How to use "caught" in a sentence


One of those ugly creatures is caught in our propeller."

When they caught me, it needed eight of them to pull me down! Coach Fellers was really happy! He started jumping up and down and laughing

Suddenly it was 28 to 14! And after I caught it four or five more times, it was 28 to 21

'You're a rogue, Slinkton, and I've caught you! I took these rooms on purpose, just to catch you

The man called Jack the Ripper was never caught, and his name will probably never be known

As he sang, he threw a coin into the air and caught it before it fell

He bent down to pick up his bag but, as he did so, he caught sight of the silver coin, half-buried by his foot in the earth.

The weeks passed and, although she was happier than she had been for a long time, Fantine caught a fever

Marius caught her and held her tightly in his arms without realizing what he was doing, lost in a mist of love

It was Jean Valjean's hand that had caught him as he fell

She rushed after the woman and caught her arm, holding it tightly.

What if you get caught?"

During the Oil Wars, they had to train us how to keep our minds strong, in case we were caught by people who wanted to change the way we thought."

We were given exercises to practice, so that if we were caught, we could stay strong." She looked at Sala's face.

As she started toward the door, she caught sight of the easel, stopped, and turned

When Tina squeezed into the narrow gap between the tables and caught Michael's attention, his reaction was far different from what she had expected

Tina passed a leafy green plant, a four-foot-high schefflera that she had owned since it was only one-fourth as tall as it was now, and she had the insane urge to stop and risk getting caught in the coming explosion just long enough to pick up the plant and take it with her

The fine spray, propelled with tremendous pressure, caught him squarely in the face, across the nose and lips, penetrating swiftly and deeply into the nostrils

"We haven't caught him yet."

She pulled the cap off the red felt-tip pen that Elliot had purchased at the hotel newsstand just before they'd caught a taxi to Sandstone's house

"That's the same question I've been wrestling with ever since Danny got caught in the gears

I had caught it, but Mama made me let it go

It was just a little later when Henri came running into the room to say that he had caught a funny fly

I knew that Henri had caught the fly because it looked different from other flies, but I also knew that his father hated cruelty to animals and that there would be a fuss if he discovered our son had put a fly in a box or bottle.

I already knew that the fly Andre wanted was the one which Henri had caught and which I made him release.

And then I said, 'Henri caught a fly this morning, but I made him release it

I told them a fly had escaped from the Professor's laboratory and that it must be caught alive

I examined all the many flies we caught that day, but none had anything like a white head

I had found it early this morning, caught in a spider's web in the garden.'

But Melchett had caught a murderer and he wanted his murderer punished

As it moved up and caught the light, it shone like wet leather

As the unseen ray of light passed over them, trees caught fire and even the bushes exploded into flame

I paid little attention to the road in front of me, and then suddenly my attention was caught by something

My attention was caught by an angry noise

The trees caught fire with a loud noise

The shells blew up, the trees all around the guns caught fire and only one or two of the men escaped.

In another moment they were caught and swept forwards with the stream of vehicles

It was very difficult to get her down to the beach, where after some time my brother caught the attention of some men from a steamboat

As soon as the curate caught up with me, we saw either the fighting-machine we had seen before or another one, far away across the fields

And I don't intend to be caught, either, and caged and fattened

After a week or two running around the fields on empty stomachs they'll come and be caught quite happily.' He paused

I stepped forwards and caught her in my arms.

Somehow they had caught fire, and Sir Percival could not get to the door.

The murderer had not been caught, but witnesses described him as a blond man with a scar on his cheek

This meant that, when a black person caught the bus, they had to get on at the front of the bus to pay