the stairs together, Robin with his gun at the guard's back

"Get it ready," he says, and Little John takes the ladders back down the stairs to the glass doors.

Bank manager receives two hundred and forty thousand pound salary despite bank failure." He stops and tries to turn to look at us, but Robin pulls the trigger back on the gun

Emily?" But there is no answer, and Oliver Stern puts his mobile back into his coat pocket and looks around.

She smiles that stupid, cow-like smile at them, and Oliver sees the idiot attendant smile back

Just one look back at the jetty to be sure no one can see, he thinks, and he turns his head.

Pain explodes at the back of his head, and his eyes go dark

Branwell feels a shiver run over his back

Gerry feels sweat run down his back

Soon all is quiet again, apart from the sound of three large crocodiles slowly creeping back to the green water

But don't let the NYPD ones see you, or you're not coming back here, not with me." Jake nods again.

"So we do it now, and we meet back on Ninth Avenue

They reach out, and they burn her back and her neck and her hair

And in the low, romantic light of the ballroom they both think they see something strange on her back and neck

He takes the back stairs, passes three or four lawyers in their black gowns and white wigs and feels sorry for them: it is so hot today

Then he pushes open a fire door to his personal smoking area at the back of the court next to the bins and lights his cigarette

Nick looks at her for a second and then turns and runs back to the door.

He walks back up the stairs feeling confused and uncertain

Slowly they all come back in, and Nick knows he has to say something

The Lee family is back in the room now, and he looks at them

So, he moves back to his desk, and he sits down in the seat and feels defeated.

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

The lamp in the corner of the room looks like the tall, silent figure of a murderer, and the coat on the back of your door has hands that almost touch you.

You move quietly, your back to the wall

You want to turn back and run to your room and hide under the blanket and be completely silent and not move.

Then, standing right in front of you in the dark, you see the burglar, and he looks back at you and shouts

It is small, so small, and it reminds him of his prison cell back in The Joy

Soon he can stop, find a quiet area off the road and push back the chair and sleep

But then the hot whiskey starts to fill him, and he smiles, puts his head back and laughs loudly into the desert.

No, this is his holiday, his escape from all those idiots back in California

He wants to turn to look back to see if the man is following him, but he does not dare

Now everything from last night is coming back to him

He tries not to remember the expression on Greg's face as the bullet hit him in the back.

And he pushes through the snow, and he thinks that maybe, if he can get to the sound, he can flee into the mountains and never come back.

He's in the back room of the cabin."

Then the woman turns and moves back into the trees

"I already did" she calls back to him as she slowly disappears from sight.

We can also check one or two of the local pubs on the way back to the city."

"Well, we might need to talk to you again at another time," Smith says and turns to go back to the courtyard

"Should we speak to the students, Sir?" West asks as they walk back to the car.

Let's get back to the city." And he throws the tie on the floor.

And he looks back at the workmen, who are enjoying a slow lunch.

Owen looks back at the car and hopes that no one can see it from the main road

We don't want to carry a deer back to the car: someone might see us."

If you have no gun, then there is no problem; we can come back for the gun another day

And don't forget there are two shots and that I should empty the gun before I give it back to you."

He laughs and turns back to Junior to tell him to stay calm.

Hank Wynn stops talking and puts his cigar back in his mouth

Then he laughs, and the two assistants laugh, and then the back of Hank's hand slaps Jimmy's face hard

But then the second is over, and he kicks Jimmy in the back, and Jimmy falls into the pool with a scream.

"Come on," he says to Clive and Kenny, and they move back to the stairs.

"Idiot! I always take the aces out of the pack and make sure that I get the kings," he says, and he goes back into his casino to play another game

Sarah nods and is about to put her headphones back in her ears when she feels someone watching her, and she looks at the corner of the carriage.

For a few seconds she walks and then turns back to look at the tube train

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The woman had already jumped back onto the speeding walkway

Her back was often painful from when she'd been injured during the Oil Wars, so she almost never left the apartment these days.

The color was beginning to come back into Gran's face now

We can get what you paid for this back, I'm sure..."

When she came back to their table, Cham was watching something on the ultranet.

"Sorry," said Cham, looking back at Sala hurriedly

Sala went back down to her room and sent Cham a message.

Then you get it all back as energy units when you come out

Then he threw back his head and laughed

But as she stepped off the walkway, she felt a hand touching her back.

The dolphin whistled again, then turned away, its back making an arch in the water

Sala and Cham swam with them for a while - further out into the ocean first and then back toward the beach

Sala rolled onto her back and lay floating, staring up at the sky

Sala did the same with another dolphin and they had a lot of fun, diving down through the water and back up to the surface with a splash.

Your pod is about to move back into a vertical position."

"You're back

She was back

She wished they could just go back to normal now

When Sala arrived home, Mom was back from work, and Apat and Gran were there, too

Sala closed her eyes and kissed him back

Only parents and close relations are allowed beyond this point, so Kaz here is going to take you back."

Sala touched Cham's hand with a sad smile, then followed Kaz back to the entrance

At last, Cham came back through the doors with Leti and his parents

and anyway, maybe she would come back with exciting news for everyone.

Was this a trap? Where were they going? But the woman didn't look back; she wasn't going to wait

The woman wore a bright yellow bag on her back, so at least she was easy enough to follow, but she walked rapidly, and Sala was soon breathless.

In one corner, the woman was taking the yellow hag off her back

She was over an hour late for meeting him at the simulator center, and because her ultranet connection didn't come back on until she was almost there, she couldn't even call him or send him a message

The whole way back from the earth apartment, Sala had been asking herself if it was OK to tell Cham about the rebellion

They walked back to the simulator center and spent an hour together alone in Space 29, where they chose their waterfall illusion

She looked exhausted at first; but the light came back into her eyes as Sala began to talk about her meeting with Wena.

"Don't worry," he whispered back

"Oh, yes, don't mind me." But Gran was rubbing her back, where she'd been injured years ago

This is our future, isn't it? There's no point in sitting back, just waiting for it to happen."

Did she dare go back to the earth apartment? What if Cham was warning her for a reason?

The door of the apartment opened and Apat came in, back from visiting a friend for dinner.

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When I came back with the letter, Mrs Van Hopper was already on the seat in the lounge

It was too late for me to go back

Then we were back in Monte Carlo

I walked unhappily to the lift and back to Mrs Van Hopper.

I smiled then, and he laughed back at me

'He will not be back before midnight.'

I walked slowly back up the stairs

Then, in the spring, we'll go back to Manderley

He was going back to his own home

I sat back in my seat

I leant back in my chair, drinking my tea and trying to feel at home

I felt that Rebecca would come back into the room at any moment

And Maxim had not come back

I could stay there until Maxim came back.

As I turned to go back to the stairs, I heard a door open behind me

As I went into the drawing-room, I looked back

We all walked slowly back to the drive.

We turned and walked back into the house.

The dog looked back at us

'Has he gone back to the Happy Valley?' I asked.

'Come back,' Maxim said sharply, 'we don't want to go that way.'

I looked back, but I could not see Maxim

'I must take him back.'

She won't come back, will she?'

'She won't come back.'

He turned away and walked back towards the sea.

'I was a fool to bring you back to Manderley.'

I tried to keep back my tears

The colour had come back into it

I could not forget his words: 'I was a fool to bring you back to Manderley.'

None of us want to bring back the past

Maxim went back to his chair and picked up his paper

I went back into the dining-room and took an apple and some biscuits

A strange name for a boat - "I'll come back"

And that boat would never come back now.

When I looked back, Ben had gone

'Hallo, Jasper, old boy,' said a man's voice and Jasper ran back into the morning-room

At that moment, Mrs Danvers came back

'Perhaps I'll come back and see you one day

I walked slowly back to the house

Rebecca would never come back to this room again

Mrs Danvers came back from the window and stood beside me.

Mrs Danvers put the slippers back under the chair and walked across the room to a large wardrobe.

The wind was blowing harder, and still she had not come back.

Mrs Danvers' hand fell back to her side.

'Mr de Winter will be back at about six this evening,' Frith told me.

Maxim would not be back for another hour

When I came back from my walk, I saw Maxim's car standing in front of the house

We had to go back into the house to welcome the visitors

Maxim and I went back to the house after lunch

I brushed back my own straight hair

Then I ran from her, back to my room, tripping and nearly falling over my long skirt.

I walked back to the dressing-table and looked at my white face and red eyes in the mirror

I put the white dress and the wig back into the box

I lay back and closed my eyes.

Perhaps Maxim had left me and would never come back

I looked back at the house

One of the shutters in the west wing had been pulled back

I walked back across the lawn

The shutter was folded back

Do you think his pain and unhappiness will bring Mrs de Winter back?'

I'm going back to the bay to see if I can do anything.'

Mrs Danvers moved back from the window.

She turned her back on me and went along the corridor

What are you going to do? Can I walk back with you to the house?'

She won't come back, will she?'

As I sat drinking my tea, Robert came back into the room.

'Mr de Winter is not back yet, Robert,' I told him

Then I stood up and walked slowly back to the library.

When she came back, she took Giles out sailing with her

I knew what had happened as soon as they came back

Rebecca came back from London very late

I shut the cabin door behind me, climbed into the dinghy and rowed back

'That was Colonel Julyan,' said Maxim, as he came back into the room

Maxim answered it quickly and came back into the library.

After dinner, we went back into the library as usual

Very soon Maxim will be back, I thought

I took the roses back into the morning-room

He told me he was bringing Colonel Julyan and Frank back for lunch.

The Colonel stopped suddenly as Maxim came back into the hall.

When they had gone, he came back to me on the terrace.

And it will never come back

He was back again in a moment.

'Maxim has told me to take you back to Manderley.' Frank helped me to get up.

Then we were back at Manderley.

'I shall go back

Maxim may want me.' He got quickly back into the car again and drove away.

What were they all saying now? What was happening? What would I do if Frank came back to Manderley without Maxim? I thought again of that dreadful word - murder

We'll talk about everything when I get back

'Bring him in here, please, Frith.' I hoped that Favell would go before Maxim came back

'Max will be back for dinner, I'm sure.'

It will be better if you come back in the morning.'

I'm leaving London now and going back to Manderley

Favell put the note back in his pocket.

I'd never come back, I promise you.'

Maxim came back again into the room.

Ben shook his head and moved back against the wall

Mrs Danvers came back with a small book in her hand.

'There's a telephone number here at the back,' she said

When he came back, he said, 'That was a doctor's number

I sat beside Maxim and Colonel Julyan got into the back.

As we drove away, I looked back at the house

She took us into a cool room at the back of the house

Dr Baker came back into the room with a large book

He put back the card and looked at Maxim

She had come back to hear the result

You've been lucky, haven't you? You and your young wife can go back to Manderley now

As Maxim started up the car, I leant back in my seat and closed my eyes

'I feel that we must get back to Manderley as soon as possible

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The Cat looks back and sees them

The policemen arrive and look from Natalie to Bud and back again.

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But then, a few weeks ago, she had begun to slip back into the dreadful condition in which she'd wallowed immediately after she'd received news of the accident

She half convinced herself that the dream was a premonition of Danny's eventual return to her, that somehow he had survived and would be coming back into her arms one day soon.

As her heartbeat slowed, she eased back onto her pillow.

When Danny was six months old, Tina went into training to get back in shape, and after three arduous months of exercise, she won a place in the chorus line of a new Vegas spectacle

Of course, if the production was a flop, if it failed to please the audience, she might be back working the small lounges again, on her way down

Holding the pistol in front of her, she approached the closet, hesitated, then slid the door back

She quickly slid the door shut and put her back against it.

She turned and looked back at the Golden Pyramid Hotel-Casino

A chill swept down her back.

Last night, after drinking the bourbon, had she come back here in some kind of fugue and...?

Once she had gotten through the premiere of Magyck! She had better start cutting back on the booze

Waitresses, waiters, and captains rushed back and forth to fill the drink orders before the show began

As Vivienne reached the back of the house, the crescent moon slid out from behind one of the few thin clouds, like a scimitar being drawn from a scabbard, and the pale shadows of palms and melaleucas shivered on the lunar-silvered concrete patio.

All four of the remaining photos were swinging back and forth on the picture hooks that held them

She put them back where they belonged, then slid the sofa into place.

The wisest thing she could do would be to turn back, walk away from the door and out of the house

Her shoulder-length hair - deep brown, almost black, glossy - swept across her brow, feathered back at the sides, and framed her face as though it were a painting by a great master

The legs at the foot rose three or four inches before crashing back into the casters, that had been put under them to protect the carpet

And maybe he was coming back, haunting the place.

Sooner or later word of her ranting's about poltergeists might get back to her daughter in Sacramento, and then the pressure to move to California would become unbearable

Tina mingled, moving back and forth, upstage and downstage, through the crowd, thanking everyone for his contribution to the show's success, complimenting each member of the cast and crew on his dedication and professionalism

A couple of minutes later, having completed the call, Tina went back to Danny's room to survey the damage again

Hundreds of gamblers - pretty young women, sweet-faced grandmothers, men in jeans and decoratively stitched Western shirts, retirement-age men in expensive but tacky leisure outfits, a few guys in three-piece suits, salesmen, doctors, mechanics, secretaries, Americans from all of the Western states, junketeers from the East Coast, Japanese tourists, a few Arab men - sat at the semielliptical blackjack tables, pushing money and chips forward, sometimes taking back their winnings, eagerly grabbing the cards that were dealt from the five-deck shoes, each reacting in one of several predictable ways: Some players squealed with delight; some grumbled; others smiled ruefully and shook their heads; some teased the dealers, pleading half seriously for better cards; and still others were silent, polite, attentive, and businesslike, as though they thought they were engaged in some reasonable form of investment planning

And everywhere in the gigantic casino, there were cocktail waitresses in brief costumes, revealing long legs and cleavage; they bustled here and there, back and forth, as if they were the threads that bound the crowd together.

Halfway across the long room, they stopped at a clearing where a middle-aged man lay on his back, unconscious, in front of a blackjack table

He'll cover for me if I don't get back in time."

And now he actually thought that she was going to crawl back to him

I'm sorry, baby." His ingratiating, boyish grin was back

"You were wrong to think I'd come crawling back

You only give when you're sure of getting back twice as much

She walked back through the shopping arcade, rode the escalator up to the casino, and made her way through the noisy crowd to the front doors

She pulled the Honda back into traffic and headed for the Pyramid again.

Leaning back in her chair, Tina said, "Yes

Tina returned to her inspection of the carpenter's bill, and Angela was back at five minutes past four with thirty pages of data.

The group went into the mountains in a four-wheel-drive minibus built for use on back roads in the winter

From there they were going to hike for three days with snowshoes and backpacks, making a wide circle around the bus, coming back to it at the end of the week.

"Is it? I thought I'd begun to get over Danny's death back in September

She sank back on the sofa, slouched down

Anyway, Judge Kennebeck and I go back a long way

All the talk about death and fear and madness and pain seemed to have taken place further back in the past than a mere few seconds ago

I'll be back in five minutes, and then you'll see how a true culinary genius operates."

His hands moved over her, testing the firmness and resilience of her, and she touched him too, gently squeezing his shoulders, his arms, the hard muscles of his back

He carried her to the bed, put her down, and urged her to lie back

But Tina wanted to go back to her place and clean out Danny's room

A three-sided, fan-shaped tent had been erected on the back lawn, to one side of the sixty-foot pool, with the open side facing the house

In silence, they walked back to the house, where the party was getting louder by the minute.

"Ah." He pushed a curly strand of white hair back from his forehead

Besides, the two of them went back a long way indeed

A chill spread from the base of his spine, up his back, as he realized what the presence of these men implied about the accident that had killed Danny.

I was in Army Intelligence back when

"If you're working for a government intelligence agency, then go away and come back with the legal papers," Elliot said

Not much remained to be done: The contents of three cartons in the back of the deep closet had to be sorted

She stepped back from the cardboard box.

Then she opened it again and stepped back

"Well," she said, "I was cleaning the back room

Elliot had a pretty good idea of what it would feel like, and he was sweating under his arms and in the small of his back, but he didn't move, and he didn't respond to the stranger's taunting.

The big man's head snapped back, and Elliot chopped the exposed Adam's apple with the flat blade of his hand

Elliot stepped back.

He hurried back to the house.

Elliot checked his pulse and pulled back one of his eyelids

The vision was so vivid, so disturbing, that she and her husband raced back to the city that very night to have the grave reopened at dawn

You'll be back someday

She was back where she'd started.

She went back to the bed to have another look at the magazine, which she'd left there.

He put a hand against her back, gently but firmly urging her out of the foyer.

They hurried back the way they had come.

A blood-freezing image rose at the back of her mind: the house torn apart by a colossal blast, shrapnel of wood and glass and metal whistling toward her, hundreds of sharp fragments piercing her from head to foot.

But even as Tina looked from Elliot to the fire, before all of the shingles had fallen back to earth, a second explosion slammed through the house, and a billowing cloud of flame roared from one end of the structure to the other, bursting those few windows that had miraculously survived the first blast.

Tina had been looking back at her house

"Better back out," she said.

Behind him, Tina said, "Stand back."

She said, "Maybe we should go back to your place

Besides, if we go back to my house, we'll just be walking into the dragon's jaws

Elliot swung the car around and started back toward the lights of the city, which spread like a vast, glowing fungus on the black desert plain.

When he turned from the motor home, his gaze fell on a dense pool of shadows around the trash bin at the back of the restaurant, and again he had the feeling that someone was watching him from concealment.

She glanced back toward the car, a curious expression on her face.

She stayed a moment longer, staring back into the gloom, where the purple mercury-vapor light did not reach.

She blinked back tears and took a swallow of beer.

Ruby Ridge - a fourteen-year-old boy shot in the back by the FBI

If they had seen something, they'd have come back with at least a dozen different stories about it, none of them accurate

Killing all those people and trying to fake an accident - that was a whole lot riskier than letting the kids come back with their half-baked stories about seeing something peculiar in the mountains."

She sighed, slumped back in the booth.

"The only alternative is to give up, to back off and never know what really happened."

A sharp, cold draft prickled the back of her neck.

"There's a button on the back to reject the record."

As the white-haired cashier grasped the plug in his arthritis-gnarled hands and wiggled it back and forth in the wall socket, trying to free it, Tina almost told him to stop

"And it would be proof enough for you, if you'd had the same experience back there in the diner, if you'd felt what I felt

Danny said he was sure Elmer wasn't going to come back because he'd been hit and killed by a truck

He sighed, leaned back from her, and started the car

Evans turned, and Bruckster said, "I think maybe you dropped this back there."

His eyes rolled back in his head, and he fell.

As he gazed at the model, he wasn't transported back in time or lost in fantasies of high-seas adventure; rather, he was mulling over the recent developments in the Evans case

"I told you he wouldn't go back there."

"But that's what I've been trying to tell you," Kennebeck said, pushing a lock of snow-white hair back from his forehead

Fifteen minutes later computer operations called back with its report

The windshield wipers started thumping back and forth at top speed, adding their metronomical beat to the chaos inside the Chevy.

We've got a gauntlet to run before we can find him and bring him back

He went back to the computers, with which he felt comfortable and safe.

We're not going to make the same mistake they did and wind up back in their hands."

"I'm going to walk back to the funeral home

Even in the dim light, Elliot could see the fringe of icicles hanging from the roof of the long back porch

If anyone did glance out a back window, he would spot the two of them instantly.

Elliot wanted to take Tina by the arm and hustle her back to the car

He kept one hand on her back as she leaned toward the window, and he felt her go rigid when she glimpsed the dead man

He turned his back on the man whom he had killed.

When he was across the wall, he looked back, but he couldn't see anyone.

"Let's get back to the car

He didn't hear a shot, but a bullet shattered the rear side window behind his head and slammed into the back of the front seat, spraying gummy bits of safety glass through the car.

He glanced back.

"I'll fade back into the shrubbery and wait for them to come around the corner after us

Like an old athlete back on the playing field after a long absence, testing his reflexes, taking pride in the fact that his old skills are still there."

"I'm not sure yet." She threw back the covers and got out of bed

Abruptly her hand swung across the map, then back, then described a series of circles; the pen made meaningless scrawls on the paper

It flapped noisily to the other end of the room and then back again, finally falling like a dead bird onto the floor at Elliot's feet.

All Sandstone did was move one hand slowly back and forth in front of Tina's face, simultaneously speaking to her in a quiet, rhythmic voice, frequently using her name.

Coming back to the car might be it

Perhaps they would have been smarter to turn around, go back to Reno, find another hotel room, and get a fresh start in the morning

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

"We can still turn back," Tina said.

He got to his feet, took a coat from the back of his chair, slipped into it, zippered up, and came out of the shack

The Explorer dropped back to a safer speed.

Some bastard stabbed us in the back

God knows how far they cut back into the rock

He twisted around, leaned over the back of the seat, and quickly fetched the rope from the pile of outdoor gear in the cargo hold

Tina cringed back against the corridor wall.

She spun the wheel and located a pin that, when pushed, prevented anyone from turning the handle back to the unlocked position.

"Well, if you don't think I can, just sit back and listen

I'm going to cut up this next valley and then swing back around toward the installation and try to avoid some of these crosscurrents

"In the isolation chamber." Dombey indicated the window in the back wall of the room

Danny was in the bed, on his back

Putting one hand on the boy's back to press him against her, she discovered how shockingly spindly he was each rib and vertebra so prominent that she seemed to be holding a skeleton

"To understand that," Dombey said, "you have to go back twenty months

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So in 1869 he came back to England and went to live in a large house in the country

I looked at the envelope, which had three Ks on the back

But he never came back

on the back, and five small orange pips

When he came back to England he was afraid

Of course the group wanted to get the papers back

In the evening, when he came back to Baker Street, he was tired, but pleased

He and his men are sailing back to Georgia, USA, now.'

Only one ship, the Star, was in the three ports at the right times, and this morning the Star left London to sail back to Georgia

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I only get back to a more normal state when I recognize the voice at the other end and when I know what is wanted of me.

Watching my brother's back, I pushed the switch and the steel hammer shook slightly, then rose quickly

'All right, take me back to the house,' she said

I took her back and waited while she went up to her room

She came back some minutes later with a large brown envelope.

She went back upstairs without saying goodbye.

He put on another pair and walked back to the booth.

We went back into the other room.

I sent the servant down with some food, but she brought it back with a note she had found outside the laboratory door: DO NOT DISTURB ME, I AM WORKING.

Put the boy to bed and come back in an hour's time.

I went back to the house and put Henri to bed, then I returned to the laboratory where I found another note pushed under the door

Shaking with fear, I did as he asked, and in less than five minutes I was back

Helene, come back in the morning

I cried softly, imagining some horrible re-arrangement of Andre's face - perhaps his eyes where his ears should be, or his mouth at the back of his neck

You remember the ashtray? Perhaps if you had put it through again, it might have come out with the letters turned back the right way.'

Then I came back and pushed the first switch

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!

When I left to go home, I looked back and saw her watching me with an anxious expression.

'Oh! I didn't mean I was going to put a knife in his back, though I'd thank anyone who did

Low Farm was nearly two miles away and I could not possibly get back by six-fifteen

So I told Mary that I would try to be back by six-thirty, and left.

Come back

I told him you would be back soon and that Colonel Protheroe was waiting in the study

Then Mary came to tell me that Griselda was back, so I went to the sitting room and told her everything

An hour later Griselda came back

'Lawrence must have put it back to 6.20 to give himself an alibi

He was called out to a patient, but he should be back by now

She went in by the back gate.'

But I suppose Colonel Protheroe wasn't there yet, because she came back almost immediately, and walked down to the studio.'

'Colonel Melchett's back,' said Mary

Then he went back to the vicarage and asked for the vicar at the front door

I thought that after we parted in the village, she must have come back here and - so I put the pistol in my pocket and left

To find this out, I came along the back road to the study

Mrs Protheroe came back through the glass door.

She arrived back by the 6.50 train.'

'But first, the vicar and I have a little job to do.' So we said goodbye to Miss Marple and walked back to the woods.

So we went back to the path and walked a little farther along it

'Because a short time afterwards she came back, and she didn't have the suitcase with her.'

So I went straight back into the Blue Boar and was lucky enough to see Dr Stone.

I began to walk back to the village and our local chemist, Mr Cherabim, joined me

When I got back to the vicarage, Griselda met me in the hall

I found her here when I came back from that inquest

I thought that the sounds came from up above but when I called up these stairs, "Is anybody there?" there was no answer, so I went back to bed

A picture was leaning against the wall with its back towards us

Then she threw it back to me.

'You mean that after he had been shown in, he went out again and came back later?'

'She came back from the inquest and found Lettice Protheroe here

So she must have come back on an earlier train.' She looked at me

Miss Marple handed me back the note

For the next ten minutes, they were careful to be seen by people in the village, then at last Mr Redding went back to the vicarage

So he came back here with Mr Hawes last night and, I think, managed to put some much stronger pills in Mr Hawes' box

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The two men hurried back at once to the common, and found the cylinder still lying in the same position

Of course the two were quite unable to do anything, so they went back to the town again to get help

At about eleven, as nothing was happening, I walked back, full of such thoughts, to my home in Maybury.

He wanted a fence put up to keep the people back.

'Keep back! Keep back! '

'Keep those fools back,' said Ogilvy

I pressed back against the person behind me, and turned my head towards the Thing again

I half-turned, still keeping my eyes on the cylinder, from which other tentacles were now coming out, and began pushing my way back from the side of the pit

He got his shoulder and knee up, but again he seemed to slip back until only his head was visible

For a moment I wanted to go back and help him, but I was too afraid.

After I had turned, I did not dare look back.

I got back to lunch at about two, very tired because, as I have said, the day was extremely hot and dull

Then I went back and fetched the servant.

I explained quickly that I had to leave my home, and arranged to borrow the cart, promising to bring it back before midnight

I helped my servant into the back of the cart, then jumped up into the driver's seat beside my wife

If I had really understood the meaning of all the things I had seen, I would have gone back to join my wife in Leatherhead immediately

His back was hurt by the fall of a horse and he lay there for a long time

As the dawn grew brighter, we moved back from the window where we had watched and went very quietly downstairs.

Looking back, I saw the other Martians walking down the river-bank from the direction of Chertsey

Nothing more of the fighting was known that night, the night of my drive to Leatherhead and back.

They had gone back to their cylinders again, in the circle around Woking

'They are coming!' a policeman shouted back, banging on the door

He looked back and turned to join me.

Realizing from his face that a fight was unavoidable, and being a good boxer, my brother hit him hard and knocked him back onto the wheel of the cart.

'Let's go back to the cart,' said my brother, wiping the blood from his lip.

My brother looked back along the road

'Let's go back!' he shouted

They went back a hundred metres in the direction they had come

A number of people now, like my brother, were moving to the east, and some were even so desperate that they turned back towards London to get food

They saw the three thin figures separating and rising out of the water as they moved back towards the shore, and one of them raised the box that fired his Heat-Ray

As the Martian fell, the captain shouted and all the crowded passengers at the back of the steamer joined in

The Martian was thrown back by the violence of the explosion, and in another moment the burning wreckage, still moving forwards, had broken the Martian like something made of wood

I told the curate that I was going to look for food, and moved back into the kitchen again

After eating we went back to the hall, and I fell asleep

I crawled back into the kitchen and saw him lying down and looking out of the hole at the Martians.

In the back of the head, or body - I do not really know what to call it - there was a flat surface like the skin of a drum, which we now know worked as an ear

The arrival of a second fighting-machine made us move back out of the kitchen into the hall, because we were afraid that from that height the Martian might see us through the hole

At a later date we began to feel less in danger of being seen because the sunlight outside was very bright, but at first anything approaching the house drove us back into the hall in fear

However, despite the danger, we could not prevent ourselves from going back to look again and again

And suddenly I heard a shout and saw a long tentacle reaching over the shoulder of the machine to the little cage on its back

Instead of staying close and trying to move me away from the pit, the curate had gone back into the hall

I swung the hammer and hit him on the back of the head

I forced myself back into the hall

I could not stop myself - I moved to the door and looked back into the kitchen

I shut the door and moved back into the hall and tried to hide myself in the corner

Then I heard a faint metallic sound as the tentacle moved back across the kitchen floor

For a time it did not move, then it moved back through the door.

I moved forwards, saying, 'Good dog!' very softly, but it suddenly pulled his head back and disappeared.

Think of four or five of them with men inside, firing Heat-Rays back at the Martians!'

I also felt that it would be easier to get into the drain and dig back towards the house

We went back down into the house

He won most of the games, and when we did not want to play any more I went back up on the roof.

And as I looked at it, and realized that the shadows had been rolled back, and that people might still live in its streets, and that this dear city of mine might be once more alive and powerful again, I felt such emotion that I was very close to tears.

People who were still alive would start to return, and life would come back to the empty streets

I remember how bright that day seemed as I went sadly back to the little house in Woking - how busy the streets were, and how full of life

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After this tragedy, she decided to leave America, and come back to England to live with her aunt.

She moved back quickly with fright.

'Now, go back to Norbury, and when you see that those people have returned to the cottage, call us

She ran away from him at last, and came back to England, where she changed her name and started a new life

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He read it and gave it back to me

But, he got lost, too! Finally, the old keeper came back from lunch

When they looked back, they saw that they were towing a boat that was not theirs

George and Harris had told Montmorency and me to stand at the back of the boat

George shouts back, 'Oh, no

I wanted to go back to the boat

When I got back to the boat, I was very cold

On the way back, Montmorency met a cat

Montmorency came back and followed us quietly

When we turned back, Harris and the meat pie were gone! Disappeared!

When George and I were in Henley, Mrs Swan came back to the nest

After the theatre, we went back to the restaurant.

Then we sat back and felt happy and kind.

Harris, who was sitting next to the window, pulled back the curtain

But, I think we were right to come back when we did

Montmorency stood on his back legs in front of the window

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As they play with each other's bodies on the back seat of the car, the old Sea shuts his eyes, bored

But then he has been coming back late for the past few weeks

Mercy would move back to the house, perhaps find a man who was more - ordinary, let's say

I had hoped she would move back here and start all over again.'

In fact, if I were her, I wouldn't come back here either

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Laura looked at him coldly then turned her back on him

I am afraid to come back this afternoon, so I am leaving you this note at six in the morning

He took her back to the house and shut her in her room

I moved slowly along the ledge to my bedroom window and climbed back in

The Count had left a letter for my uncle, telling him that Anne Catherick was back in the asylum, but she now believed that she was Lady Glyde! I left Limmeridge and went to the asylum

'We must bring them to justice! We must give Laura back her true identity! Mr Kyrle says we can't prove that she is Lady Glyde, so we must force one of them to confess it

As the parish clerk put the register back on its shelf, I said, 'You spoke of old copies of the register

As I ran back towards the church, I saw flames against the evening sky

Do not worry - we are safe - but come back quickly

The vicar says hello to me! But back then, when Anne was a child, my life was very hard

Later the Count came back alone

He said, "Tell Mr Hartright to stay away from me! If I must put your pretty sister back in the asylum to stop Mr Hartright from investigating me, I shall do so

I was still thinking about what Pesca had told me when I walked back from his apartment that night

One day she'll come back to the lake, but this time I'll be there!'

Sir Percival and the Count had spent all Laura's money, so we could not get it back, but the following year Mr Frederick Fairlie died, so Limmeridge House was Laura's

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She went back to the south and helped to free other slaves

Then they had to get off and get on the bus again at the back door.

When she came back five years later, at twenty years old, she could speak good French and knew how to cook, but she also knew chemistry.

So Pierre wrote back to the Nobel Committee

At the time, astronauts had to parachute down when they came back near to Earth

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Come back to to find more fascinating and exciting stories!